S29NS-J 128 Megabit (8 M x 16-Bit), 64 Megabit (4 M x 16-Bit), 32 Megabit (2 M x 16-Bit), and 16 Megabit (1 M x 16 Bit), 110 nm CMOS 1.8-Volt only Simultaneous Read/Write, Burst Mode Flash Memories Data Sheet
上传时间: 2014-01-01
标签: 加法器
上传时间: 2016-01-30
上传时间: 2013-12-03
-- 转换密码(明文6位,密文16位) DES加密解密程序
上传时间: 2016-01-31
《Oracle 9i中文版基础教程》中文PDF 共13章 出版社: 人民邮电出版社 作者: 赵松涛 开本: 精装16开 页码: 400页 出版时间: 2003-12-1 本书系统全面地介绍了Oracle 9i数据库的基本概念及其管理知识。
上传时间: 2013-12-22
CHAPT03\CHAPT03.CPP 16-Bit test program for class PC8250 CHAPT03\CHAPT03.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program CHAPT03\CHAPT03.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C
标签: CHAPT 03 executable Bit
上传时间: 2016-02-03
CHAPT04\CHAPT04.CPP 16-Bit test program for the Digi Classic board CHAPT04\CHAPT04.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program CHAPT04\CHAPT04.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++ CHAPT04\CLASSIC.CPP Implementation of the ClassicHandler class CHAPT04\CLASSIC.H Declaration of the ClassicHandler class
上传时间: 2013-11-30
CHAPT05\CHAPT05.CPP 16-Bit test program for the initelligent Digi board. CHAPT05\CHAPT05.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program CHAPT05\CHAPT05.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++ CHAPT05\DIGI.CPP Implementation of the Digiboard class CHAPT05\DIGI.H Declaration of the Digiboard cla
标签: CHAPT 05 initelligent Bit
上传时间: 2016-02-03
CHAPT06\CHAPT06.CPP 16-Bit test program for the BiosPort class CHAPT06\CHAPT06.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program CHAPT06\CHAPT06.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++ CHAPT06\BIOSPORT.CPP Implementation of the BiosPort class CHAPT06\BIOSPORT.H Declaration of the BiosPort cla
标签: CHAPT 06 executable Bit
上传时间: 2016-02-03
CHAPT07\CHAPT07.CPP 16-Bit test program for the Fossil class CHAPT07\CHAPT07.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program. CHAPT07\CHAPT07.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++ CHAPT07\BIOSPORT.CPP A copy of the file from Chapter 6 CHAPT07\BIOSPORT.H A copy of the file from Chapter 6
标签: CHAPT 07 executable Bit
上传时间: 2013-12-09