We’re living through exciting times. The landscape of what computers can do is
changing by the week. Tasks that only a few years ago were thought to require
higher cognition are getting solved by machines at near-superhuman levels of per-
formance. Tasks such as describing a photographic image with a sentence in idiom-
atic English, playing complex strategy game, and diagnosing a tumor from a
radiological scan are all approachable now by a computer. Even more impressively,
computers acquire the ability to solve such tasks through examples, rather than
human-encoded of handcrafted rules.
资源简介:We’re living through exciting times. The landscape of what computers can do is changing by the week. Tasks that only a few years ago were thought to require higher cognition are getting solved by machines at near-superhuman levels of per- ...
上传时间: 2020-06-10
资源简介:How to Think Like a Computer Scientist Learning with Python 学习linux下Python脚本的必备书籍
上传时间: 2014-10-29
资源简介:Machine Learning with WEKA: An Introduction (讲义) 关于数据挖掘和机器学习的.
上传时间: 2013-12-27
资源简介:《How To Think Like A Computer Scientist Learning with C++》. Allen B. Downey写的关于c++的一本书。
上传时间: 2016-07-31
资源简介:Matlab DSP learning with source code!
上传时间: 2017-02-16
资源简介:tell about plugin development in csharp, nice document for learning with sample code
上传时间: 2017-04-09
资源简介:this is a zip file contain a program for design of deep foundation with excel.
上传时间: 2017-05-28
资源简介:Neural Networks and Deep Learning(简体中文),比较经典的深度学习入门教程。
上传时间: 2016-11-09
上传时间: 2013-06-07
资源简介:The past decade has seen an explosion of machine learning research and appli- cations; especially, deep learning methods have enabled key advances in many applicationdomains,suchas computervision,speechprocessing,andgameplaying. However, th...
上传时间: 2020-06-10
资源简介:Unlock deeper insights into machine learning with this vital guide to cutting-edge predictive analytics
上传时间: 2017-10-27
资源简介:DEEP learning paper DEEP learning paper DEEP learning paper DEEP learning paper DEEP learning paper DEEP learning paper DEEP learning paper DEEP learning paper
上传时间: 2018-06-13
资源简介:Although state of the art in many typical machine learning tasks, deep learning algorithmsareverycostly interms ofenergyconsumption,duetotheirlargeamount of required computations and huge model sizes. Because of this, deep learning applicat...
上传时间: 2020-06-10
资源简介:mikolove 开源软件word2vec源码分析,深入了解deep learning模型
上传时间: 2015-06-18
资源简介:深度学习,神经网络,卷积神经网络 Analysis of Deep Learning Models using CNN Techniques
上传时间: 2020-01-02
资源简介:Inventors have long dreamed of creating machines that think. This desire dates back to at least the time of ancient Greece. The mythical figures Pygmalion, Daedalus, and Hephaestus may all be interpreted as legendary inventors, and Galatea,...
上传时间: 2020-06-10
资源简介:上面是一段实时目标识别的演示, 计算机在视频流上标注出物体的类别, 包括人、汽车、自行车、狗、背包、领带、椅子等。今天的计算机视觉技术已经可以在图片、视频中识别出大量类别的物体, 甚至可以初步理解图片或者视频中的内容, 在这方面,人工智能已经达...
上传时间: 2022-06-22
资源简介:该书的作者是来自 Y Combinator Research 的研究员 Michael Nielsen,他也是一位量子物理学家、科学作家、计算机编程研究人员。他的个人主页是:Neural networks and deep learningneuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com书籍介绍 这是我个人以为目前最好的神...
上传时间: 2022-07-24
上传时间: 2013-05-15
资源简介:With the successful implementation of XML Schema, developers are learning how to increase productivity, improve software reliability, minimize development time, and decrease time to market. This in-depth reference is an all-in-one resource ...
上传时间: 2013-12-08
资源简介:Signals_and_Systems_with_MATLAB_Applications is nice to learning Signals andSystems with MATLA book
上传时间: 2013-12-21
资源简介:javaME useful code with the J2ME helpful learning cla
上传时间: 2013-12-08
资源简介:《Learning OpenCV---Computer vision with the OpenCV library》Gary Bradski & Adrian Kaebler最新权威OpenCV专著,OpenCV必备宝典
上传时间: 2017-01-01
资源简介:ANN with BP learning
上传时间: 2014-01-01
资源简介:A good document in french for learning to program with c in a short time.It offers the basic fonctions, methods for a better use of this language.
上传时间: 2017-04-21
资源简介:After learning to work with images it is important to learn some of the accessory functions OpenCV has to offer. This tutorial will discuss a simple image correlation example
上传时间: 2013-12-19
资源简介:The BYY annealing learning algorithm for Gaussian mixture with automated model selection
上传时间: 2014-09-05
资源简介:Locally weighted polynomial regression LWPR is a popular instance based al gorithm for learning continuous non linear mappings For more than two or three in puts and for more than a few thousand dat apoints the computational expense o...
上传时间: 2013-11-28
资源简介:Description: C4.5Rule-PANE is a rule learning method which could generate accurate and comprehensible symbolic rules, through regarding a neural network ensemble as a pre-process of a rule inducer. Reference: Z.-H. Zhou and Y. Jiang. Medic...
上传时间: 2013-11-30
资源简介:In this paper, we describe the development of a mobile butterfly-watching learning (BWL) system to realize outdoor independent learning for mobile learners. The mobile butterfly-watching learning system was designed in a wireless mobile a...
上传时间: 2014-11-26