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  • 新颖实用的单片机双积分A/D转换电路和软件

    新颖实用的单片机双积分A/D转换电路和软件:摘 要: 通过对双积分A/ D 转换过程及其原理的分析,结合8031 单片机定时计数器的特点,设计出一种新的A/ D 转换电路. 详细介绍了这种转换电路的硬件原理及工作过程,给出了实用的硬件电路与软件设计框图. 通过比较分析,可以看出这种A/ D 转换电路性能价格比较高,软件编程简单,并且转换速度和精度优于一般的A/ D 转换电路. 这种设计思路为数模转换器(A/ D) 的升级提高指出一个明确的方向.关键词:单片机; 定时/ 计数器; A/ D 转换; 双积分  双积分A/ D 及定时计数器原理:我们先分析双积分A/ D 转换的工作原理. 如图1 所示,积分器先以固定时间T 对待测的输入模拟电压Vi 进行正向积分,积分电容C 积累的电荷为

    标签: 单片机 双积分 转换电路 软件

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • USB Demonstration for DK3200 w

    The μPSD32xx family, from ST, consists of Flash programmable system devices with a 8032 MicrocontrollerCore. Of these, the μPSD3234A and μPSD3254A are notable for having a complete implementationof the USB hardware directly on the chip, complying with the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision1.1.This application note describes a demonstration program that has been written for the DK3200 hardwaredemonstration kit (incorporating a μPSD3234A device). It gives the user an idea of how simple it is to workwith the device, using the HID class as a ready-made device driver for the USB connection.IN-APPLICATION-PROGRAMMING (IAP) AND IN-SYSTEM-PROGRAMMING (ISP)Since the μPSD contains two independent Flash memory arrays, the Micro Controller Unit (MCU) can executecode from one memory while erasing and programming the other. Product firmware updates in thefield can be reliably performed over any communication channel (such as CAN, Ethernet, UART, J1850)using this unique architecture. For In-Application-Programming (IAP), all code is updated through theMCU. The main advantage for the user is that the firmware can be updated remotely. The target applicationruns and takes care on its own program code and data memory.IAP is not the only method to program the firmware in μPSD devices. They can also be programmed usingIn-System-Programming (ISP). A IEEE1149.1-compliant JTAG interface is included on the μPSD. Withthis, the entire device can be rapidly programmed while soldered to the circuit board (Main Flash memory,Secondary Boot Flash memory, the PLD, and all configuration areas). This requires no MCU participation.The MCU is completely bypassed. So, the μPSD can be programmed or reprogrammed any time, anywhere, even when completely uncommitted.Both methods take place with the device in its normal hardware environment, soldered to a printed circuitboard. The IAP method cannot be used without previous use of ISP, because IAP utilizes a small amountof resident code to receive the service commands, and to perform the desired operations.

    标签: Demonstration 3200 USB for

    上传时间: 2014-02-27


  • 对带有uPSD3234A的DK3200的USB演示

    The μPSD32xx family, from ST, consists of Flash programmable system devices with a 8032 Microcontroller Core. Of these, the μPSD3234A and μPSD3254A are notable for having a complete implementation of the USB hardware directly on the chip, complying with the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 1.1.This application note describes a demonstration program that has been written for the DK3200 hardware demonstration kit (incorporating a μPSD3234A device). It gives the user an idea of how simple it is to work with the device, using the HID class as a ready-made device driver for the USB connection.

    标签: 3234A uPSD 3234 3200

    上传时间: 2014-04-03


  • PL2303或PV8651USB转串口原理图


    标签: 2303 8651 USB PL

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • 用单片机内置比较器设计高精度A/D变换器

    Σ-ΔA/D技术具有高分辨率、高线性度和低成本的特点。本文基于TI公司的MSP430F1121单片机,介绍了采用内置比较器和外围电路构成类似于Σ-△的高精度A/D实现方案,适合用于对温度、压力和电压等缓慢变化信号的采集应用。 在各种A/D转换器中,最常用是逐次逼近法(SAR)A/D,该类器件具有转换时间固定且快速的特点,但难以显著提高分辨率;积分型A/D 有较强的抗干扰能力,但转换时间较长;过采样Σ-ΔA/D由于其高分辨率,高线性度及低成本的特点,正得到越来越多的应用。根据这些特点,本文以TI公司的MSP430F1121单片机实现了一种类似于Σ-ΔA/D技术的高精度转换器方案。 MSP430F1121是16位RISC结构的FLASH型单片机,该芯片有14个双向I/O口并兼有中断功能,一个16位定时器兼有计数和定时功能。I/O口输出高电平时电压接近Vcc,低电平时接近Vss,因此,一个I/O口可以看作一位DAC,具有PWM功能。 该芯片具有一个内置模拟电压比较器,只须外接一只电阻和电容即可构成一个类似于Σ-Δ技术的高精度单斜率A/D。一般而言,比较器在使用过程中会受到两种因素的影响,一种是比较器输入端的偏置电压的积累;另一种是两个输入端电压接近到一程度时,输出端会产生振荡。 MSP430F1121单片机在比较器两输入端对应的单片机端口与片外输入信号的连接线路保持不变的情况下,可通过软件将比较器两输入端与对应的单片机端口的连接线路交换,并同时将比较器的输出极性变换,这样抵消了比较器的输入端累积的偏置电压。通过在内部将输出连接到低通滤波器后,即使在比较器输入端两比较电压非常接近,经过滤波后也不会出现输出端的振荡现象,从而消除了输出端震荡的问题。利用内置比较器实现高精度A/D图1是一个可直接使用的A/D转换方案,该方案是一个高精度的积分型A/D转换器。其基本原理是用单一的I/O端口,执行1位的数模转换,以比较器的输出作反馈,来维持Vout与Vin相等。图1:利用MSP430F1121实现的实用A/D转换器电路方案。

    标签: 用单片机 内置 比较器 变换器

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • PL2303 USB to Serial Adapter

    The PL2303 USB to Serial adapter is your smart and convenient accessory forconnecting RS-232 serial devices to your USB-equipped Windows host computer. Itprovides a bridge connection with a standard DB 9-pin male serial port connector inone end and a standard Type-A USB plug connector on the other end. You simplyattach the serial device onto the serial port of the cable and plug the USB connectorinto your PC USB port. It allows a simple and easy way of adding serial connectionsto your PC without having to go thru inserting a serial card and traditional portconfiguration.This USB to Serial adapter is ideal for connecting modems, cellular phones, PDAs,digital cameras, card readers and other serial devices to your computer. It providesserial connections up to 1Mbps of data transfer rate. And since USB does not requireany IRQ resource, more devices can be attached to the system without the previoushassles of device and resource conflicts.Finally, the PL-2303 USB to Serial adapter is a fully USB Specification compliantdevice and therefore supports advanced power management such as suspend andresume operations as well as remote wakeup. The PL-2303 USB Serial cable adapteris designed to work on all Windows operating systems.

    标签: Adapter Serial 2303 USB

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • DSP的USB接口电路原理图

    DSP 的USB口原理蓝图

    标签: DSP USB 接口电路 原理图

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • FPGA数字存储扫频仪(源代码+电路图+PCB图)

      频率特征测试仪是用来测量电路传输特性和阻抗特性的仪器,简称扫频仪。扫频信号源是扫频仪的主要功能部件,作用是产生测量用的正弦扫频信号,其 扫频范围可调,输出信号幅度等幅。本设计采用DDS(数字频率合成技术)产生扫频信号,以Xilinx FPGA为控制核心,通过A/D和D/A等接口电路,实现扫频信号频率的步进调整、幅度与相位的测量,创新的使用了计算机软件作为仪器面板来显示被测网络 幅频特性与相频特性,并且测试结果可保存到各种存储介质中。

    标签: FPGA PCB 数字存储 扫频仪

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • USB接口控制器参考设计,xilinx提供VHDL代码 us

    USB接口控制器参考设计,xilinx提供VHDL代码 usb xilinx vhdl ;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;  (at your option) any later version. ;      ;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the ;  GNU General Public License for more details. ;      ;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

    标签: xilinx VHDL USB us

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • Blackfin532+Netchip2272实现USB接口


    标签: Blackfin Netchip 2272 532

    上传时间: 2013-10-13
