功能强大 首发! 演示地址:http://jsice.com QQ:3300828 运行环境: Internet Information Server 5.x or 6.0 (iis5.0 以上版本) SQL Server 2000 , or access 2002-access 2003 浏览器需要IE6.0或以上 最低配置: 操作系统: 中文Windows2000/2003 CPU:赛扬3 内存:256MB MSSQL2000(安装SQL版必须,大小1G) 空间大小:1G(纯文字) 建议配置: 操作系统: 中文Windows2000/2003 CPU:P4 2.6G以上 内存:512MB以上 MSSQL2000(安装SQL版必须,大小1G以上) 空间大小:10G以上(文字+图片版) 安装说明:此版本只适合全新安装的用户 1.上传所有文件至你的服务器 ①、使用MSSQL数据库格式 如果有自己服务器的请新建一个空数据库步骤如下: --------------------------------------------- 第一步、新建数据库 --------------------------- 打开企业管理器 -- 展开“SQL Server 组” -- “数据库”(点击右键) -- “新建数据库”(打开数据库属性对话框) -- 输入数据库名称(数据库名称请用英文数字)确定
标签: Information Internet 3300828 Server
上传时间: 2016-03-19
控件 CB6 COM通讯| ComPort Library version 3.10 | | for Delphi 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006 | | and C++ Builder 3, 4, 5, 6 | | | | by Dejan Crnila 1998-2002 | | maintained by Lars Dybdahl and Paul Doland
标签: ComPort Library version Delphi
上传时间: 2013-12-23
上传时间: 2016-04-05
H.S.Park, D-S.Kim, and W.H.Kwon "A Scheduling Method for Network-based Control Systems", IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology, Vol.10, No.3, pp. 318-330, May, 2002 (Simulation Example 1- Matlab Code)
标签: Network-based Scheduling Control Systems
上传时间: 2014-01-20
Recent work by Petricoin and Liotta and co-workers (Petricoin et al. Use of proteomic patterns in serum to identify ovarian cancer. Lancet. 2002 Feb 16 359(9306):572-7. PMID: 11867112) has generated a lot of excitement and controversy. This example shows some ways that MATLAB can be used to read, visualize, pre-process (base-line correction, resample) and classify the data. The data can be downloaded from http://home.ccr.cancer.gov/ncifdaproteomics/ppatterns.asp
标签: Petricoin co-workers and proteomic
上传时间: 2016-04-28
RFID的读卡程序。 程序说明:本程序为读写器程序,程序建立时间,2002年10月15日。
上传时间: 2013-12-11
第一只感染flash的病毒源代码。采用汇编语言编写。 SWF/LFM-926 Virus: ------------------ Description: WinNT/XP Virus dropper for Flash .SWF files! Masm Version 6.11: ML.EXE SWF.ASM Virus Size: 926 bytes Infection Size: 3247 bytes. Last Edit: 01/08/2002
标签: Virus Description flash WinNT
上传时间: 2016-06-02
ACM Programming contest activity at Stony Brook is sponsored by a grant from Salomon Smith Barney. In the 2002 Greater New York Regional, Stony Brook s teams finished 2nd and 5th with 54 teams competing! In the 2003 Greater New York Regional, Stony Brook finished 4th of 60 teams. In the 2004 Greater New York Regional, three of Stony Brook s teams finished in the top 15 positions!
标签: Programming sponsored activity contest
上传时间: 2013-12-13
上传时间: 2016-07-28
Core Java™ 2: Volume I - Fundamentals By Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR Pub Date : August 22, 2002 ISBN : 0-13-047177-1 Pages : 752 经典JAVA教程。
标签: S. Fundamentals Horstmann Publisher
上传时间: 2014-01-09