A 2-D ECG compression algorithm based on wavelet transform and vector quantization
标签: quantization compression algorithm transform
上传时间: 2016-06-27
As3 Crypto is a cryptography library written in Actionscript 3 that provides several common algorithms. This version also introduces a TLS engine (TLS is commonly known as SSL.)
标签: Actionscript cryptography algorith provides
上传时间: 2014-01-24
Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript + XML)的定义 基于web标准(standards-based presentation)XHTML+CSS的表示; 使用 DOM(Document Object Model)进行动态显示及交互; 使用 XML 和 XSLT 进行数据交换及相关操作; 使用 XMLHttpRequest 进行异步数据查询、检索; 使用 JavaScript 将所有的东西绑定在一起。英文参见Ajax的提出者Jesse James Garrett的原文。 类似于DHTML或LAMP,AJAX不是指一种单一的技术,而是有机地利用了一系列相关的技术。事实上,一些基于AJAX的“派生/合成”式(derivative/composite)的技术正在出现,如“AFLAX”。 含实例源码。
标签: standards-based Asynchronous presentation JavaScript
上传时间: 2016-07-03
This program is a new way to estimate the coherence function. It s based on the MVDR and is much more reliable than the classical Welch s method implemented in MATLAB. There are 2 programs: the main program called coherence_MVDR.m and and an example, called illustrate.m, that calls the main function to show how it works. There also included 2 papers that we published on this algorithm.
标签: coherence the estimate function
上传时间: 2016-07-03
on symbol timing for ofdm based mobile communication system on symbol timing for ofdm based mobile communication system
标签: mobile symbol timing based
上传时间: 2013-12-27
基于最小二乘原理的曲线拟合程序-A program of curve fitting based on least squares algorithm.
标签: algorithm program fitting squares
上传时间: 2016-07-07
Service Oriented Architecture Based Integration
标签: Architecture Integration Oriented Service
上传时间: 2014-01-05
A texture-based approach for shadow detection
标签: texture-based detection approach shadow
上传时间: 2014-01-18
Context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding in the H.264AVC video compression standard
标签: Context-based compression arithmetic adaptive
上传时间: 2016-07-16
Visual Tracking Based On Object Appearance Modeling,中国科学院自动化实验室关于基于目标表观建模的视频跟踪
标签: Appearance Tracking Modeling Visual
上传时间: 2016-07-16