代入法的启发示搜索 我的代码实现是:按照自然语言各字母出现频率的大小从高到低(已经有人作国统计分析了)先生成一张字母出现频率统计表(A)--------(e),(t,a,o,i,n,s,h,r),(d,l),(c,u,m,w,f,g,y,p,b),(v,k,j,x,q,z) ,再对密文字母计算频率,并按频率从高到低生成一张输入密文字母的统计表(B),通过两张表的对应关系,不断用A中的字母去替换B中的字母,搜索不成功时就回退,在这里回朔是一个关键。
上传时间: 2015-10-24
php开发的行业搜索系统!!! 2. 安装 ------------ a. 解压程序rar文件,用二进制方式上传到你的网站的根目录或某一目录下 注意:一定要将ftp上传工具设置为二进制方式,再上传程序文件 b. unix或linux服务器下, 将以下文件属性改为:666 (或777) - function/base_info.php - function/emphasis_info.php - function/admin_pass_info.php - function/search_info.php - function/userfield_info.php - template/default/目录下的所有html文件 c. unix或linux服务器下, 将upfile/目录属性改为:777 d. 建立一个mysql数据库,并记下用户名和密码,以便安装时使用 e. 进入安装目录http://www.your_website.com/install/, 自动运行安装程序 f. 安装完成后,要求删除安装目录install/及其下文件 g. 后台管理目录http://www.your_website.com/adiministrator/ h. 可修改adiministrator/目录为你希望的独特的名字
上传时间: 2014-11-29
五对角占优线性方程组求解的MATLAB 程序MYLU。 输入参数A为系数矩阵,F为右端向量。输出参数L,U为A的LU 分解A=LU,X为解向量。
上传时间: 2013-12-04
This document provides guidelines for integrating a discrete high speed USB host controller onto a fourlayer desktop motherboard. The material covered can be broken into three main categories: Board design guidelines, EMI/ESD guidelines and front panel USB guidelines. Section 1.1 Background provides an explanation of the routing experiments and testing performed to validate the feasibility of 480 Megabits per second on an actual motherboard. Section 7 contains a design checklist that lists each design recommendation described in this document. High speed USB operation is described in the USB 2.0 Specification (http://www.usb.org/developers/docs.html).
标签: integrating controller guidelines document
上传时间: 2013-11-27
This document provides guidelines for integrating a discrete high speed USB host controller onto a fourlayer desktop motherboard. The material covered can be broken into three main categories: Board design guidelines, EMI/ESD guidelines and front panel USB guidelines. Section 1.1 Background provides an explanation of the routing experiments and testing performed to validate the feasibility of 480 Megabits per second on an actual motherboard. Section 7 contains a design checklist that lists each design recommendation described in this document. High speed USB operation is described in the USB 2.0 Specification (http://www.usb.org/developers/docs.html).
标签: integrating controller guidelines document
上传时间: 2015-11-18
gphone is a net phone base on the rtp protocol. It is simple but pratical and can be a good sample for newbies of rtp protocol
标签: protocol pratical gphone simple
上传时间: 2014-01-19
The subroutines glkern.f and lokern.f use an efficient and fast algorithm for automatically adaptive nonparametric regression estimation with a kernel method. Roughly speaking, the method performs a local averaging of the observations when estimating the regression function. Analogously, one can estimate derivatives of small order of the regression function.
标签: automatically subroutines and algorithm
上传时间: 2015-11-25
FuncPlotter is a combined Java application and applet for displaying two-dimensional plots of explicit functions in one variable (ie, FuncPlotter plots functions of the form y = f(x), where f(x) is composed from common mathematical operators).
标签: two-dimensional FuncPlotter application displaying
上传时间: 2015-12-16
结合单片机和M a t l a b 两者的优点,基于事件驱动的中断通信机制,提出一种Matlab 环境下PC 机与 单片机实时串行通信及数据处理的方法;完成单片机数据采集系统与PC 机的RS-232/RS-485 串行通 信及其通信数据的分析处理、文件存储、F I R 滤波及图形显示;简化系统开发流程,提高开发效率。 该方法已成功应用于一个P I C 1 6 F 8 7 6 单片机应用系统实例之中
标签: 单片机
上传时间: 2014-01-19
文件名 :test3.c * 文件描述:预测分析法实现的语法分析器。分析如下文法: * E->E+T | E-T | T * T->T*F | T/F |F * F->(E) | i * 输入:每行含一个表达式的文本文件(#号结束)。 * 输出:分析成功或不成功信息。 * 创建人:余洪周 <nick19842000.cublog.cn> 2006-12-16 * 版本号:1.0 * 说明 :为了表示的方便采用了如下的所示表示方法: * A=E B=T * 非终结符:0=E 1=E 2=T 3=T 4=F * 终结符 :0=i 1=+ 2=- 3=* 4=/ 5=( 6=) 7=#
上传时间: 2013-12-21