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  • 资源大小:803 K
  • 上传时间: 2013-11-19
  • 上传用户:sunny无名小筑
  • 资源积分:2 下载积分
  • 标      签: 89C C52 AT 89

资 源 简 介

从系统硬件设计和软件构成上,介绍一种以AT89C52单片机为核心,通过无线遥控方法实现对预设电话自动拨号报警的智能呼救系统。系统提供了患者在紧急情况下无法使用电话报警时的一种报警手段。由用户预设的多组电话号码作为语音报警对象,预录可长达20 s的语音信号来说明患者所处地点及病情,并通知患者家人。

 This paper introduces a intelligent alarming system which is realized by wireless remote control system.This system chiefly consists of AT89C51 the system can processor.User can input several groups of telephone number regarded as alarming objects,The system can record some information 20 seconds to tell the site of the patient.And notice the rokonok of the patient.

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