Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global Positioning System (GPS) implementation was described by Dennis Akos in 1997. Since then several research groups have presented their contributions.We therefore find it timely to publish an up-to-date text on the subject and at the same time include Galileo, the forthcoming European satellitebased navigation system. Both GPS and Galileo belong to the category of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).
标签: Software-defined complete Global radios
上传时间: 2017-06-08
:独立成分分析 ( I C A)在国内尚属一门新型的方法 介绍了I C A的原理及其算法 ,然后介绍了该算法在盲源 信号分离中的具体应用,并将此方法 与主成分方洼 ( P C A)进行了比较
上传时间: 2013-12-16
The code performs a number (ITERS) of iterations of the Bailey s 6-step FFT algorithm (following the ideas in the CMU Task parallel suite). 1.- Generates an input signal vector (dgen) with size n=n1xn2 stored in row major order In this code the size of the input signal is NN=NxN (n=NN, n1=n2=N) 2.- Transpose (tpose) A to have it stored in column major order 3.- Perform independent FFTs on the rows (cffts) 4.- Scale each element of the resulting array by a factor of w[n]**(p*q) 5.- Transpose (tpose) to prepair it for the next step 6.- Perform independent FFTs on the rows (cffts) 7.- Transpose the resulting matrix The code requires nested Parallelism.
标签: iterations performs Bailey number
上传时间: 2014-01-05
Complete steps and project for developing a server project and procedure to deploy and execute the project. This article/tutorial with code will make you to develop your own web projects. For more details and more tutorials and more projects for EJB, BMP, CMP,
标签: project and developing procedure
上传时间: 2014-01-13
this is develop in java. you can see how to print a kind of star. its very usefull to learn a java programming. how the logic can be write to code in java
标签: java develop usefull print
上传时间: 2017-07-25
metricmatlab ch ¬ ng 4 Ma trË n - c¸ c phÐ p to¸ n vÒ ma trË n. 4.1 Kh¸ i niÖ m: - Trong MATLAB d÷ liÖ u ® Ó ® a vµ o xö lý d íi d¹ ng ma trË n. - Ma trË n A cã n hµ ng, m cét ® î c gä i lµ ma trË n cì n m. § î c ký hiÖ u An m - PhÇ n tö aij cñ a ma trË n An m lµ phÇ n tö n» m ë hµ ng thø i, cét j . - Ma trË n ® ¬ n ( sè ® ¬ n lÎ ) lµ ma trË n 1 hµ ng 1 cét. - Ma trË n hµ ng ( 1 m ) sè liÖ u ® î c bè trÝ trª n mét hµ ng. a11 a12 a13 ... a1m - Ma trË n cét ( n 1) sè liÖ u ® î c bè trÝ trª n 1 cét.
标签: metricmatlab 203 184 tr
上传时间: 2017-07-29
Providing a proven set of procedures and heuristics that software developers, technical leads, and project managers can apply to their projects, this guide will help organizations achieve basic estimation proficiency.
标签: heuristics developers procedures Providing
上传时间: 2014-06-14
This book was made possible by a cast of characters too numerous to mention, but I’ll point out the ones I remember, and hope that the people I forget (or don’t even know about) will forgive me and not T.P. my house.
标签: characters possible numerous mention
上传时间: 2014-06-17
This code it to make a bottle filling system using 8051 micron controller. It s an Embedded System project.
标签: controller Embedded filling System
上传时间: 2014-01-18
This code it to make a metro train prototype using 8051 micron controller. It s an Embedded System project.
标签: controller prototype Embedded System
上传时间: 2013-12-24