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  • 基于PIC16LF874单片机的电容测量模块

    为提高电容测量精度,针对电容式传感器的工作原理设计了基于PIC16LF874单片机电容测量模块。简单阐述了电容测量电路的应用背景和国内外研究现状,介绍了美国Microchip公司PIC16LF874单片机的特性。电容式传感器输出的动态微弱电容信号通过PS021型电容数字转换器把模拟量数据转换成数字量数据,所测数据由PIC16LF874单片机应用程序进行处理、显示和保存。实验结果表明,固定电容标称值为10~20 pF 的测量值相对误差在1%以内,同时也可知被测电容容值越大,测量值和标称值相对误差越小。 Abstract:  To improve the accuracy of capacitance measurement,aimed at the principle of work of mercury capacitance acceleration transducer,the design of micro capacitance measurement circuit is based on the key PIC16LF874 chip. Briefly discusses the application of the capacitance measuring circuit for the background and status of foreign researchers,focusing on the United States PIC16LF874 microcontroller features. Capacitive sensor outputed signal through the dynamics of weak PS021-chip capacitors (capacitancedigital converter) to convert analog data into digital data,the measured data from the PIC16LF874 microcontroller application process, display and preservation. Experimental results show that the fixed capacitor 10pF ~ 20pF nominal value of the measured value of relative error is within 1%,but also it canbe seen the value of the measured capacitance larger,measuring value and the nominal value of relative error smaller.

    标签: PIC 874 16 LF

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 基于PCI9054的数据转换模块设计

    为了实现把软件仿真的数据通过PCI总线DMA传输、处理后转换成高速视频串行数据流(LVDS数据流),设计出了基于PCI9054的数据转换模块。通过介绍PCI总线接口协议芯片PCI9054的性能、特点,分析了windows的WDM驱动程序的特点,在软硬件设计中采用把数据缓存器设置为两组SRAM的结构,两组SRAM交替进行数据存取的方式,有效克服了数据流不连续的现象,解决了形成不间断数据流和两次DMA传输之间的数据间断问题。应用结果表明,该设计可满足数字视频带宽20 MHz以内的LVDS数据流的转换与传输。    

    标签: 9054 PCI 数据转换 模块设计

    上传时间: 2014-12-26


  • 基于单总线式无线温度采集系统设计

    为提高温度测量效率,降低系统的成本,扩展传输距离,设计出一种新型温度采集系统。单片机通过控制具有单总线方式的温度传感器DS18B20实现对温度的测量,同时单片机通过控制具有单总线方式300~450MHz频率范围内的MAX7044与MAX7033无线发射与接收芯片实现温度数据的无线传输。与传统温度采集系统相比,该系统利用单总线方式连接,采用无线传输方式实现远距离通信,易于系统的集成与扩展。实验结果表明,该系统结构简单、方便移植,能够同时实现多达上百点温度的测量与500m范围的传输。 Abstract:  To improve the temperature measurement efficiency and reduce system cost,expansion of transmission distance,a new type of temperature acquisition system is designed.Microcontroller controlled temperature sensor DS18B20which has a single-bus achieves temperature measurement,while microcontroller by controlled the MAX7044and MAX7033chip with a single-bus and having300~450MHz radiofrequency to achieve the wireless transmission of temperature data.Compared with conventional temperature acquisition system,the system uses single-bus connected,and uses wireless transmission means to achieve long-distance communications,easy-to-system integration and expansion.The experimental results show that the system is simple,convenient transplantation,and can be implemented in as many as a hundred-point temperature measure-ment and the transmission range of500meters.

    标签: 单总线 无线温度 采集 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 基于MSP430F247和TMP275的测温仪

    介绍了一种TI公司最新推出的MSP430F247单片机,利用它自带的I2C模块驱动I2C总线的温度传感器TMP275。TMP275是一款具有高精度、低功耗的新型温度传感器。由于TMP275具有可编程功能,纤小的封装以及极大的温度范围,因而广泛应用于组建超小型温度测量装置。 Abstract:  A new single chip microcomputer MSP430F247 which is released by TI is introduced.It can drive I2C interface digital temperature sensor TMP275 with I2C module.TMP275 is a new temperature sensor which has high accurate,low power. Because TMP275 has programmable function,small packages and wide temperature range,it is applied widely in very little temperature measurment equipment.

    标签: 430F F247 MSP 430

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • 2.4GHz PTR4000无线嵌入式模块高速率1Mbps、

    产品特性2.4Ghz全球开放ISM频段,免许可证使用最高工作速率1Mbps,高效GMSK调制,抗干扰能力强,特别适合工业控制场合125频道,满足多点通信和跳频通信需要内置硬件CRC检错和点对多点通信地址控制低功耗1.9~3.6V工作Power Down模式下状态仅为1uA内置2.4Ghz天线,体积小巧约24x24mm不包括天线模块可软件设地址,只有收到本机地址时才会输出数据(提供中断指示,可直接接各种单片机使用,软件编程非常方便内置专门稳压电路,使用各种电源包括DC/DC开关电源均有很好的通信效果标准DIP间距接口便于嵌入式应用PTR4000-Quick-DEV快速开发系统,含开发板、源代码、原理图等详细资料,即开即用,上手快,缩短您的开发时间

    标签: 1Mbps 4000 2.4 GHz

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • AT89S52单片机开发板设计报告

    摘要 本设计以AT89S52单片机为中心控制器,由51最小系统及复位电路、电源和USB下载模块、发光二极管模块、蜂鸣器电路、数码管显示模块、矩阵键盘模块、点阵显示电路、继电器电路、温度传感器DS18B20模块、串口通信接口电路、电机驱动电路、时钟芯片DS1302模块、存储器AT24C02、AD转化模块、DA转化模块、旋转拨码开关、1602和12864液晶接口、电路外部RAM62256模块组成。

    标签: 89S S52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 基于AT89C52单片机的温度巡回检测系统设计

    阐述了一个由上位PC机和AT89C52下位单片机组成的主从分布式温度巡回检测系统。主从机采用RS-485 串行通讯标准进行通信,可在下位单片机实现基本的温度数据巡回检测基础上,由上位PC机实现综合处理功能或扩展为远程操作。整个系统具有巡检速度快,扩展性好的特点。 Abstract:  In this paper,a top PC and AT89C52 under-bit microcontrollers from the main component of the tour distributed temperature detection system is presented. Master and slave can use RS-485 serial communication standards for communications.Based on next-bit machine for basic goods temperature detected data Tour, the top can achieve the integrated treatment of PC functions or for the expansion of long-distance operation. The entire inspection system is fast, expansion.

    标签: 89C C52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 89C52单片机模块

    模块结构框图和功能描述 模块结构框图如图:采用8位单片机89C52,时钟电路使用片内时钟振荡器,具有上电复位和手动按键复位功能,外接WDG复位电路。通过并行总线外扩了128KWSRM和64K的FLASHROM;串行扩展:通过RS-232连接了UART口;通过跳线器可选两个IO口来虚拟I2C总线,并外接带I2C总线的EEPROM和RTC。数据总线地址总线经总线驱动后引出到总线插槽与其他模块相连。模块的译码控制电路由一片CPLD来完成。

    标签: 89C52 单片机模块

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • 基于AT89C2051的温度监控系统的设计

    采用单片机AT89C2051实现温度测量与控制,键盘和显示电路实现温度的设定、修改、清零以及当前温度值的显示,并对温度超过上下限进行报警。阐述了该系统设计的硬件和软件设计。 Abstract:  The system of temperature measuring and controling is realized based on AT89C2051.The keyboard and display circuit is designed,which can be used for setting and modifying temperature value,resetting and displaying the present temperature value.At the same time the warning circuit is also designed in the system,which can deal with the alarm when temperature exceeds the upper limit and the lower limit.The hardware and software design of the system are explained.

    标签: C2051 2051 89C AT

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 基于单总线器件DS18B20的温度测量仪

    针对目前采用的热敏电阻测量方法,提出了采用单总线数字式温度传感器DS18B20和单片机组成的新型温度测量仪。介绍DS18B20的结构和工作原理,以及单总线工作原理,给出了由Mega8单片机和DS18B20构成的单总线温度测量仪的硬件电路及软件流程图。经试验基于单总线器件DS18B20的温度测量仪,具有测量准确、测温范围宽、体积小、控制方便等优点。 Abstract:  This paper brings forward a new temperature meter composed of 1-Wire temperature sensor DS18B20 and MCU which has advantage of the thermistor. In the article, the DS18B20's structure and controlling principles are introduced and hardware circuit and software diagram of the temperature meter are given.After been tested,the temperature meter has the advantages of accurate measurement, wide temperature range, small volume and convenient controlling.

    标签: 18B B20 DS 18

    上传时间: 2013-10-31
