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  • 基于单片机AT89S52控制的数字频率计的设计


    标签: 89S S52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 基于MSP430单片机的智能水位计设计

      为解决我国水位监测野外条件下长期无人看守的问题,研制开发了基于MSP430单片机的智能水位计。从其组成到各功能分别进行了详细的介绍,该智能水位计不仅实现了水位数据的实时监测、记录和定期采集等多种工作模式,而且提高了水位监测精度,实现了水位监测的智能化。   Abstract:   In order to solve the problems of long-term unmanned observation in the field water monitoring,an intelligence water-level meter based on MSP430 is developed composition and every function moduce of the water level meter was introduced in detail. It not only realizes water level data collection and storage, regularly gathering and so on, but also improves the water-level precision , finally realizes the intelligence.  

    标签: MSP 430 单片机 水位计

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 基于DAC7512的数控直流恒流源设计

    为了解决磁放大器性能测试过程中,需要对其供给不同数值恒定电流的问题,设计了一种基于DAC7512和单片机的数控恒流源系统。该系统采用AT89C51作为主控器件,将计算机发送的电流控制字命令转换为D/A转换器控制字,通过模拟SPI通信接口,写D/A控制字到DAC7512,从而控制其输出相应数字电压值,经差动缩放电路、电压/电路变换电路和功率驱动电路,最后输出恒定电流。实验结果表明,恒流源输出电流调节范围为-45~+45 mA、精度为±0.1 mA,分辨率达0.024 4 mA,具有应用灵活,外围电路简单,可靠性高的特点。该数控直流恒流源也可为相关产品的测试系统研发提供参考。 Abstract:  In order to solve the need to supply different values constant current for the magnetic amplifier in testing process, numerical control constant current source system was designed based on DAC7512 chip and microcontroller technology. The system used the AT89C51 as the main chip, which can convert the current control word from computer into to D/A control words. And the system wrote D/A control word into the DAC7512 chip to control the output voltage value by the SPI communication interface, which can output corresponding constant current figures by scaling circuit, the V/I converter and power drive circuit. Experimental results show that the current source output current adjustment range is -45~+45mA, accuracy is ± 0.1mA, and resolution ratio is 0.024 4mA

    标签: 7512 DAC 数控直流 恒流源

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • C8051F320列车安全巡检仪的设计

    提出了一种基于C8051F320的列车安全巡检仪的设计方案,详细阐述了巡检仪的各个模块的硬、软件设计。巡检仪集信息采集、轴温检测、照明和记录存储等功能于一体,实现了对列车安全巡检工作有效的监督和科学管理。系统软件采用C51编写,对单片机进行有效的电源管理,保证了巡检仪的稳定性、可靠性和低功耗性。 Abstract:  This paper puts forward a design of train safety inspection based on C8051F320,describes all modules hardware and software design of inspection instrument.The inspection instrument has the function of information collection, axle’s temperature detection, lighting and records storage.It can supervise and administer train safety inspection work effectively.The system software using C51 can manage the power of single chip microcomputer, and guarantee the stability, reliability and low power consumption of the inspection instrument.

    标签: C8051F320 列车 仪的设计 巡检

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 基于MSP430F149的智能电池巡检系统的设计

    介绍了电力操作电源与智能电池巡检系统的特点,给出了一种基于超低功耗单片机MSP430 F149针对中小型变电站自动化运行的专用设备的基本设计原理及实现方法,最后给出了详细硬件构成和软件实现。该系统能满足中小型变电站安全、可靠、自动运行的要求,并通过与上位机的串行通信实现变电站的远程管理和控制。 Abstract:  The characters of the intelligent battery data logging system of the electric operation power are introduced.The basic design principle and the implemented methods of the special equipment which only designed for the middle or small transformer substation based on MSP430F149 are prescribed. Finally, the hardware block diagram and the software flow chart are also given. The function that the system finally needs to realize can basically meet with the middle or small transformer substation’s satisfy, reliably,and automatic running.And it can also realize the transformer substation long-distance management and control by serial communicating with the host computer.

    标签: 430F F149 MSP 430

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • 单片机在水泥料位计中的应用


    标签: 单片机 中的应用 料位计

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 基于MSP430单片机的饮料瓶检漏系统


    标签: MSP 430 单片机 检漏

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • HRS-150数显洛氏硬度计使用说明书

    目  录  1.HRS150型数显洛氏硬度计简介 2.硬度计的技术参数、标尺和应用范围3.硬度计的安装及调整4.硬度计的正确使用5.常见故障及排除方法6.硬度计的保养及注意事项7.附件(装箱单)8.黑色金属硬度换算表

    标签: HRS 150 数显 使用说明书

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 计步器电路及单片机应用

    计步器电路  脂肪测试仪

    标签: 计步器电路 单片机应用

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 基于TMS320F2812的数字频率计

    基于TMS320F2812的数字频率计摘 要:采用多周期测量原理,即用标准频率信号填充整数个周期的被测信号,从而消除了被测信号±1的计数误差,其测量精度仅与门控时间和标准频率有关,克服传统的直接测频或者直接测周法均不能全面满足高精度要求的缺陷。选用TMS320F2812型号的DSP芯片作为核心处理单元,结合其高精时钟和快速运算的优点,利用其内部的事件管理器:捕获单元,定时/计数单元,比较单元,脉宽调制电路PWM,实现高精度的频率测量,并实现了脉宽和占空比的测量。关键词:高精度频率测量; 脉宽; 占空比; 多周期测量原理; 数字信号处理器

    标签: F2812 2812 320F TMS

    上传时间: 2014-10-14
