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  • 6小时学会labview

    6小时学会labview, labview Six hour Course – Instructor Notes   This zip file contains material designed to give students a working knowledge of labview in a 6 hour timeframe. The contents are: Instructor Notes.doc – this document. labviewIntroduction-Sixhour.ppt – a PowerPoint presentation containing screenshots and notes on the topics covered by the course. Convert C to F (Ex1).vi – Exercise 1 solution VI. Convert C to F (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution subVI. Thermometer-DAQ (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution VI. Temperature Monitor (Ex3).vi – Exercise 3 solution VI. Thermometer (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Convert C to F (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Temperature Logger (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution VI. Multiplot Graph (Ex5).vi – Exercise 5 solution VI. Square Root (Ex6).vi – Exercise 6 solution VI. State Machine 1 (Ex7).vi – Exercise 7 solution VI.   The slides can be presented in two three hour labs, or six one hour lectures. Depending on the time and resources available in class, you can choose whether to assign the exercises as homework or to be done in class. If you decide to assign the exercises in class, it is best to assign them in order with the presentation. This way the students can create VI’s while the relevant information is still fresh. The notes associated with the exercise slide should be sufficient to guide the students to a solution. The solution files included are one possible solution, but by no means the only solution.

    标签: labview

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 单片机12864液晶时钟显示程序

    12864液晶时钟显示程序 LCD 地址变量 ;**************变量的定义***************** RS             BIT      P2.0            ;LCD数据/命令选择端(H/L) RW             BIT      P2.1          ;LCD读/写选择端(H/L) EP             BIT      P2.2            ;LCD使能控制 PSB        EQU P2.3 RST        EQU P2.5 PRE            BIT      P1.4            ;调整键(K1) ADJ            BIT      P1.5            ;调整键(K2) COMDAT         EQU P0 LED        EQU P0.3 YEAR           DATA      18H            ;年,月,日变量 MONTH          DATA      19H DATE           DATA      1AH WEEK           DATA      1BH hour           DATA      1CH            ;时,分,秒,百分之一秒变量 MIN            DATA      1DH SEC            DATA      1EH SEC100         DATA      1FH STATE          DATA      23H LEAP           BIT      STATE.1            ;是否闰年标志1--闰年,0--平年 KEY_S          DATA      24H            ;当前扫描键值 KEY_V          DATA      25H            ;上次扫描键值 DIS_BUF_U0      DATA      26H            ;LCD第一排显示缓冲区 DIS_BUF_U1      DATA      27H DIS_BUF_U2      DATA      28H DIS_BUF_U3      DATA      29H DIS_BUF_U4      DATA      2AH DIS_BUF_U5      DATA      2BH DIS_BUF_U6      DATA      2CH DIS_BUF_U7      DATA      2DH DIS_BUF_U8      DATA      2EH DIS_BUF_U9      DATA      2FH DIS_BUF_U10     DATA      30H DIS_BUF_U11     DATA      31H DIS_BUF_U12     DATA      32H DIS_BUF_U13     DATA      33H DIS_BUF_U14     DATA      34H DIS_BUF_U15     DATA      35H DIS_BUF_L0      DATA      36H            ;LCD第三排显示缓冲区 DIS_BUF_L1      DATA      37H DIS_BUF_L2      DATA      38H DIS_BUF_L3      DATA      39H DIS_BUF_L4      DATA      3AH DIS_BUF_L5      DATA      3BH DIS_BUF_L6      DATA      3CH DIS_BUF_L7      DATA      3DH DIS_BUF_L8      DATA      3EH DIS_BUF_L9      DATA      3FH DIS_BUF_L10     DATA      40H DIS_BUF_L11     DATA      41H DIS_BUF_L12     DATA      42H DIS_BUF_L13     DATA      43H DIS_BUF_L14     DATA      44H DIS_BUF_L15     DATA      45H FLAG            DATA      46H ;1-年,2-月,3-日,4-时,5-分,6-秒,7-退出调整。 DIS_H           DATA      47H DIS_M           DATA      48H DIS_S           DATA      49H

    标签: 12864 单片机 液晶时钟 显示程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 单片机12864液晶时钟显示程序

    12864液晶时钟显示程序 LCD 地址变量 ;**************变量的定义***************** RS             BIT      P2.0            ;LCD数据/命令选择端(H/L) RW             BIT      P2.1          ;LCD读/写选择端(H/L) EP             BIT      P2.2            ;LCD使能控制 PSB        EQU P2.3 RST        EQU P2.5 PRE            BIT      P1.4            ;调整键(K1) ADJ            BIT      P1.5            ;调整键(K2) COMDAT         EQU P0 LED        EQU P0.3 YEAR           DATA      18H            ;年,月,日变量 MONTH          DATA      19H DATE           DATA      1AH WEEK           DATA      1BH hour           DATA      1CH            ;时,分,秒,百分之一秒变量 MIN            DATA      1DH SEC            DATA      1EH SEC100         DATA      1FH STATE          DATA      23H LEAP           BIT      STATE.1            ;是否闰年标志1--闰年,0--平年 KEY_S          DATA      24H            ;当前扫描键值 KEY_V          DATA      25H            ;上次扫描键值 DIS_BUF_U0      DATA      26H            ;LCD第一排显示缓冲区 DIS_BUF_U1      DATA      27H DIS_BUF_U2      DATA      28H DIS_BUF_U3      DATA      29H DIS_BUF_U4      DATA      2AH DIS_BUF_U5      DATA      2BH DIS_BUF_U6      DATA      2CH DIS_BUF_U7      DATA      2DH DIS_BUF_U8      DATA      2EH DIS_BUF_U9      DATA      2FH DIS_BUF_U10     DATA      30H DIS_BUF_U11     DATA      31H DIS_BUF_U12     DATA      32H DIS_BUF_U13     DATA      33H DIS_BUF_U14     DATA      34H DIS_BUF_U15     DATA      35H DIS_BUF_L0      DATA      36H            ;LCD第三排显示缓冲区 DIS_BUF_L1      DATA      37H DIS_BUF_L2      DATA      38H DIS_BUF_L3      DATA      39H DIS_BUF_L4      DATA      3AH DIS_BUF_L5      DATA      3BH DIS_BUF_L6      DATA      3CH DIS_BUF_L7      DATA      3DH DIS_BUF_L8      DATA      3EH DIS_BUF_L9      DATA      3FH DIS_BUF_L10     DATA      40H DIS_BUF_L11     DATA      41H DIS_BUF_L12     DATA      42H DIS_BUF_L13     DATA      43H DIS_BUF_L14     DATA      44H DIS_BUF_L15     DATA      45H FLAG            DATA      46H ;1-年,2-月,3-日,4-时,5-分,6-秒,7-退出调整。 DIS_H           DATA      47H DIS_M           DATA      48H DIS_S           DATA      49H

    标签: 12864 单片机 液晶时钟 显示程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • The JICQ is the bureau area which JAVA writes according to "Customer s Machine/Server"(C/S) mode mes

    The JICQ is the bureau area which JAVA writes according to "Customer s Machine/Server"(C/S) mode message solid hour correspond by letter tool system, the system adopted the SQL Server2000 of Microsoft company as a backstage database, the system passes a JDBC interview database. The system is divided into the server procedure and customer s procedure two parts, server and customer adoption "Transmission Control Protocol"(TCP), connect a word (Socket) conjunction through a set, the adoption "User Datagram Protocol "(UDP) of the customer s, pass a data report a set to connect a word (DatagramSocket) establishment a conjunction. The system has customer registration, customer to register, increase good friend, delete good friend and send out and receive news etc. function.

    标签: according Customer Machine Server

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • c8051f020 实时时钟模块程序 内含IIC模块程序/********************** SYSTEM CLOCK 8M********************************/

    c8051f020 实时时钟模块程序 内含IIC模块程序/********************** SYSTEM CLOCK 8M********************************/ extern unsigned char xdata currenttime[16]={0} extern unsigned char xdata settime[16]={ 0x00, // control regesiter 1 0x00, // control regesiter 2 0x01, //current second 0x19, //current minute 0x20, //current hour 0x29, //current data 0x04, //current week 0x07, //current month 0x05, //current year 0x00, // alarm value reset 0x00, // alarm value reset 0x00, // alarm value reset 0x00, // alarm value reset 0x00, // clk out disable 0x00, // close timer 0x00, } /*********************************************************************/ extern void Current_Time ( void ) extern void Set_Time ( void )

    标签: c8051f020 SYSTEM CLOCK IIC

    上传时间: 2015-06-30


  • 将4MHz的访波输入到ccc模块上

    将4MHz的访波输入到ccc模块上,输出500Hz提供鸣叫声频。1kHz的方波经fen10模块进行十分频后为秒模块mian、分模块mina、时模块hour,提供时钟信号;用sst模块为整点报时提供控制信号,(当59 50"、52"、54"、56"、58"时,q500输出为”1”,秒为00时qlk输出为”1”,这两个信号经过逻辑或门实现报时功能);用sel模块提供数码管片选信号;用模块bbb将对应数码管信号送出需要的显示信号;用七段译码器dispa模块进行译码。 将4MHz的访波输入到ccc模块上,输出500Hz提供鸣叫声频。1kHz的方波经fen10模块进行十分频后为秒模块mian、分模块mina、时模块hour,提供时钟信号;用sst模块为整点报时提供控制信号,(当59 50"、52"、54"、56"、58"时,q500输出为”1”,秒为00时qlk输出为”1”,这两个信号经过逻辑或门实现报时功能);用sel模块提供数码管片选信号;用模块bbb将对应数码管信号送出需要的显示信号;用七段译码器dispa模块进行译码。

    标签: 4MHz ccc 输入 模块

    上传时间: 2014-12-22


  • * DEFINITION * This a set of math functions that deal with time. The functions accept * 4-digit

    * DEFINITION * This a set of math functions that deal with time. The functions accept * 4-digit time values and 4-digit time of day values. Time values are * interpreted as hours-minutes and are valid if all digits are numeric and * 9 or less, except the second-to-last digit must be 5 or less. Time of day * values are valid if they conform to normally accepted clock values of * 1:00 to 12:59 for a 12-hour clock or 00:00 to 23:59 for a 24-hour clock.

    标签: functions DEFINITION accept digit

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • 一個很好用的 lcd 時鐘程序 C語言 #include<reg51.h> #include<stdio.h> //定義計時器0 的重裝值 #define RELOAD

    一個很好用的 lcd 時鐘程序 C語言 #include<reg51.h> #include<stdio.h> //定義計時器0 的重裝值 #define RELOAD_HIGH 0x3C #define RELOAD_LOW 0xD2 //定義按鍵彈跳時間 #define DB_VAL //定義設置模式的最大時間間隔 #define TIMEOUT 200 //定義游標位置常數 #define HOME 0 #define hour 1 #define MIN 2 #define SEC 3

    标签: include define RELOAD stdio

    上传时间: 2014-12-19


  • VDSP++打开。This directory contains an example ADSP-BF537 RTC project that does a basic blink routine a

    VDSP++打开。This directory contains an example ADSP-BF537 RTC project that does a basic blink routine and then puts the part in deep sleep mode to be woken up from a RTC Stopwatch Event. Once woken up, the RTC is reconfigured to toggle the EZ KIT LEDs using RTC second, minute, hour, and day interrupts.

    标签: directory contains ADSP-BF example

    上传时间: 2015-12-29


  • class Time { public: Time(int =0,int =0,int =0) void setTime(int,int,int) void printMilita

    class Time { public: Time(int =0,int =0,int =0) void setTime(int,int,int) void printMilitary() void printStandard() private: int hour int minute int second }

    标签: int Time void printMilita

    上传时间: 2013-12-20
