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  • 高性能、低价格、支持JTAG仿真的ATMEGA16单片机

    在16MHZ频率下速度为16MIPS的8位RISC结构单片机,内含硬件乘法器。 支持JTAG端口仿真和编程,仿真效果比传统仿真同更真实有效。 8通道10位AD转换器,支持单端和双端差分信号输入,内带增益可编程运算放大器。 16K字节的FLASH存贮器,支持ISP、IAP编程,使系统开发、生产、维护更容易。 多达1K字节的SRAM,32个通用寄存器,三个数据指针,使用C语言编程更容易。 512字节的EEPROM存贮器,可以在系统掉电时保存您的重要数据。 多达20个中断源,每个中断有独立的中断向量入口地址。 2个8位定时/计数器,1个16位定时/计数器,带捕捉、比较功能,有四个通道的PWM。 硬件USART、SPI和基于字节处理的I2C接口。 杰出的电气性能,超强的抗干扰能力。每个IO口可负载40mA的电流,总电流不超过200mA。 可选片内/片外RC振荡、石英/陶瓷晶振、外部时钟,更具备实时时钟(RTC)功能;片内RC振荡可达8MHZ,频率可校调到1%精度;片外晶振振荡幅度可调,以改善EMI性能。 内置模拟量比较器。 可以用熔丝开启、带独立振荡器的看门狗,看门狗溢出时间分8级可调。 内置上电复位电路和可编程低电压检测(BOD)复位电路。 六种睡眠模式,给你更低的功耗和更灵活的选择。 ATMEGA16L工作电压2.7V-5.5V,工作频率0-8MHZ;ATMEGA16工作电压4.5-5.5V,工作频率0-16MHZ。 32个IO口,DIP40、TQFP44封装。 与其它8位单片机相比,有更高的程序安全性,保护您的知识产权。

    标签: ATMEGA JTAG 16 性能

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • 基于单片机的数字化B超键盘设计

    针对目前使用的RS232接口数字化B超键盘存在PC主机启动时不能设置BIOS,提出一种PS2键盘的设计方法。基于W78E052D单片机,采用8通道串行A/D转换器设计了8个TGC电位器信息采集电路,电位器位置信息以键盘扫描码序列形式发送,正交编码器信号通过XC9536XL转换为单片机可接收的中断信号,软件接收到中断信息后等效处理成按键。结果表明,在满足开机可设置BIOS同时,又可实现超声特有功能,不需要专门设计驱动程序,接口简单,成本低。 Abstract:  Aiming at the problem of the digital ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system keyboard with RS232 interface currently used couldn?蒺t set the BIOS when the PC boot, this paper proposed a design method of PS2 keyboards. Based on W78E052D microcontroller,designed eight TGC potentiometers information acquisition circuit with 8-channel serial A/D converter, potentiometer position information sent out with keyboard scan code sequentially.The control circuit based on XC9536 CPLD is used for converting the mechanical actions of the encoders into the signals that can be identified by the MCU, software received interrupt information and equivalently treatmented as key. The results show that the BIOS can be set to meet the boot, ultrasound specific functionality can be achieved at the same time, it does not require specially designed driver,the interface is simple and low cost.    

    标签: 单片机 B超 数字化 键盘设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 单片机综合设计原理下载

      第一章:MCS-51系列单片机的存储结构(4学时)   ① 掌握内部数据寄存器RAM的结构、用途和特点;   ② 程序存储器ROM的结构特点,编程中应注意的问题;   ③ 片内、外程序存储器的确定方法。   .. 第二章:MCS-51单片机指令系统及时序(4学时)   ① 111条指令的功能分类;   ② 指令的寻址方式;   ③ 伪指令及汇编语言源程序的格式;   ④ 与指令的相关时序。   第三章:MCS-51单片机内部模块的功能介绍(8学时)   ① 内部并行I/O端口的结构特点、使用中的注意事项;   ② 定时/计数器的2种工作方式、4种计数模式;   ③ 串行接口的4种工作模式的设定及波特率的计算;   ④ 中断系统的结构、中断响应的过程和编程方法。   .. 第四章:MCS-51单片机系统的扩展及应用(8学时);   ① 系统扩展的几种方法;   ② 外部程序、数据存储器的扩展;   ③ A/D、D/A转换器与单片机的接口电路及编程方法;   ④ 键盘扫描/动态显示接口电路;   ⑤ 单片机的监控电路等。  

    标签: 单片机 综合设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • 基于CH341A的USB串口通讯设计

    为解决当前计算机串行通讯接口只有USB,难以满足旧型号设备或某些单片机要求RS232通讯的问题,设计出两款RS232/USB电路。采用CH341A与MAX223集成电路芯片构建标准9线RS232/USB通用接口转换器,无需编程。采用CH341A与PIC16F877A构建单片机与计算机之间的USB通讯电路,软件遵循RS232通讯协议,硬件进行电平转换。实际使用表明,这两款产品与计算机端Windows 操作系统下的串口应用程序完全兼容,且通讯过程中无握手失败现象。 Abstract:  To solve the problem that current computer serial communication only with USB interface can not satisfy with the old type equipments or MCU to communicate with RS232, two kinds of RS232/USB circuit were designed.CH341A and MAX223 integrated circuit chips were used to create a standard 9-line RS232/USB universal interface convertor without programme. CH341A and PIC16F877A chips were adopted to build the USB communication circuit between computers and MCU. The software follows RS232 communication protocol, and the hardware converts electrical levels. Actual practices indicate that the two manufactures are compatible with serial application program of Windows operation system completely,and get avoid of handshake lost.    

    标签: 341A 341 USB CH

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • 基于TLC1549的阀门开度仪设计

    摘 要: 阀门开度仪以AT89C51单片机为核心, 通过在阀门电机轴上安装的电位计传感器获得阀 门电机轴的转动角位移, 从而得出阀门的开度, 达到自动检测的目的。详细介绍了串行控制的10 位A /D转换器TLC1549的特点和功能, 说明了TLC1549与AT89C51单片机在阀门开度仪中的硬件 电路和软件程序。实践证明, 该阀门开度仪数据采集准确可靠、工作稳定。 关键词: TLC1549; AT89C51单片机; 阀门开度    

    标签: 1549 TLC 阀门开度仪

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • 基于PIC16LF874单片机的电容测量模块

    为提高电容测量精度,针对电容式传感器的工作原理设计了基于PIC16LF874单片机电容测量模块。简单阐述了电容测量电路的应用背景和国内外研究现状,介绍了美国Microchip公司PIC16LF874单片机的特性。电容式传感器输出的动态微弱电容信号通过PS021型电容数字转换器把模拟量数据转换成数字量数据,所测数据由PIC16LF874单片机应用程序进行处理、显示和保存。实验结果表明,固定电容标称值为10~20 pF 的测量值相对误差在1%以内,同时也可知被测电容容值越大,测量值和标称值相对误差越小。 Abstract:  To improve the accuracy of capacitance measurement,aimed at the principle of work of mercury capacitance acceleration transducer,the design of micro capacitance measurement circuit is based on the key PIC16LF874 chip. Briefly discusses the application of the capacitance measuring circuit for the background and status of foreign researchers,focusing on the United States PIC16LF874 microcontroller features. Capacitive sensor outputed signal through the dynamics of weak PS021-chip capacitors (capacitancedigital converter) to convert analog data into digital data,the measured data from the PIC16LF874 microcontroller application process, display and preservation. Experimental results show that the fixed capacitor 10pF ~ 20pF nominal value of the measured value of relative error is within 1%,but also it canbe seen the value of the measured capacitance larger,measuring value and the nominal value of relative error smaller.

    标签: PIC 874 16 LF

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 基于C8051F020单片机的多路压力测量仪

    介绍了一种基于C8051F020单片机的多路压力测量仪。该测量仪选用电阻应变式压力传感器采集压力信号,并经放大电路处理后送入C8051F020单片机,再由C8051F020单片机内部的A/D转换器将采集到的压力信号进行模数转化,然后分别对数据进行存储和显示。该测量仪能测量6路压力信号,并且各测量点都能单独检测和设置。由于采用了C8051F020单片机,简化了硬件电路,增强了抗干扰能力,使得测量仪具有测量精度高,冲击小等特点。 Abstract:  A measurement apparatus for multi-channel pressure based on single chip microcomputer is introduced.It can measure 6 channels signal of the pressure,and the pressure measure points can be detection and located individually.The pressure signal sampling is obtained by resistor stress-type pressure sensors,the digital signals of 6 channels are collected through amplifying and adjustment circuit of pressure signals and internal integrated A/D converter of MCU.Finally,and it realizes the function to store and display data separately.C8051F020 was used to made hardware circuit simple,and it also enhanced the anti-interference ability.It features high precision and little impact.

    标签: C8051F020 单片机 多路 压力

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 基于C8051F340的数据采集器设计

    针对众多低成本数据采集需求,采用带有片上USB控制器和D/A转换器的混合信号微处理器C8051F340,设计了一款可通过USB接口和LabVIEW图形用户界面实现与PC机联机的数据采集器,同时借助系统的SD卡存储独立实现现场长时间采集数据。该数据采集器成本低,结构简单,体积小,已成功用于工业现场。 Abstract:  Aiming at the need of low cost data acquisition, a data acquisition device is designed based on C8051F340 which is a mixed-signal microcontroller and integrates USB controller and A/D controller on a chip.The data acquisition device which can combine with PC by USB interface and LabVIEW graphical user interface,can realize data acquisition. At the same time,it can be solely run a long time in virtue of SD card in field.The date aequisition device features low cost,simple structure and little sharp, and it has been used in industry field.

    标签: C8051F340 数据 集器设计

    上传时间: 2014-05-31


  • 基于DAC7512的数控直流恒流源设计

    为了解决磁放大器性能测试过程中,需要对其供给不同数值恒定电流的问题,设计了一种基于DAC7512和单片机的数控恒流源系统。该系统采用AT89C51作为主控器件,将计算机发送的电流控制字命令转换为D/A转换器控制字,通过模拟SPI通信接口,写D/A控制字到DAC7512,从而控制其输出相应数字电压值,经差动缩放电路、电压/电路变换电路和功率驱动电路,最后输出恒定电流。实验结果表明,恒流源输出电流调节范围为-45~+45 mA、精度为±0.1 mA,分辨率达0.024 4 mA,具有应用灵活,外围电路简单,可靠性高的特点。该数控直流恒流源也可为相关产品的测试系统研发提供参考。 Abstract:  In order to solve the need to supply different values constant current for the magnetic amplifier in testing process, numerical control constant current source system was designed based on DAC7512 chip and microcontroller technology. The system used the AT89C51 as the main chip, which can convert the current control word from computer into to D/A control words. And the system wrote D/A control word into the DAC7512 chip to control the output voltage value by the SPI communication interface, which can output corresponding constant current figures by scaling circuit, the V/I converter and power drive circuit. Experimental results show that the current source output current adjustment range is -45~+45mA, accuracy is ± 0.1mA, and resolution ratio is 0.024 4mA

    标签: 7512 DAC 数控直流 恒流源

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于带PWM模块单片机的步进电机细分驱动技术


    标签: PWM 模块 单片机

    上传时间: 2014-01-21
