While simplicity and high effi ciency (for cool running) areno longer optional features in isolated power supplies, itis traditionally diffi cult to achieve both. Achieving higheffi ciency often requires the use of advanced topologiesand home-brewed secondary synchronous rectifi cationschemes once reserved only for higher power applications.This only adds to the parts count and to the designcomplexity associated with the reference and optocouplercircuits typically used to maintain isolation. Fortunately, abreakthrough IC makes it possible to achieve both high efficiency and simplicity in a synchronous fl yback topology.The LT®3825 simplifi es and improves the performance oflow voltage, high current fl yback supplies by providingprecise synchronous rectifi er timing and eliminating theneed for optocoupler feedback while maintaining excellentregulation and superior loop response.
上传时间: 2013-10-16
To this day, Power over Ethernet (PoE) continues to gainpopularity in today’s networking world. The 12.95Wdelivered to the Powered Device (PD) input supplied bythe Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) is a universal supply.Each PD provides its own DC/DC conversion from anominal 48V supply, thus eliminating the need for a correctvoltage wall adapter. However, higher power devicescan not take advantage of standard PoE because of itspower limitations, and must rely on a large wall adapteras their primary supply. The new LTC4268-1 breaks thispower barrier by allowing for power of up to 35W for suchpower-hungry 2-pair PoE applications. The LTC4268-1provides a complete solution by integrating a high powerPD interface control with an isolated fl yback controller.
上传时间: 2014-12-24
v开关电源拓扑结构综述 v开关电源分类 v非隔离式拓扑举例 BUCK BOOST BUCK-BOOST v隔离式拓扑举例 正激式 反激式
上传时间: 2013-10-12
上传时间: 2014-01-14
序号 参数 数据 单位 参数 说 明 . 输 入 参 数 变 量 1 umin V 交流输入电压最小值 2 umax V 交流输入电压最大值 3 fL Hz 电网频率 4 f kHz 开关频率 5 UO V 直流输出电压 6 PO W 输出功率 7 η % 电源效率 8 Z 0.5 损耗分配系数 9 UFB V 反馈电压
上传时间: 2013-10-14
上传时间: 2016-04-21
上传时间: 2017-03-02
PFC基础知识-PF的定义1功率因数(Power Factor)的定义是指输入有功功率(p)和视在功率(S)的比值;线性电路功率因数可用Cos表示,为正弦电流与正弦电压的相位差;但是由于整流电路中二极管的非线性,导致输入电流为严重的非正弦波形,用cosp已不能表示整流电路的功率因数;常规直接整流电路的滤波电容使输出电压平滑,但却使输入电流变为尖脉冲,并产生高次谐波分量。输入电流波形变,导致功率因数下降,污染电网,甚至造成电子设备损坏。引入功率因数校正是必要的利用功率因数校正技术可A/全跟踪交流输入电压波形,流输入电流波形完使输入电流波形皇纯正弦波,并且与输入电压波形相位,,此时整流器的货载可等效为纯电阻。根据常用功率因数校正方法可分为有源功率因数校正(APFC)技术与无源功率因数校正(PPFC)技术。它置于桥式整流器与滤波用电解电容器之间,实际上是一种DC-DC变换器。无源功率因数校正是利用电感和电容组成滤波器,对输入电容进行移相和整形。有源功率因数校正(APFC:Active Power Factor Correction),在负载即电力电子装置本身的整流器和滤波电容之间增加一个功率变换电路,将整流器的输入电流校正成为与电网电压同相位的正弦波,消除了谐波和无功电流,因而将电网功率因数提高到近似为1.APFC电路常用拓扑:升压式(Boost)降压式(Buck)升/降压式(Buck/Boost)反激式(Fly back)APFC电路形式:单极式 双极式单相PFC 三相PFCBoost变换电路是有源功率因数校正器主回路拓扑的极好选择。优点:输入电流连续,因而产生低的传导噪声和最好的输入电流波形;缺点:需要比输入峰值电压还要高的输出电压。
标签: pfc
上传时间: 2022-05-28
上传时间: 2022-05-29
标签: 开关电源
上传时间: 2022-06-20