文法如下: (1)S->aAcBe (2)A->b (3)A->Ab (4)B->d 關於lr0的語法分析
上传时间: 2015-11-22
function Binary_Search(L,a,b,x) begin if a>b then return(-1) else begin m:=(a+b) div 2 if x=L[m] then return(m) else if x>L[m] then
标签: begin Binary_Search function return
上传时间: 2015-12-17
一.设计要求 1.道路有A.B两路,一般情况A.B均有车时,两路各放行10S. 2.红绿灯转换必须经过4秒黄灯闪烁. 3.若两路均无车则保持原状. 4.若一路通行无阻10秒后,另一路无车,则继续放行此路,直到另一路有车. 5.若有紧急车辆通过两路均无红灯4秒,阻止一般车辆通过,让紧急车辆通过6.在数码管显示各路通行的标志和剩余时间.
上传时间: 2015-12-25
a XOR b> a,然后a XOR b< b,and both a and b are dependent data
上传时间: 2014-01-27
//9488定时器B功能测试 9488定时器B功能测试B:DAMI调试通过: 9488 8位定时器B的使用 有关的I/O为三个:TBPWM(输出)(P1.0) 模式有:间隔定时功能,PWM模式 有定时中断:定时器B溢出中断
上传时间: 2017-06-01
VC技术内幕第五版_English.The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++.
标签: Microsoft continued Internet English
上传时间: 2013-12-08
LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix, with a focus on high performance and good code. The library differentiates itself from other implementations by transfering directly from file pages to the network stack. On high-bandwidth connections it is able to seed at 3 times the speed of the official client. The client uses ncurses and is ideal for use with screen or dtach. It supports saving of sessions and allows the user to add and remove torrents.
标签: performance LibTorrent BitTorrent library
上传时间: 2015-07-24
VC技术内幕第五版(英文)The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++.
标签: technologie Microsoft continued Internet
上传时间: 2014-11-22
C语言运算符和结合性; C难点摘编; And so on!
上传时间: 2014-12-21
C++ Network Programming, Volume 2, focuses on ACE frameworks, providing thorough coverage of the concepts, patterns, and usage rules that form their structure. This book is a practical guide to designing object-oriented frameworks and shows developers how to apply frameworks to concurrent networked applications. C++ Networking, Volume 1, introduced ACE and the wrapper facades, which are basic network computing ingredients. Volume 2 explains how frameworks build on wrapper facades to provide higher-level communication services.
标签: Programming frameworks providing coverage
上传时间: 2013-12-26