针对目前MSP430单片机实验装置较少、实验内容少,而且无MSP430高端产品的实验装置,研制了基于MSP430F5529单片机的综合实验装置,主要包括MSP430 Launch Pad和母板两部分。较传统的单片机实验装置增加了模拟电路的设置,设计的实验能够利用单片机的所有外设,可进行模块基础实验和综合实验两大类实验,非常适合自动化和电气信息类大学生学习使用。
Concerning with the lack of experimental equipment and content based on MSP430,and especially,the experimental equipment of MSP430 senior products,an experimental equipment based on MSP430F5529 microcontroller is developed. It mainly consists of two parts: MSP430 Launch Pad and main board. Compared with traditional microcontroller experiment equipment,a few analog circuits were added. The experiment we set up takes advantage of all microcontroller peripherals. Students can do two kinds of experiments: module experiment and complex experiment.Therefore it fits university students in automation and electrical major very well.