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  • Fundamentals_of_Global_Positioning_System1

    The purpose of this book is to present detailed fundamental information on a global positioning system (GPS) receiver. Although GPS receivers are popu- larly used in every-day life, their operation principles cannot be easily found in one book. Most other types of receivers process the input signals to obtain the necessary information easily, such as in amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) radios. In a GPS receiver the signal is processed to obtain the required information, which in turn is used to calculate the user position. Therefore, at least two areas of discipline, receiver technology and navigation scheme, are employed in a GPS receiver. This book covers both areas.

    标签: Fundamentals_of_Global_Positionin g_System_Receivers

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Power Electronics And Motor Drives Advances

    I am presenting this novel book on advances and trends in power electronics and motor drives to the professional community with the expectation that it will be given the same wide and enthusiastic acceptance by practicing engineers, R&D professionals, univer- sity professors, and even graduate students that my other books in this area have. Unlike the traditional books available in the area of power electronics, this book has a unique presentation format that makes it convenient for group presentations that use Microsoft’s PowerPoint software. In fact, a disk is included that has a PowerPoint file on it that is ready for presentation with the core figures. Presentations can also be organized using just selected portions of the book

    标签: Electronics Advances Drives Power Motor And

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(4)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(4)资源包含以下内容:1. I2C接口设计文档.2. 非常有用的自抗扰pid控制器程序。搞控制的可以看看。.3. 卡尔曼滤波在化工传热过程中的应用.4. 交通灯模拟控制器.5. uc/os操作系统的文件系统源码.6. 999秒的定时器.7. 24CXX的读写操作.8. 12864LCM的应用实例.9. 开发源代码的CPU卡的COS源程序。.10. 汇编语言编写的抢答器设计报告.11. 用汇编语言编写的步进电机的课程设计.12. 微型计算机接口枪答器课程设计.13. tcp/ip 协议的源码.14. 2500ad 的6502 编译器资料.15. 6502 的编译器的源码和文档.16. cc65 的编译器文档.17. 一个汉字显示的例子(嵌入式).18. at29c040 card 读写程序源码.19. 嵌入式的命令行解释器.20. 研华数据采集卡PCI1713,PCI1720,PCL730测试程序.21. 在嵌入式系统DeltaSYSTEM中实现PING主机.22. 机器人的实时控制。VxWork,Windows系统在机器人控制方面的应用。链接来自 http://www.automationit.hut.fi.23. pci驱动程序的源代码.24. 在大型通信系统(机架插板式)中多块单板通过TDM总线.25. 嵌入式TCPIP协议.26. rtLinux源代码.27. pid学习资料代码.28. 多线程管理器源代码thread manager,VC开发的.29. s3c44b0的bootload程序.30. 在ADS和SDT上都可运行的S3C44B0的源程序.31. LCD的源代码.32. 在GNU上开发的应用程序源代码.33. 在线编辑WORD文档.34. 实时多任务系统内核分析.35. PLD实验参考源程序.36. 世界各国电话来电显示标准.37. 第十三届全国电源技术年会论文集锦.38. A CCITT-16 CRC calculator. The source contains both the calculated (smaller but slower) version, and.39. 8051 RC5 Decoder A simple RC5 decoder written in C . Written to emulate a SAA3049..40. 开源嵌入式数据库Berkeley DB-4.2.52.

    标签: EWB 数字电子技术 仿真实验

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(13)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(13)资源包含以下内容:1. CPMinterrupt 860中断管理.2. 菲利普LPC900系列写Flash源码.3. 前段时间做了一个AT91M55800的芯片测试.4. tms320c5402 bootloader.5. tms320c54x realtime os.6. tms320 c5416 boot code.7. MGLS-240128TA液晶点阵显示驱动程序.8. 嵌入式WINDOWSCE的书.9. 嵌入式TCP/IP包.10. sl811hs的host源程序.11. 嵌入式产品中的osip的源代码..12. msp430的FLASH自编程子程序.13. IGNITE开发板说明书.14. 嵌入式实时系统中的优先级反转问题.15. 仅供参考.16. 仅供参考.17. LCD driver 程序.18. 一个能跨页面读写的I2C源码.19. 一个2051控制两个步进电机的源码.20. 1330液晶源码(可直接调用汉字).21. pcf8583 常用时钟芯片的使用.22. 1815 LCD drive IC 类驱动测试程序.23. 内存检测程序源代码.24. 嵌入式系统词汇表.25. demonstrate how to use the bulk endpoint pairing feature of the EZ-USB chip.26. A Simple isochronous transfer. Reads 8051 ports A,B and C, and continuously sends a five byte packet.27. 44b0x bootloader.28. 键盘只有一个键 b.29. tornado安装说明及KEY.30. 6711a板程序的傅立叶变换.31. 6711开发的源程序.32. 6711开发程序例子.33. 6711开发板源程序.34. 6711开发板源程序.35. 智能楼宇自动控制系统.36. YAFFS的升级版本YAFFS2.37. 嵌入开发笔记 用ps阅读器打开.38. 嵌入式系统的重要概念.39. 嵌入式系统的调试方法.40. 一个在mck2407板上控制无刷电机恒速运行的程序.

    标签: 精密 设计方法

    上传时间: 2013-07-21


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(43)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(43)资源包含以下内容:1. 单片机利用霍尔元件册电机速度的c语言程序.2. ARM Image for uCOSII for lpc2131工程模板.3. 汉字库的实现 一.获取字库.exe 可以获得汉字库及英文字库 二.查看字库.exe 可以查看汉字库及英文字库的点阵显示效果 三.显示程序.h 获取字库点阵及显示的源代码 四.其它资料 相关的字.4. 2410上的I/O控制数码管的应用程序.5. NORTi3 is a realtime multitasking operating system conforming to the micro-ITRON 3.0 specification..6. ADE7758三相电能芯片读写源程序.7. AT91RM9200PQ208电路图.8. 嵌入式系统驱动开发.9. 嵌入式系统驱动程序.10. 数控电流源61控制程序 包含zlg7289的61控制程序.11. Open Jtag小组的产品。有了它.12. flash读写原代码.13. 设计一个可容纳四组参赛的数字式抢答器.14. ps2键盘的设计.15. 简明扼要地介绍了uIP TCP/IP协议堆栈的eCOG1端口。文中还描述了一 个应用于简单的web网页服务器的实例。 开放源uIP软件包为在不牺牲互操作性或RFC标准的条件下.16. 5单片机1实用系统.17. 此文档为采用FPGA实现的以太网MAC层.18. 一个用新方法实现的堆管理器.19. Xinx ISE 官方源代码盘第二章.20. Xilinx ISE 官方源代码盘 2.21. Xilinx Ise 官方源代码盘 第四章.22. Xilinx ISE 官方源代码盘 第五章.23. Xilinx ISE官方源代码盘 第六章.24. Epson 清零程序大全.25. Xilinx ISE 官方源代码盘第七章 Part1.26. Xilinx ISE 官方源代码盘第七章 Part 2.27. Xilinx ISE 官方源代码盘第八章.28. Xilinx ISE 官方源代码盘第九章.29. Xilinx ISE 官方源代码盘第十章.30. 是HD61202液晶显示汉字的完整程序代码.31. keil c 编写的tea5767HL 的程序代码.32. 这是关于vc5416dsk的文档其中有其原理图 为学vc54xdsp的好的参考资料.33. 这是关于PDIUSBD12usb接口开发的资料.34. 此为tidsp(vc54x)对语音音频采集压缩编码解码设计原理图及pcb图,非常具有参考价值.35. 心电采集设计,有源码,很不错,用MSP430做的,有用的可以下来.36. 改进版的红外遥控器解码程序 抗干扰能力非常强 至今未出现误触发.37. I2C总线LINUX驱动程序.38. CyPress的C8051F32X系列底层驱动(C语言)及上位机demo(vc环境).39. 微机接口实验程序 。。 。。 。。 。。 。。 。。 。。.40. 前有人传的imagewrite中少了文件ecc.c,根本不能编译成功,见图err,现把完整文件改名了上传.

    标签: 齿轮 几何

    上传时间: 2013-06-12


  • This is simple sample program to test a File System integrity

    This is simple sample program to test a File System integrity

    标签: integrity program System simple

    上传时间: 2015-06-19


  • SCS-C is another port to C of Goldberg s Simple Classifier System, with a few extensions.

    SCS-C is another port to C of Goldberg s Simple Classifier System, with a few extensions.

    标签: Classifier extensions Goldberg another

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • A model of the local file system, implemented as a concrete subclass of AbstractTreeTableModel. This

    A model of the local file system, implemented as a concrete subclass of AbstractTreeTableModel. This class implements the TreeTableModel interface.

    标签: AbstractTreeTableModel implemented concrete subclass

    上传时间: 2015-05-04


  • This m file models a DPSK UWB system using a delay in one leg of the mixer, correlation receiver low

    This m file models a DPSK UWB system using a delay in one leg of the mixer, correlation receiver low pass filter combination requiring no template for synching. Various waveforms are displayed throughout the system to allow the user to observe operation of the system.

    标签: correlation receiver models system

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • BurchED B5-X300 Spartan2e using XC2S300e device Top level file for 6809 compatible system on a chi

    BurchED B5-X300 Spartan2e using XC2S300e device Top level file for 6809 compatible system on a chip Designed with Xilinx XC2S300e Spartan 2+ FPGA. Implemented With BurchED B5-X300 FPGA board, B5-SRAM module, B5-CF module and B5-FPGA-CPU-IO module

    标签: compatible 300 Spartan2e BurchED

    上传时间: 2015-07-07
