问题描述 序列Z=<B,C,D,B>是序列X=<A,B,C,B,D,A,B>的子序列,相应的递增下标序列为<2,3,5,7>。 一般地,给定一个序列X=<x1,x2,…,xm>,则另一个序列Z=<z1,z2,…,zk>是X的子序列,是指存在一个严格递增的下标序列〈i1,i2,…,ik〉使得对于所有j=1,2,…,k使Z中第j个元素zj与X中第ij个元素相同。 给定2个序列X和Y,当另一序列Z既是X的子序列又是Y的子序列时,称Z是序列X和Y的公共子序列。 你的任务是:给定2个序列X、Y,求X和Y的最长公共子序列Z。
上传时间: 2014-01-25
编写一个用SOR法解方程组Ax=b的计算机程序,其中 要求程序中不存系数A,分别对不同的阶数(例如n=15,80)取w=1.7,1.8,1.9,进行迭代,记录近似解 达到 时所用迭代次数k,观察松弛因子对收敛速度的影响。
上传时间: 2013-12-25
LiteSQL is a C++ library that integrates C++ objects tightly to relational database and thus provides an object persistence layer. LiteSQL supports SQLite3, PostgreSQL and MySQL as backends. LiteSQL creates tables, indexes and sequences to database and upgrades schema when needed.
标签: integrates relational database LiteSQL
上传时间: 2016-03-25
简易数字频率计题解.( 1997年 B 题 ) 编写与讲解人:田良(东南大学无线电系,2003年3月12日) 一)任务 设计并制作一台数字显示的简易频率计。 (二)要求 1.基本要求 (1)频率测量 a.测量范围 信号:方波、正弦波 幅度:0.5V~5V[注] 频率:1Hz~1MHz b.测试误差≤0.1% (2)周期测量 a.测量范围 信号:方波、正弦波 幅度:0.5V~5V[注] 频率:1Hz~1MHz b.测试误差≤0.1% 3) 脉冲宽度测量 a.测量范围 信号:脉冲波 幅度:0.5V~5V[注] 脉冲宽度≥100μs b.测试误差≤0.1% (4)显示器 十进制数字显示,显示刷新时间1~10秒 连续可调,对上述三种测量功能分别采用不同颜色的 发光二极管指示。 (5)具有自校功能,时标信号频率为1MHz。 (6)自行设计并制作满足本设计任务要求的稳压电源
上传时间: 2013-12-26
采用3D Bresenham算法在两点间划一直线 % This program is ported to MATLAB from: % B.Pendleton. line3d - 3D Bresenham s (a 3D line drawing algorithm) % ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/usenet/comp.sources.unix/volume26/line3d, 1992 % % Which is referenced by: % Fischer, J., A. del Rio (2004). A Fast Method for Applying Rigid % Transformations to Volume Data, WSCG2004 Conference. % http://wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2004/Papers_2004_Short/M19.pdf
标签: Bresenham Pendleton program MATLAB
上传时间: 2013-12-10
The W3C DOM Core interfaces defines a minimal set of: A. interfaces for accessing and manipulating document objects B. Java object implementations for use with XML parsers. C. Conventions and processes for creating live HTML pages. D. Mutable document
标签: interfaces A. manipulating accessing
上传时间: 2017-01-24
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable (highly nonlinear) model of target motion is developed and the theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimation error are derived. The estimation performance (error mean and
标签: processing ballistic the tracking
上传时间: 2014-10-31
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable (highly nonlinear) model of target motion is developed and the theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimation error are derived. The estimation performance (error mean and
标签: processing ballistic the tracking
上传时间: 2014-01-14
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable (highly nonlinear) model of target motion is developed and the theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimation error are derived. The estimation performance (error mean and
标签: processing ballistic the tracking
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Geoprocessor Programming Model Use CreateObject to create a Spatial Reference, a Value Table, or a FieldInfo Object
标签: Geoprocessor CreateObject Programming Reference
上传时间: 2013-12-23