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  • pads2005破解

    1.安裝Daemon Tools(虛擬光碟軟體),用Daemon Tools去開啟PADS2005.BIN,進行安裝. 2.將PADS2005-CRACK目錄複製到硬碟,刪除原先的LICENSE.TXT,執行MentorKG.exe,產生一個License.txt文件,用這個新License.txt去注冊就ok啦 

    标签: pads 2005 破解

    上传时间: 2016-12-16


  • RVDS2.2破解工具

    RealView Developer Suite v2.2 破解 (2009-12-11)  使用RealView Developer Suite v2.2,传说中的RVDS 2.2,破解也有问题,经过我琢磨。   破解步骤修改如下: 1)用generate产生license file (注意自己的系统时间   最好是真实的当前时间,如果时间比较旧的话,产生的license file 将不能注册。license file 和系统时间、网卡物理地址、硬盘的序列号有关) 2)安装软件 3)license Wizard     选  Install Wizard   ...   选择license file 目录    4)应用补丁注入工具Patch.exe给下边列出的文件注入校验和。文件目录见下边。     从这个论坛下载说明少了4个文件路径,导致的结果就是无法启动调试部分。   关于 no license check  out   以上作完了就加载一个*.axf文件实验吧,看看还有没有no license check  out  ,这时你在看软件注册信息 Enjoy ;-)   Install, apply our patch then generate license file with the keygen.   -------------   the files need to be patched:      %Install Path%\IDEs\CodeWarrior\CodeWarrior\5.6.1\1592\win_32-pentium\bin\Plugins\License\oemlicense.dll   %Install Path%\IDEs\CodeWarrior\RVPlugins\1.0\86\win_32-pentium\oemlicense\oemlicense.dll   %Install Path%\RDI\armsd\1.3.1\66\win_32-pentium\armsd.exe   %Install Path%\RDI\AXD\1.3.1\98\win_32-pentium\axd.exe   %Install Path%\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium\armasm.exe   %Install Path%\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium\armcc.exe   %Install Path%\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium\armcpp.exe   %Install Path%\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium\armlink.exe   %Install Path%\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium\fromelf.exe   %Install Path%\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium\tcc.exe   %Install Path%\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium\tcpp.exe   %Install Path%\RVD\Core\1.8\734\win_32-pentium\bin\tvs.exe   %Install Path%\RVD\Core\1.8\734\win_32-pentium\bin\xry100.dll

    标签: RVDS2 破解

    上传时间: 2017-01-18


  • quartusⅡ9.0破解方法

    #首先安装Quartus II 9.0 (32-Bit): #用Quartus_II_9.0破解器.exe破解C:\altera\90\quartus\bin下的sys_cpt.dll和quartus.exe文件(运行Quartus_II_9.0破解器.exe后,直接点击“应用补丁”,如果出现“未找到该文件。 搜索该文件吗?”,点击“是”,(如果直接把该破解器Copy到C:\altera\90\quartus\bin下,就不会出现这个对话框,而是直接开始破解!) 然后选中sys_cpt.dll,点击“打开”。安装默认的sys_cpt.dll路径是在C:\altera\90\quartus\bin下)。 #把license.dat里的XXXXXXXXXXXX 用您老的网卡号替换(在Quartus II 9.0的Tools菜单下选择License Setup,下面就有NIC ID)。 #在Quartus II 9.0的Tools菜单下选择License Setup,然后选择License file,最后点击OK。 #注意:license文件存放的路径名称不能包含汉字和空格,空格可以用下划线代替。 #仅限于学习,不要用于商业目的! 严禁贴到网上!!!

    标签: quartus 9.0 破解

    上传时间: 2018-11-10


  • JAVA SMPP 源码

    Introduction jSMPP is a java implementation (SMPP API) of the SMPP protocol (currently supports SMPP v3.4). It provides interfaces to communicate with a Message Center or an ESME (External Short Message Entity) and is able to handle traffic of 3000-5000 messages per second. jSMPP is not a high-level library. People looking for a quick way to get started with SMPP may be better of using an abstraction layer such as the Apache Camel SMPP component: http://camel.apache.org/smpp.html Travis-CI status: History The project started on Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/jsmpp/ It was maintained by uudashr on Github until 2013. It is now a community project maintained at http://jsmpp.org Release procedure mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true -Durl=https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/ -DrepositoryId=sonatype-nexus-staging -Dgpg.passphrase=<yourpassphrase> log in here: https://oss.sonatype.org click the 'Staging Repositories' link select the repository and click close select the repository and click release License Copyright (C) 2007-2013, Nuruddin Ashr uudashr@gmail.com Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Denis Kostousov denis.kostousov@gmail.com Copyright (C) 2014, Daniel Pocock http://danielpocock.com Copyright (C) 2016, Pim Moerenhout pim.moerenhout@gmail.com This project is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.

    标签: JAVA SMPP 源码

    上传时间: 2019-01-25


  • Architectures for Baseband Signal Processing

    Mobile communication devices like smart phones or tablet PCs enable us to consume information at every location and at every time. The rapid development of new applications and new services and the demand to access data in real time create an increasing throughput demand. The data have to be transmitted reliably to ensure the desired quality of service. Furthermore, an improved utilization of the bandwidth is desired to reduce the cost of transmission.

    标签: Architectures Processing Baseband Signal for

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Free+Space+Optical+Communication+System

    Free Space Optical Communication (FSOC) is an effective alternative technology to meet the Next Generation Network (NGN) demands as well as highly secured (mili- tary) communications. FSOC includes various advantages like last mile access, easy installation, free of Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI)/Electro Magnetic Compatibil- ity (EMC) and license free access etc. In FSOC, the optical beam propagation in the turbulentatmosphereisseverelyaffectedbyvariousfactorssuspendedinthechannel, geographicallocationoftheinstallationsite,terraintypeandmeteorologicalchanges. Therefore a rigorous experimental study over a longer period becomes significant to analyze the quality and reliability of the FSOC channel and the maximum data rate that the system can operate since data transmission is completely season dependent.

    标签: Communication Optical System Space Free

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Next Generation Mobile Broadcasting

    Mobile wireless communications are in constant evolution due to the continu- ously increasing requirements and expectations of both users and operators. Mass multimedia* services have been for a long time expected to generate a large amount of data traffic in future wireless networks [1]. Mass multimedia services are, by definition, purposed for many people. In general, it can be distinguished between the distribution of any popular content over a wide area and the distribu- tion of location-dependent information in highly populated areas. Representative examples include the delivery of live video streaming content (like sports compe- titions, concerts, or news) and file download (multimedia clips, digital newspa- pers, or software updates).

    标签: Broadcasting Generation Mobile Next

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Technology+Trends+in+Wireless+Communications

    The use of mobile devices now surpasses that of traditional computers: wireless users will hence soon be demanding the same rich multimedia services on their mobile devices that they have on their desktop personal computers. In addition, new services will be added, especially related with their mobile needs, such as location-based information services.

    标签: Communications Technology Wireless Trends in

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Electric+Distribution+Network+Planning

    Electric distribution networks are critical parts of power delivery systems. In recent years, many new technologies and distributed energy resources have been inte- grated into these networks. To provide electricity at the possible lowest cost and at required quality, long-term planning is essential for these networks. In distribution planning, optimal location and size of necessary upgrades are determined to satisfy the demand and the technical requirements of the loads and to tackle uncertainties associated with load and distributed energy resources.

    标签: Distribution Electric Planning Network

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • ForDummies_RFID_For_Dummies

    With all the recent hype over radio frequency identification (RFID) and the requirements to implement it, you might think that RFID can turn water into wine, transform lead into gold, and cure the world’s diseases. You might also be worried that RFID will enable Big Brother to track your move- ments to within a foot of your location from a satellite five hundred miles up in space. The truth is, RFID can do none of these things. In this chapter, you find out the basics of what RFID is, what forces are dri- ving RFID as a replacement for the bar code in the marketplace, and what benefits RFID can offer

    标签: ForDummies_RFID_For_Dummies

    上传时间: 2020-06-08
