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  • /*目的:使一個複數可顯數出來

    /*目的:使一個複數可顯數出來,可做+-/*,還要可以做>>跟<<的功能 題目:定義一個複數的class叫Complex,a(實部)與b(虛部)為double的型態,i表示根號-1, 1.必須包含一個建構子有兩個參數(double型態),能被用來設定物件中的變數為任意值 2.包含一個建構子只有一個參數(double型態),呼叫參數的實部且定義為"實部+0i" 3.包含一個預建構子可把物件初始化為0+0i 4.overload以下的operator以致於可以正確的執行:+ - * / << >> */


    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • C程序设计语言于1978年出了第一版

    C程序设计语言于1978年出了第一版,此后,计算机世界经历了一场革命,C语言也有了合理的变化。1988年美国国家标准学会就C语言的主义制订出了ANSI C标准。本书第二版就是按这个标准来描述C语言的。全书八章,分别分:1.指导性绪论;2.数据类型、运算符与表达式;3.控制流;4.函数与结构;5.指针与数组;6.结构;7.输入输出;8.UNIX系统界面。书后附录为:A.参考手册;B.标准库;C.语言

    标签: 1978 C程序设计 语言

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • 图的深度遍历

    图的深度遍历,输出结果为(红色为键盘输入的数据,权值都置为1): 输入顶点数和弧数:8 9 输入8个顶点. 输入顶点0:a 输入顶点1:b 输入顶点2:c 输入顶点3:d 输入顶点4:e 输入顶点5:f 输入顶点6:g 输入顶点7:h 输入9条弧. 输入弧0:a b 1 输入弧1:b d 1 输入弧2:b e 1 输入弧3:d h 1 输入弧4:e h 1 输入弧5:a c 1 输入弧6:c f 1 输入弧7:c g 1 输入弧8:f g 1 深度优先遍历: a b d h e c f g 程序结束.


    上传时间: 2016-04-04


  • 本程序实现了一个序列检测器。当一串待检测的串行数据进入检测器后


    标签: 检测器 程序 序列 串行数据

    上传时间: 2016-05-28


  • 嵌入式应用程序的实验报告 包括源码

    嵌入式应用程序的实验报告 包括源码,实验结果等,包括任务的创建 挂起 删除 任务A挂起任务B 等

    标签: 嵌入式 实验报告 应用程序 源码

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • System.out.print(s) System.out.println(t) System.out.print(u) System.out.println(v) System.o

    System.out.print(s) System.out.println(t) System.out.print(u) System.out.println(v) System.out.print(a) System.out.print(b) System.out.print(c) System.out.println(d) x=0x5f20 y=0x5f35 z=0xffff System.out.print(x) System.out.print(y) System.out.println(z)

    标签: System out println print

    上传时间: 2016-07-01


  • ASP个人聊天系统 If MenuSwf="" Then MenuSwf="About" select case lcase(MenuSwf) case "about" TopMenu=

    ASP个人聊天系统 If MenuSwf="" Then MenuSwf="About" select case lcase(MenuSwf) case "about" TopMenu="a" case "news" TopMenu="b" case "project" TopMenu="c" case "clients" TopMenu="e" case "contact" TopMenu="f" case "mainbinner" TopMenu="g" case "person" TopMenu="h"

    标签: MenuSwf case TopMenu select

    上传时间: 2016-07-11


  • A Module-based Wireless Node (MW-Node) is a Node with wireless and mobile capabilities added by mean

    A Module-based Wireless Node (MW-Node) is a Node with wireless and mobile capabilities added by means of modules. It is not a new node object derived from Node. Rather it is a new layout of mostly existing components. Rationale for this new design has been presented in [1]. The MW-Node provides a flexible support for wireless and mobile networking and in particular: support for multiple interfaces/multiple channels, and a common basis for the implementation of wireless routing protocols.

    标签: Node Module-based capabilities Wireless

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • BPMLL is a package for training multi-label BP neural networks. The package includes the MATLAB code

    BPMLL is a package for training multi-label BP neural networks. The package includes the MATLAB code of the algorithm BP-MLL, which is designed to deal with multi-label learning. It is in particular useful when a real-world object is associated with multiple labels simultaneously

    标签: package multi-label includes networks

    上传时间: 2013-12-05


  • 51单片连tcs230的源程序

    51单片连tcs230的源程序,绝对原创,可以记忆颜色。 #define uchar unsigned char #include <reg52.h> #include<math.h> sbit S0=P1^7 sbit S1=P1^0 //端口定义 sbit S2=P1^1 sbit S3=P1^2 sbit OE=P1^3 sbit OUT=P3^4 //频率从TO口输入 sbit key0=P1^5 sbit LED=P1^6 sbit a=P3^0 sbit b=P3^1 uchar color //1:blue 2:green 3:red uchar T[4] //color timer uchar TH[4] uchar TL[4] uchar bizhi[4] void time1() interrupt 3 { TH[color]=TH0 TL[color]=TL0 T[color]=(TH[color]*0xff+TL[color]) TR0=0 //关定时器 TR1=0 TH1=0xB1 TL1=0xE0 //归0 TH0=0x00 TL0=0x00 //归0 }

    标签: tcs 230 源程序

    上传时间: 2016-11-26
