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  • This file contains the material presented as the first Embedded MATLAB webinar on the MathWorks web

    This file contains the material presented as the first Embedded MATLAB webinar on the MathWorks web site on September 13, 2007. It contains the PDF version of presentation slides and all necessary demonstration files (including MATLAB M-files and Simulink models).

    标签: the MathWorks presented Embedded

    上传时间: 2016-03-07


  • flash小鬼贺新春、放烟花,法拉手背景音乐

    flash小鬼贺新春、放烟花,法拉手背景音乐,花好月圆打灯笼,flash源码作品, E-mail:wudazhg@163.com zhg工作室2007.12

    标签: flash 法拉 背景音乐

    上传时间: 2016-03-15


  • 凌阳单片机液晶驱动 /*--------------------------------------------------------*|***************简易心电图仪源程序*****

    凌阳单片机液晶驱动 /*--------------------------------------------------------*|***************简易心电图仪源程序*************************| |**********作者:李桃*******2007年3月**********************| |**********************************************************| |**********IOB低八位为数据口,第8--13位为控制线*************| |*** P1_8 P1_9 P1_10 P1_11 P1_12 P1_13 ***| |*** | | | | | | ***| |*** DI RW E CS1 CS2 RST ***| \*--------------------------------------------------------*/

    标签: 凌阳单片机 液晶驱动 心电图仪 源程序

    上传时间: 2016-03-15


  • linux0.11内核完全注释(修正版2.0.1


    标签: linux 0.11 内核

    上传时间: 2014-08-24


  • 本系统由白天来晚上去自行研发基于ASP语言基础以及Access数据库的拥有多功能查询的应用程序


    标签: Access ASP 数据库

    上传时间: 2014-11-23


  • 小巧的加壳程序

    小巧的加壳程序,可以对文件进行免杀,程序采用C++Builder 2007编写,希望此程序能给别人带来更好的思路,代码中带有详细的注释,学写加壳程序的可以借鉴一下!

    标签: 程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-04


  • Atheros无线芯片AR-6000系列wince 6驱动源代码(这东西我也没用过别问我,我是搜别的wince资源搜到的) AR6K SDIO support. Requires firmware

    Atheros无线芯片AR-6000系列wince 6驱动源代码(这东西我也没用过别问我,我是搜别的wince资源搜到的) AR6K SDIO support. Requires firmware 1.1 on SD13 cards. readme: Atheros Communications AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Embedded CE 6.0 driver installation. 1. Unzip the installation file onto your system (called installation directory below) 2. Create an OS design or open an existing OS design in Platform Builder 6.0. a. The OS must support the SD bus driver and have an SD Host Controller driver (add these from Catalog Items). b. Run image size should be set to allow greater than 32MB. 3. a. From the Project menu select Add Existing Subproject... b. select AR6K_DRV.pbxml c. select open This should create a subproject within your OS Design project for the AR6K_DRV driver. 4. Build the solution. 转自Tony嵌入式,原文地址:http://www.cevx.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=4&ID=11762&page=1

    标签: wince Requires firmware Atheros

    上传时间: 2014-11-11


  • LPC935单片机应用 4位显示

    LPC935单片机应用 4位显示,显示精度:1分钟;四位拨码开关处于高位, 最小设定时间:1分钟 ,CD4060 Q4=2048HZ 开关处于位置3 输出 2007.3

    标签: LPC 935 单片机应用

    上传时间: 2016-04-12


  • sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a G

    sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a Gaussian copula, treating the univariate marginal distributions as nuisance parameters as described in Hoff(2007). It also provides a semiparametric imputation procedure for missing multivariate data. Version: 0.95 Date: 2007-03-09 Author: Peter Hoff Maintainer: Peter Hoff <hoff at stat.washington.edu> License: GPL Version 2 or later URL: http://www.stat.washington.edu/hoff CRAN checks: sbgcop results Downloads: Package source: sbgcop_0.95.tar.gz MacOS X binary: sbgcop_0.95.tgz Windows binary: sbgcop_0.95.zip Reference manual: sbgcop.pdf

    标签: Semiparametric estimation parameters estimates

    上传时间: 2016-04-15


  • sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a G

    sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a Gaussian copula, treating the univariate marginal distributions as nuisance parameters as described in Hoff(2007). It also provides a semiparametric imputation procedure for missing multivariate data. Version: 0.95 Date: 2007-03-09 Author: Peter Hoff Maintainer: Peter Hoff <hoff at stat.washington.edu> License: GPL Version 2 or later URL: http://www.stat.washington.edu/hoff CRAN checks: sbgcop results Downloads: Windows binary: sbgcop_0.95.zip

    标签: Semiparametric estimation parameters estimates

    上传时间: 2016-04-15
