

  • RTEMS (Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems) is a free open source real-time operating sys

    RTEMS (Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems) is a free open source real-time operating system designed for embedded systems. The acronym RTEMS initially stood for Real-Time Executive for Missile Systems, then became Real-Time Executive for Military Systems before changing to its current meaning. RTEMS development began in the late 1980s with early versions of RTEMS available via ftp as early as 1993. OAR Corporation is currently managing the RTEMS project in cooperation with a Steering Committee which includes user representatives.

    标签: Multiprocessor Executive Real-Time real-time

    上传时间: 2015-08-09


  • 很多不同的厂家生产各种型号的计算机

    很多不同的厂家生产各种型号的计算机,它们运行完全不同的操作系统,但TCP/IP协议组件允许它们互相进行通信。这一点很让人感到吃惊,因为它的作用已远远超出了起初的设想。TCP/IP起源于60年代末美国政府资助的一个分组交换网络研究项目,到现在90年代已发展成为计算机之间最常应用的组网形式。它是一个真正的开放系统,因为协议组件的定义及其多种实现可以不用花钱或花很少的钱就可以公开地得到。它成为被称作“全球互联网”或“因特网”(Internet)的基础,该广域网(WAN)已包含超过100万台遍布世界各地的计算机。 本章主要对TCP/IP协议组件进行概述,其目的是为本书其余章节提供充分的背景知识。如果读者要从历史的角度了解有关TCP/IP的早期发展情况,请参考文献[Lynch 1993]。

    标签: 型号 计算机

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • The book "The Finite Difference Time Domain for Electromagnetics" by Karl Kunz and Raymond Luebbers,

    The book "The Finite Difference Time Domain for Electromagnetics" by Karl Kunz and Raymond Luebbers, CRC Press, 1993, contains an FDTD code and output files in Appendix B. The same code and output files are contained in this directory.

    标签: Electromagnetics Difference The Luebbers

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • ATAPI标准资料。硬盘接口IDE(Integrated Drive Electronies)也称AT总线接口

    ATAPI标准资料。硬盘接口IDE(Integrated Drive Electronies)也称AT总线接口,是当前新型硬盘驱动器普遍采用的一种接口。它最早由Texan和Compaq公司提出,目的是把硬盘控制器嵌入到驱动器中。1988年10月,ANSI中的X3T9.2工作组的一个委员会开始讨论IDE的有关问题。1993年2月发表了该标准的3.1版本,使其成为了正式的ANSI标准,并赋予了一个新的名称--ATA(AT Attachment)。从概念上说,ATA与IDE具有基本相同的含义。

    标签: Electronies Integrated ATAPI Drive

    上传时间: 2014-09-05


  • brainf×ck的一种解释器。Brainf*ck

    brainf×ck的一种解释器。Brainf*ck,是一种极小化的计算机语言,它是由Urban Müller在1993年创建的。由于fuck在英语中是脏话,这种语言有时被称为brainf*ck或brainf***,甚至被简称为BF。

    标签: brainf Brainf ck

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • 讲解单片机的编码与运用

    讲解单片机的编码与运用,介绍单片机的功能与原理。 它获得1993年美国软件开发杂志Jolt大奖,被美国包括MIT在内的十多所大学作为计算机软件学科的教材。

    标签: 单片机 编码

    上传时间: 2016-08-08


  • Fortran has always been the principal language used in the fields of scientific, numerical, and en

    Fortran has always been the principal language used in the fields of scientific, numerical, and engineering programming, and a series of revisions to the standard defining successive versions of the language has progressively enhanced its power and kept it competitive with several generations of rivals. Beginning in 1978, the technical committee responsible for the development of Fortran standards, X3J3 (now called J3), laboured to produce a new, much- needed modern version of the language, Fortran 90. Its purpose is to "promote portability, reliability, maintainability, and efficient execution... on a variety of computing systems". The standard was published in 1991, and work began in 1993 on a minor revision, known informally as Fortran 95. Now this revised

    标签: scientific the principal numerical

    上传时间: 2017-04-11


  •  SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm

     SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm,译作安全散列算法) 是美国国家安全局 (NSA) 设计,美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST) 发布的一系列密码散列函数。正式名称为 SHA 的家族第一个成员发布于 1993年。然而现在的人们给它取了一个非正式的名称 SHA-0 以避免与它的后继者混淆。两年之后, SHA-1,第一个 SHA 的后继者发布了。 另外还有四种变体,曾经发布以提升输出的范围和变更一些细微设计: SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 和 SHA-512 (这些有时候也被称做 SHA-2)。

    标签: Algorithm Secure Hash SHA

    上传时间: 2014-03-01


  • 关于JTAG的介绍

    百度关于JTAG接口的介绍。JTAG是英文“Joint Test Action Group的词头字母的简写,该组织成立于1985 年,是由几家主要的电子制造商发起制订的PCB 和IC 测试标准。JTAG 建议于1990 年被IEEE 批准为IEEE1149.1-1990 测试访问端口和边界扫描结构标准。该标准规定了进行边界扫描所需要的硬件和软件。自从1990 年批准后,IEEE 分别于1993 年和1995 年对该标准作了补充,形成了现在使用的IEEE1149.1a-1993 和IEEE1149.1b-1994。JTAG 主要应用于:电路的边界扫描测试和可编程芯片的在系统编程。

    标签: 单片机扩展 编程

    上传时间: 2015-05-11


  • Multi-Carrier+Spread+Spectrum+2007

    Since the principle of multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) was simultaneously proposed by Khaled Fazel et al. and Nathan Yee et al. at the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) in the year 1993, multi-carrier spread spectrum (MC-SS) has rapidly become one of the most wide spread independent research topics on the field of mobile radio communications. Therefore, the International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum (MC-SS) was initiated in the year 1997. Multi-carrier and spread spectrum systems with their generic air interface and adaptive technologies are considered as potential candidates to fulfill the requirements of next generation mobile communications systems.

    标签: Multi-Carrier Spectrum Spread 2007

    上传时间: 2020-05-30
