The LTC®3414 offers a compact and efficient voltage regulatorsolution for point of load conversion in electronicsystems that require low output voltages (down to 0.8V)from a 2.5V to 5V power bus. Internal power MOSFETswitches, with only 67mW on-resistance, allow theLTC3414 to deliver up to 4A of output current with efficiencyas high as 94%. The LTC3414 saves space by operatingwith switching frequencies as high as 4MHz, enabling theuse of tiny inductors and capacitors.
上传时间: 2014-01-03
上传时间: 2013-11-04
Multiple-voltage electronics systems often requirecomplex supply voltage tracking or sequencing, whichif not met, can result in system faults or even permanentfailures in the fi eld. The design diffi culties in meetingthese requirements are often compounded in distributedpowerarchitectures where point-of-load (POL) DC/DCconverters or linear regulators are scattered across PCboard space, sometimes on different board planes. Theproblem is that power supply circuitry is often the lastcircuitry to be designed into the board, and it must beshoehorned into whatever little board real estate is left.Often, a simple, drop-in, fl exible solution is needed tomeet these requirements.
上传时间: 2013-10-08
Easy-to-use and compact point-of-load power suppliesare necessary in systems with widely distributed, highcurrent, low voltage loads. The LTC®3415 provides acompact, simple and versatile solution. It includes a pairof integrated complementary power MOSFETs (32mΩtop and 25mΩ bottom) and requires no external senseresistor. A complete design requires an inductor andinput/output capacitors, and that’s it. The result is a fast,constant frequency, 7A current mode DC/DC switchingregulator.
上传时间: 2013-10-18
Advancements in board assembly, PCB layout anddigital IC integration have produced a new generationof densely populated, high performance systems. Theboard-mounted point-of-load (POL) DC/DC power suppliesin these systems are subject to the same demandingsize, high power and performance requirements asother subsystems. The rigorous new POL demands aredifficult to meet with traditional controller or regulatorICs, or power modules.
上传时间: 2014-12-24
上传时间: 2013-10-09
Today’s computer, datacom, and telecom systems demandpower supplies that are effi cient, respond quicklyto load transients and accurately regulate the voltageat the load. For example, load current can be measuredby using the inductor DCR, thus eliminating the needfor a dedicated sense resistor. Inductor DCR sensingincreases effi ciency—especially at heavy load—whilereducing component cost and required board space.The LTC®3856 single-output 2-phase synchronous buckcontroller improves the accuracy of inductor DCR sensingby compensating for changes in DCR due to temperature.
上传时间: 2013-11-05
上传时间: 2013-10-28
什么是DC/DC 转换器? 什么是DC(Direct Current)呢?它表示的是直流电源,诸如干电池或车载电池之类。家庭用的100V电源是交流电源(AC) 。若通过一个转换器能将一个直流电压(3.0V)转换成其他的直流电压(1.5V或5.0V),这个转换器被称为DC/DC转换器或称之为开关电源或开关调整器。 DC/DC转换器一般由控制芯片,电感线圈,二极管,三极管,电容器构成。 DC/DC转换器为转变输入电压后有效输出固定电压的电压转换器。DC/DC转换器分为三类:升压型DC/DC转换器、降压型DC/DC转换器以及升降压型DC/DC转换器。根据需求可采用三类控制。PWM控制型效率高并具有良好的输出电压纹波和噪声。PFM控制型即使长时间使用,尤其小负载时具有耗电小的优点。PWM/PFM转换型小负载时实行PFM控制,且在重负载时自动转换到PWM控制。目前DC-DC转换器广泛应用于手机、MP3、数码相机、便携式媒体播放器等产品中。
上传时间: 2014-12-24
上传时间: 2013-11-07