上传时间: 2013-10-19
上传时间: 2013-11-05
上传时间: 2013-10-23
标签: 跑马灯
上传时间: 2013-11-11
上传时间: 2013-10-31
系统简介 XL400单片机学习开发系统特别为零基础单片机初学者或中高级单片机程序员设计,是将控制软件、单片机实验板、ISP下载线、编程器、仿真器系统有机组合的套件,试验过程中无需拔插芯片,也无需切换电源。可轻松地将编绎好的代码下载到实验板上进行验证或演示,整个过程只需利用鼠标操作即可,方便快捷。有了这个开发系统就等于同时拥有了学习实验板、ISP下载线、编程器、仿真器,是单片机爱好者快速掌握51系列单片机不可多得的工具。 随机附送DAIS,KEIL,等中文版开发软件,提供大量实验例程包括C/ASM两种语言格式,全部附带源代码和详细注释,易学易用。
上传时间: 2013-12-17
针对材料试验机等设备中要求测量或控制材料拉伸或压缩的位移,一般采用光电轴角编码器检测位置信号,输出正交编码脉冲信号。若采用其他方法检测位置信号,必然导致电路设计复杂,可靠性降低。因此,提出一种基于LS7266R1的电子式万能材料试验机设计方案。给出了试验机中的控制器工作原理,LS7266R1与单片机的接口硬件设计,以及主程序软件流程图。巧妙地把力量传感器,位移传感器等机械运动状态的压力或拉力以及位置坐标,变成了电压信号和电脉冲数字信号,供A/D测量和LS7266R1计数,从而实现了独立完成材料试验控制或通过PC机串口命令完成材料试验控制。 Abstract: Aiming at the requirement that the displacement of the tension and compression always be tested and controlled in the equipement such as material testing machine. The position signal was tested by photoelectric axial angle coder. Therefore, the paper proposes the design of electronic universal testing machine design based on LS7266R1. If the position signal detected by other methods, will inevitably lead to the circuit design complexity, reliability decreased. The work theory of the controller, the hardware interface design between LS7266R1 and single chip, and the flow chart of main program, are presented in this paper. The signal of the compression or tension power and displacement at working, which tested by power sensor and displacement sensor especially, is changed into electric voltage and electric pulse numerical signals. And these signals can be tested by A/D and counted by LS7266R1. Finally the test of the material properties can be controlled by itself, or controlled by the COM command of PC.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
针对当前安检力学试验机所能完成的试验种类单一、自动化程度低等问题,提出一种以ATmega128单片机为核心控制器的安检力学试验机的设计。详细阐述了该安检力学试验机各个组成部分的设计原理和方案,并且给出了各部分的软件设计思想和操作流程。经过大量测试试验表明:设计的安检力学试验机可以完成多达十余种的力学安检试验,完全符合相关国家标准,并且具有数据采集精度高、传输速度快、操作安全简便等特点,实现了安检设备的多功能化、数字化和自动化。 Abstract: Currently, many mechanical security testing machines have only one function. The degree of automation of them is low. To solve those problems, a new kind of mechanical security testing machine, using ATmega128 micro-controller as its core controller, has been advanced. It describes the components of the machine. The principles and the scheme in the designing processes are presented in detail, and the software architecture and the operation processes of each part are given. After having done many testing, we have reached the following conclusions: the mechanical security testing machine presented can do over ten mechanical security tests complying with related national standards. It has high data acquisition accuracy and high transmission speed. The operation of the machine is simple and safe. In general, this machine is a multi-functional, highly automatic, digitalized security testing device.
上传时间: 2013-11-05
摘要:介绍了一种真空冷冻干燥试验仪的温度控制器设计,以AT89C52为控制核心,选用PT100传感器,MC14433A/D,利用增量式PID算法来完成对电机执行机构的运动控制,从而实现温度的精确控制。 关键字:温度传感器,单片机,温度控制器
上传时间: 2013-10-11
TM2101测控系统简介 本测控系统专为拉力机、压力机、电子万能材料试验机而研制。适用于测定各种材料在拉伸、压缩、弯曲、剪切、撕裂、剥离、穿刺等状态下的力学性能及有关物理参数。可做拉伸、压缩、三点抗弯、四点抗弯、剪切、撕裂、剥离、成品鞋穿刺、纸箱持压、泡棉循环压缩、弹簧拉压及各种动静态循环测试。
上传时间: 2013-10-10