C程序设计语言于1978年出了第一版,此后,计算机世界经历了一场革命,C语言也有了合理的变化。1988年美国国家标准学会就C语言的主义制订出了ANSI C标准。本书第二版就是按这个标准来描述C语言的。全书八章,分别分:1.指导性绪论;2.数据类型、运算符与表达式;3.控制流;4.函数与结构;5.指针与数组;6.结构;7.输入输出;8.UNIX系统界面。书后附录为:A.参考手册;B.标准库;C.语言
上传时间: 2014-01-10
a screen handling program to provide a flashing message. You will have to design a screen layout for where messages are placed on the screen. You will also have to consider when to delay the program in order to give the user time to read the messages. That is, the program will use the curses library, signals and the sleep function.
标签: screen handling flashing program
上传时间: 2016-05-04
用游标的方法实现对称差的计算,即 (A-B)+(B-A)
上传时间: 2016-05-23
上传时间: 2016-05-28
sfrmat is a Matlab function that provides a spatial frequency response* (SFR) from a digital image file containing a slanted-edge feature. The specific edge-gradient algorithm follows the intent of the standard ISO 12233, developed by Technical Committee ISI/TC 42, for resolution measurements for electronic still pictorial cameras.
标签: frequency function provides response
上传时间: 2014-01-20
嵌入式应用程序的实验报告 包括源码,实验结果等,包括任务的创建 挂起 删除 任务A挂起任务B 等
上传时间: 2013-12-14
System.out.print(s) System.out.println(t) System.out.print(u) System.out.println(v) System.out.print(a) System.out.print(b) System.out.print(c) System.out.println(d) x=0x5f20 y=0x5f35 z=0xffff System.out.print(x) System.out.print(y) System.out.println(z)
上传时间: 2016-07-01
函数再现机构设计 试设计一曲柄摇杆机构,再现函数 要求: 输入构件的转角范围180°,输出构件摆角范围30°,即: 当输入构件从a转至a+90时,输出构件从b转至b+30 当输入构件从a+90转至a+180时,输出构件从b+30转至b
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Thinking in Java, 3rd ed. Revision 4.0 Preface Introduction 1: Introduction to Objects 2: Everything is an Object 3: Controlling Program Flow 4: Initialization & Cleanup 5: Hiding the Implementation 6: Reusing Classes 7: Polymorphism 8: Interfaces & Inner Classes 9: Error Handling with Exceptions 10: Detecting Types 11: Collections of Objects 12: The Java I/O System 13: Concurrency 14: Creating Windows & Applets 15: Discovering Problems 16: Analysis and Design A: Passing & Returning Objects B: Java Programming Guidelines C: Supplements D: Resources Index
标签: Introduction Thinking Revision Preface
上传时间: 2014-07-13
51单片连tcs230的源程序,绝对原创,可以记忆颜色。 #define uchar unsigned char #include <reg52.h> #include<math.h> sbit S0=P1^7 sbit S1=P1^0 //端口定义 sbit S2=P1^1 sbit S3=P1^2 sbit OE=P1^3 sbit OUT=P3^4 //频率从TO口输入 sbit key0=P1^5 sbit LED=P1^6 sbit a=P3^0 sbit b=P3^1 uchar color //1:blue 2:green 3:red uchar T[4] //color timer uchar TH[4] uchar TL[4] uchar bizhi[4] void time1() interrupt 3 { TH[color]=TH0 TL[color]=TL0 T[color]=(TH[color]*0xff+TL[color]) TR0=0 //关定时器 TR1=0 TH1=0xB1 TL1=0xE0 //归0 TH0=0x00 TL0=0x00 //归0 }
上传时间: 2016-11-26