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  • Routine mampres: To obtain amplitude response from h(exp(jw)). input parameters: h :n dimensione

    Routine mampres: To obtain amplitude response from h(exp(jw)). input parameters: h :n dimensioned complex array. the frequency response is stored in h(0) to h(n-1). n :the dimension of h and amp. fs :sampling frequency (Hz). iamp:If iamp=0: The Amplitude Res. amp(k)=abs(h(k)) If iamp=1: The Amplitude Res. amp(k)=20.*alog10(abs(h(k))). output parameters: amp :n dimensioned real array. the amplitude-frequency response is stored in amp(0) to amp(n-1). Note: this program will generate a data file "filename.dat" . in chapter 2

    标签: dimensione parameters amplitude response

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • jw-jmf2-code JMF视频及音频对象的监听和传输的核心代码

    jw-jmf2-code JMF视频及音频对象的监听和传输的核心代码

    标签: jw-jmf code JMF 视频

    上传时间: 2016-05-18


  • 信号分离电路(ppt)

    第四章  信号分离电路 第四章  信号分离电路 第一节  滤波器的基本知识一、滤波器的功能和类型1、功能:滤波器是具有频率选择作用的电路或运算处理系统,具有滤除噪声和分离各种不同信号的功能。2、类型:按处理信号形式分:模拟滤波器和数字滤波器按功能分:低通、高通、带通、带阻按电路组成分:LC无源、RC无源、由特殊元件构成的无源滤波器、RC有源滤波器按传递函数的微分方程阶数分:一阶、二阶、高阶第一节  滤波器的基本知识 第一节  滤波器的基本知识二、模拟滤波器的传递函数与频率特性(一)模拟滤波器的传递函数模拟滤波电路的特性可由传递函数来描述。传递函数是输出与输入信号电压或电流拉氏变换之比。经分析,任意个互相隔离的线性网络级联后,总的传递函数等于各网络传递函数的乘积。这样,任何复杂的滤波网络,可由若干简单的一阶与二阶滤波电路级联构成。 第一节  滤波器的基本知识(二)模拟滤波器的频率特性模拟滤波器的传递函数H(s)表达了滤波器的输入与输出间的传递关系。若滤波器的输入信号Ui是角频率为w的单位信号,滤波器的输出Uo(jw)=H(jw)表达了在单位信号输入情况下的输出信号随频率变化的关系,称为滤波器的频率特性函数,简称频率特性。频率特性H(jw)是一个复函数,其幅值A(w)称为幅频特性,其幅角∮(w)表示输出信号的相位相对于输入信号相位的变化,称为相频特性。 

    标签: 信号分离 电路

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • *** *** *** *** *** *** ***** ** Two wire/I2C Bus READ/WRITE Sample Routines of Microchip s ** 2

    *** *** *** *** *** *** ***** ** Two wire/I2C Bus READ/WRITE Sample Routines of Microchip s ** 24Cxx / 85Cxx serial CMOS EEPROM interfacing to a ** PIC16C54 8-bit CMOS single chip microcomputer ** Revsied Version 2.0 (4/2/92). ** ** Part use = PIC16C54-XT/jw ** Note: 1) All timings are based on a reference crystal frequency of 2MHz ** which is equivalent to an instruction cycle time of 2 usec. ** 2) Address and literal values are read in octal unless otherwise ** specified.

    标签: Microchip Routines Sample WRITE

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • 杰华特jw7805 datasheet

    The jw® 7805 is a low noise low-dropout (LDO)  voltage regulator with enable function that  operates from 1.8V to 5.5V. It provides up to  300mA of output current and offers low-power  operation in miniaturized packaging. jw7805  supports fixed output voltage 0.9V, 1.0V, 1.05V,  1.1V,1.2V, 1.3V, 1.35V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 1.85V, 2.1V,  2.2V, 2.3V, 2.5V, 2.6V, 2.7V, 2.8V, 2.85V, 2.9V,  3.0V,3.1V, 3.3V, 3.6V, 4.2V, 4.4V and 5.0V.  The features of low quiescent current as low as  6uA and almost zero disable current are ideal for  powering the battery equipment. jw7805’s low  output noise and high PSRR are also friendly to  RF systems.

    标签: jw7805

    上传时间: 2022-05-06
