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  • xapp069 - 使用XC9500 JTAG边界扫描接口

    This application note explains the XC9500™/XL/Xv Boundary Scan interface anddemonstrates the software available for programming and testing XC9500/XL/Xv CPLDs. Anappendix summarizes the iMPACT software operations and provides an overview of theadditional operations supported by XC9500/XL/Xv CPLDs for in-system programming.

    标签: xapp 9500 JTAG 069

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • xapp069 - 使用XC9500 JTAG边界扫描接口

    This application note explains the XC9500™/XL/Xv Boundary Scan interface anddemonstrates the software available for programming and testing XC9500/XL/Xv CPLDs. Anappendix summarizes the iMPACT software operations and provides an overview of theadditional operations supported by XC9500/XL/Xv CPLDs for in-system programming.

    标签: xapp 9500 JTAG 069

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • Parses UK Profile 1.05/1.06 Object Carousel and saves files to disk (all stored under /tmp/cache at

    Parses UK Profile 1.05/1.06 Object Carousel and saves files to disk (all stored under /tmp/cache at the moment). The files are the scripts and text/image data for MHEG5, the interactive(ish) element of digital TV. At the moment the MHEG scripts are not parsed, so to duplicate that interactive experience, speedy usage of "cat" and "Xv" is recommended.

    标签: Carousel Profile Parses Object

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • (1)通过开关K0合上与断开控制A/D转换的开始和停止

    (1)通过开关K0合上与断开控制A/D转换的开始和停止,当开始A/D转换后,每秒对连接到PTB3的模拟量采样一次,结果送指示灯D7~D0显示。 (2)采样结果同步通过串行接口发送到PC机(38400bps,N,8,1),显示格式为“The signal is:x.Xv”(满量程为5.0V)。

    标签: 开关 断开 控制 转换

    上传时间: 2013-12-19
