The Little Green BATS is the first and so far only Dutch team in the 3D simulation league. We are a group of graduate students from the department of AI at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Our team name is derived from the fact that the first 3D agents in the league were balls and from the very philosophical observation that Balls Are Truly Spheres (BATS). This abbreviation reminded us of our favorite song Little Green Bag by The George Baker Selection and so the whole team name was born. We entered the competition for the first time at the 10th edition of RoboCup at Bremen, Germany. unfortunately our hard work didn t pay off that time: already in the second round we got eliminated. However, after this we had a good base to build upon and the good time we had at the event and the nice community inspired us to continue and work hard for another year. This turned out to be defiantly worth it, because in 2007 in Atlanta we managed to become vice world champions!
标签: simulation the Little league
上传时间: 2014-12-07
本书揭示了C++程序员创建世界级软件的奥秘。程序设计大师Herbert Schildt通过将C++语言广泛应用于功能强大的编程任务中,全面展示了C++语言的多功能性,敏捷性,和艺术性。本书内容包括探索C++的功能,创建内存管理的垃圾回收器子系统,开发线程控制面板,建立译码器以扩展C++的功能,开发可断点续传的Internet文件下载工具,创建财务分析库,用基于AI的搜索技术探索人工智能,建立定制的STL容器,以及开发Mini C++解释程序。书中所有示例和项目的源代码都可以从 上免费下载。
上传时间: 2014-01-10
给定含有n 个元素的多重集合S = {a1, a2,., an } ,1 ≤ ai ≤ n ,1 ≤ i ≤ n ,每个元素在S 中出现的次数称为该元素的重数。多重集S 中重数大于n/2 的元素称为主元素。例如,S={2,2,4,2,1,2,5,2,2,8}。多重集S 的主元素是2,其重数为6。
上传时间: 2016-08-20
猜数字游戏,AI不怎么好看 但注重算法的实现,最近寫了一個猜數字的遊戲,和大家分享。 可是这些主要的目的在于研究猜数字,而非游戏本身,所以介面作的不是很好, 是文字模式的 .
标签: 数字
上传时间: 2016-08-28
这个软件是用Delphi 7开发的。 原本它是两个人在纸面上玩的益智游戏,转移到电脑上后我给它添加了人机对奕和网络对战的功能。 在本源码中你可以看到电脑AI实现方法,ClientSocket,ServerSocket的使用,控件的编写,ListBox的OwnerDraw的实现等等技巧。 请先安装里面的GridPanel控件才可正常编译。 永远支持Delphi!
上传时间: 2013-12-13
上传时间: 2014-01-19
As you have learnt that sleep( )/usleep()/nanosleep() are not good to delay a process. Timers can provide more accurate time control in applications. In this lab, you will explore POSIX timers and signal programming, experience the timer drift. The primary focus of this lab will be "time". The experiment will show you several methods to measure time in your applications.
标签: nanosleep process Timers learnt
上传时间: 2013-12-19
上传时间: 2016-11-28
本程序为自己在学习操作系统时独立根据书上所述的银行家算法制作而成,包括一个数组输入函数(Sr()),数组输出函数(Pr())和一个判断函数(test()),并通过指针传递参数,可以自定义进程数目和资源种类数目(源程序限10个以内,可自行更改数组)。 注:本程序是在linux环境下通过gcc编译器编译成功的。若移植到windows环境下可能在汉字显示部分出现乱码。
上传时间: 2016-12-07
This function calculates Akaike s final prediction error % estimate of the average generalization error for network % models generated by NNARX, NNOE, NNARMAX1+2, or their recursive % counterparts. % % [FPE,deff,varest,H] = nnfpe(method,NetDef,W1,W2,U,Y,NN,trparms,skip,Chat) % produces the final prediction error estimate (fpe), the effective number % of weights in the network if it has been trained with weight decay, % an estimate of the noise variance, and the Gauss-Newton Hessian. %
标签: generalization calculates prediction function
上传时间: 2016-12-27