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  • 基于MS5534B的微功耗气压数据采集

    气压是气象监测中的一个重要参数,提出了一种气压数据采集模块设计方案,该模块采用数字气压传感器MS5534B、MSP430单片机MSP430F2272和带实时时钟(RTC)64 KB铁电存储器。通过低功耗软件设计方法以微安级整体平均功耗实现了气压数据的采集和存储,适合电池供电的连续高精度气压采集应用。给出了模块的软硬件设计以及MS5534B的性能指标和使用经验。 Abstract:  Air pressure is an important parameter in weather monitor.This paper futs forward a new design scheme of low power-air pressure data acquisition module.The module uses a digital output barometer sensor MS5534B,MSP430 microcontroller MSP430F2272 and integrated RTC 64KB FRAM,precision air pressure measurement and storage chip.Another point of this module is low power consumption, so it is well suited for battery powered air pressure data acquisition applications. At the same time,the software and hardware deign of module is presented,And the speciaties and use notices of MS5534B are given.

    标签: 5534B 5534 MS 微功耗

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于DAC7512的数控直流恒流源设计

    为了解决磁放大器性能测试过程中,需要对其供给不同数值恒定电流的问题,设计了一种基于DAC7512和单片机的数控恒流源系统。该系统采用AT89C51作为主控器件,将计算机发送的电流控制字命令转换为D/A转换器控制字,通过模拟SPI通信接口,写D/A控制字到DAC7512,从而控制其输出相应数字电压值,经差动缩放电路、电压/电路变换电路和功率驱动电路,最后输出恒定电流。实验结果表明,恒流源输出电流调节范围为-45~+45 mA、精度为±0.1 mA,分辨率达0.024 4 mA,具有应用灵活,外围电路简单,可靠性高的特点。该数控直流恒流源也可为相关产品的测试系统研发提供参考。 Abstract:  In order to solve the need to supply different values constant current for the magnetic amplifier in testing process, numerical control constant current source system was designed based on DAC7512 chip and microcontroller technology. The system used the AT89C51 as the main chip, which can convert the current control word from computer into to D/A control words. And the system wrote D/A control word into the DAC7512 chip to control the output voltage value by the SPI communication interface, which can output corresponding constant current figures by scaling circuit, the V/I converter and power drive circuit. Experimental results show that the current source output current adjustment range is -45~+45mA, accuracy is ± 0.1mA, and resolution ratio is 0.024 4mA

    标签: 7512 DAC 数控直流 恒流源

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 利用MAXQ2000微控制器实现快速傅里叶变换


    标签: MAXQ 2000 微控制器 快速傅里叶变换

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 基于AVR单片机的船舶气象仪测试系统的设计

       针对船舶气象仪保障维修而设计的船舶气象仪测试系统,包括信息处理终端、主仪器检测模块、传感器检测模块,各个模块都采用基于AVR单片机的嵌入式系统,模块之间通过CAN总线进行通信。结果表明,船舶气象仪测试系统能够快速检测船舶气象仪故障,与单纯依靠人工方式排查故障相比,故障检测时间缩短了60%以上。 Abstract:  The test system of ship meteorological instrument was developed to satisfy the maintenance of ship meteorological instruments,which composed of information processing terminal, testing module of main instrument and testing module of sensors. Each of these modules included an embedded system based on microcontroller of AVR series and communicated with other module by CAN bus. The results show that the test system can judge the fault of ship meteorological instrument quickly and shorten the fault detection time as much as 60% compared with simple manual troubleshooting.

    标签: AVR 单片机 气象仪 测试系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 基于温度梯度驱动的液滴传输行为研究


    标签: 温度 梯度驱动 传输

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 基于单片机控制的充电电池容量测试电路的设计


    标签: 单片机控制 充电电池 容量测试 电路

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 基于LM3S316的微控制器仿真USB设备


    标签: S316 316 LM3 USB

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • 基于STM32微控制器的MP3播放器设计


    标签: STM MP3 32 微控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 无线小型微功耗寻物系统的设计与实现


    标签: 无线 微功耗 寻物系统

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • YC-53型便携式电流互感器校验装置


    标签: YC 53 便携式 电流互感器

    上传时间: 2013-11-11
