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  • Description: This program demonstrates a half-duplex 9600-baud UART using // Timer_A3 using no XTAL

    Description: This program demonstrates a half-duplex 9600-baud UART using // Timer_A3 using no XTAL and an external resistor for DCO ROSC. DCO used for // TACLK UART baud generation. The program will wait in LPM4, echoing back // a received character using 8N1 protocol. On valid RX character, the // character is echoed back. // Using a 100k resistor on ROSC, with default DCO setting, set DCOCLK ~ 2MHz. // ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK ~2MHz DCOCLK

    标签: using demonstrates Description half-duplex

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • 74LS393和Intel8253中断应用 采用74LS393对实验箱中8MHz时钟进行分频处理

    74LS393和Intel8253中断应用 采用74LS393对实验箱中8MHz时钟进行分频处理,从中获得低于2MHz的时钟信号¢,并将时钟信号¢输入给Intel8253的某通道C。要求通道C的输出信号作为Intel8259的可屏蔽中断请求IRQ2,使得中央处理器每隔2秒钟中断一次,中断程序将中断次数采用二进制方式在8个发光二极管中显示出来

    标签: 393 Intel 74 LS

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • 低频频率计 实例目的:学习定时器、计数器、中断应用 说明:选用24MHz的晶体

    低频频率计 实例目的:学习定时器、计数器、中断应用 说明:选用24MHz的晶体,主频可达2MHz。用T1产生100us的时标,T0作信号脉冲计数器。假设晶体频率没有误差,而且稳定不变(实际上可达万分之一);被测信号是周期性矩形波(正负脉冲宽度都不能小于0.5us),频率小于1MHz,大于1Hz。要求测量时标1S,测量精度为0.1%。

    标签: MHz 24 低频 中断应用

    上传时间: 2016-08-19


  • 频率计c语言程序(原创)


    标签: 频率计 c语言 程序

    上传时间: 2016-10-22


  • *** *** *** *** *** *** ***** ** Two wire/I2C Bus READ/WRITE Sample Routines of Microchip s ** 2

    *** *** *** *** *** *** ***** ** Two wire/I2C Bus READ/WRITE Sample Routines of Microchip s ** 24Cxx / 85Cxx serial CMOS EEPROM interfacing to a ** PIC16C54 8-bit CMOS single chip microcomputer ** Revsied Version 2.0 (4/2/92). ** ** Part use = PIC16C54-XT/JW ** Note: 1) All timings are based on a reference crystal frequency of 2MHz ** which is equivalent to an instruction cycle time of 2 usec. ** 2) Address and literal values are read in octal unless otherwise ** specified.

    标签: Microchip Routines Sample WRITE

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • ex9_1 脉冲信号调制 ex9_2 载波10MHz

    ex9_1 脉冲信号调制 ex9_2 载波10MHz,带宽2MHz的线性调频信号及其频谱图 ex9_3 产生7位巴克码编码的二相码 ex9_4 产生7位巴克码和线性调频的混合调制信号 ex9_5 瑞利分布实现程序 ex9_6 瑞利分布+杂波 ex9_7 相关对数正态分布杂波 ex9_8 相关weibull分布杂波 ex9_9 相干相关K分布杂波 ex9_10 线性调频信号的数字化正交解调 ex9_11 雷达脉冲压缩处理 ex9_12 二相编码信号的脉压处理 ex9_13 用FFT和FIR方法实现MTD处理 ex9_14 雷达的恒虚警处理(CFAR) ex9_15 比较相参积累和非相参积累

    标签: ex MHz 10 脉冲信号

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • PW5410B_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW5410B is a low noise, constant frequency (1.2MHz) switched capacitor voltage doubler. Itproduces a regulated output voltage from 1.8V to 5V input with up to 100mA of output current. Lowexternal parts count (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) makethe PW5410B ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications

    标签: pw5410

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW5410A_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW5410A is a low noise, constant frequency (1.2MHz) switched capacitor voltage doubler. Itproduces a regulated output voltage from 2.7V to 5V input with up to 250mA of output current. Lowexternal parts count (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) makethe PW5410A ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications

    标签: pw5410

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW5100_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    PW5100 是一款高效率、低功耗、低纹波、高工作频率的 PFM 同步升压 DC/DC 变换器。输出电压可以进行内部调节,实现从 3.0V 至 5.0V 的固定输出电压, 调节步进为 0.1V。PW5100 仅需要三个外围元件,就可将低输入电压升压到所需的工作电压。系统的工作频率高达 1.2MHz, 支持小型的外部电感器和输出电容器, 同时又能保持超低的静态电流,实现最高的效率。

    标签: pw5100

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2053-2.0.pdf规格书

    The PW2053 is a high-efficiency monolithic synchronous buck regulator using a constantfrequency, current mode architecture. The device is available in an adjustable version. Supply currentwith no load is 40uA and drops to <1uA in shutdown. The 2.5V to 5.5V input voltage range makesthe PW2053 ideally suited for single Li-Ion battery powered applications. 100% duty cycle provideslow dropout operation, extending battery life in portable systems. PWM/PFM mode operationprovides very low output ripple voltage for noise sensitive applications. Switching frequency isinternally set at 1.2MHz, allowing the use of small surface mount inductors and capacitors. Lowoutput voltages are easily supported with the 0.6V feedback reference voltage

    标签: pw2053

    上传时间: 2022-02-14
