上传时间: 2013-11-04
智能仪器是指内含微机(目前最适合的是单片机)和GP-IB接口的电子仪器。本书介绍以MCS-51单片机为核心的智能仪器的工作原理和设计方法。书中详细介绍了智能仪器中模拟放大电路,A/D、D/A转换器与单片机的接口设计,常用的输入输出设备(如键盘、LED、LCD、CRT显示器、微型打印机、语音处理器等)与单片机的接口技术,还深入地讨论了监控主程序和接口管理主程序的设计,常用的测量算法及优化系统性能的高精确度、高抗干扰和低功耗的设计方法。这些方法也适用于一般的单片机应用系统设计。 本书内容新颖、实用、文字精炼、通俗易懂,可作为工科院校的电子、电气、机电、仪器仪表、检测控制等专业的教科书或参考书,也可代从事智能仪器或单片机应用的研究人员和工程技术人员阅读。
上传时间: 2013-11-09
上传时间: 2014-12-26
上传时间: 2013-11-11
在16MHZ频率下速度为16MIPS的8位RISC结构单片机,内含硬件乘法器。 支持JTAG端口仿真和编程,仿真效果比传统仿真同更真实有效。 8通道10位AD转换器,支持单端和双端差分信号输入,内带增益可编程运算放大器。 16K字节的FLASH存贮器,支持ISP、IAP编程,使系统开发、生产、维护更容易。 多达1K字节的SRAM,32个通用寄存器,三个数据指针,使用C语言编程更容易。 512字节的EEPROM存贮器,可以在系统掉电时保存您的重要数据。 多达20个中断源,每个中断有独立的中断向量入口地址。 2个8位定时/计数器,1个16位定时/计数器,带捕捉、比较功能,有四个通道的PWM。 硬件USART、SPI和基于字节处理的I2C接口。 杰出的电气性能,超强的抗干扰能力。每个IO口可负载40mA的电流,总电流不超过200mA。 可选片内/片外RC振荡、石英/陶瓷晶振、外部时钟,更具备实时时钟(RTC)功能;片内RC振荡可达8MHZ,频率可校调到1%精度;片外晶振振荡幅度可调,以改善EMI性能。 内置模拟量比较器。 可以用熔丝开启、带独立振荡器的看门狗,看门狗溢出时间分8级可调。 内置上电复位电路和可编程低电压检测(BOD)复位电路。 六种睡眠模式,给你更低的功耗和更灵活的选择。 ATMEGA16L工作电压2.7V-5.5V,工作频率0-8MHZ;ATMEGA16工作电压4.5-5.5V,工作频率0-16MHZ。 32个IO口,DIP40、TQFP44封装。 与其它8位单片机相比,有更高的程序安全性,保护您的知识产权。
上传时间: 2013-11-22
设计一种基于ATmega16L单片机的温度控制系统,阐述该系统的软硬件设计方案。采用模块化设计方法,利用增量式PID算法使被控对象的温度值趋于给定值。实验结果表明该系统具有良好的检测和控制功能。 Abstract: This paper designs a temperature control system based on ATmega16L,describes the hardware and software de-sign scheme of the system,adopts the modularized design method and utilizes the incremental PID algorithm to realize the temperature of controlled device incline to the given value.The experiment result indicates that the system has good detec-tion and control function
上传时间: 2013-10-09
介绍了一种基于C8051F020单片机的多路压力测量仪。该测量仪选用电阻应变式压力传感器采集压力信号,并经放大电路处理后送入C8051F020单片机,再由C8051F020单片机内部的A/D转换器将采集到的压力信号进行模数转化,然后分别对数据进行存储和显示。该测量仪能测量6路压力信号,并且各测量点都能单独检测和设置。由于采用了C8051F020单片机,简化了硬件电路,增强了抗干扰能力,使得测量仪具有测量精度高,冲击小等特点。 Abstract: A measurement apparatus for multi-channel pressure based on single chip microcomputer is introduced.It can measure 6 channels signal of the pressure,and the pressure measure points can be detection and located individually.The pressure signal sampling is obtained by resistor stress-type pressure sensors,the digital signals of 6 channels are collected through amplifying and adjustment circuit of pressure signals and internal integrated A/D converter of MCU.Finally,and it realizes the function to store and display data separately.C8051F020 was used to made hardware circuit simple,and it also enhanced the anti-interference ability.It features high precision and little impact.
上传时间: 2013-11-16
在汽车发动机起动时,若发动机起动后起动机不能及时断电,将会烧毁起动机或损坏飞轮齿环;若变速器不在空档位置起动,则起动机的瞬间动力将使汽车位移,还可能引起交通事故和人身安全。为此介绍一种利用NXP P89LPC901单片机控制的汽车起动保护控制器,通过检测汽车起动开关、变速箱档位、发动机转速,实现对汽车发动机起动过程检测和保护。起动保护控制器在发动机起动过程中通过采用逐个关闭打开负载系统,解决汽车发动机过程中因起动电流大而对汽车电源的冲击影响,延长了电瓶寿命。 Abstract: When the automotive engine is started, the engine start motor and flywheel gear may be damaged, even traffic accidents and personal safeties may be caused by wrong operation or other factors.In order to ensure the automotive engine can be started normally and safely,it is necessary that the protecting measures and methods are considered in the automotive electrical control system.This paper introduces a kind of the automotive engine starting protect controller based on NXP P89LPC901 MCU.The controller can protect the engine starting process by detecting the starter key switch,transmission stall and engine speed.Through the use of close and open load system,the controller can solve the impact on automotive power because of the high-current load in the process of the automobile engine starting, and extend battery life.
上传时间: 2013-10-15
主要介绍了以PIC18F2480单片机为处理器,基于可编程多路开关检测接口器件MC33993实现的车用多路开关检测接口电路的设计。该设计克服了以往基于分立元件的检测接口电路的弊端,简化了接口电路设计,保证了车用开关工作的可靠性和安全性。 Abstract: The design of automotive multiple switch detection interface circuit based on MC33993 is introduced mainly which adopts PIC18F2480 single chip microprocessor.This circuit overcomes shortage of traditional design which contains many schism elements, and the application of MC33993 also predigests the whole design of interface circuit and guarantees the dependability and security of the switch.
上传时间: 2013-11-19
介绍了基于单片机航空交流电参数测试仪的系统设计。以Silicon Labs公司的C8051F005单片机为核心设计出数据采集板,通过RS-232串口与上位机通讯。运用Lab Windows/CVI编写的上位机软件实现信号的检测以及波形和数据的显示,给出了测试仪硬件电路的组成和软件流程图。本系统具有硬件结构简单、容易实现和成本低等特点,在实际应用中其稳定性、精确性均能满足客户要求。 Abstract: The design of aeronautics AC parameters tester based on the single-chip is introduced.The core component of data acquisition board is C8051F005 single chip of Silicon Labs Company,and communication with PC through RS-232. The signal processing software programmed with LabWindows/CVI can be used successfully to fulfill inspection of signal and display of the waveform and data. The hardware and software configuration of test instrument are provided.The hardware of the system is simple, and can be easily realized.The stability and precision of the measurement instrument are enough to meet the requirements.
上传时间: 2013-11-18