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  • PCB工艺设计系列3:华硕内部的PCB设计规范(完整版)

    收文单位:左列各单位                     发文字号: MT-8-2-0037   

    标签: PCB 工艺设计 华硕 设计规范

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • CTP知识全解

      1.什么是CTP?   CTP包括几种含义:   脱机直接制版(Computer-to-plate)   在机直接制版(Computer-to-press)   直接印刷(Computer-to-paper/print)   数字打样(Computer-to-proof)   普通PS版直接制版技术,即CTcP(Computer-to-conventional plate)   这里所论述的CTP系统是脱机直接制版(Computer-to-plate)。CTP就是计算机直接到印版,是一种数字化印版成像过程。CTP直接制版机与照排机结构原理相仿。起制版设备均是用计算机直接控制,用激光扫描成像,再通过显影、定影生成直接可上机印刷的印版。计算机直接制版是采用数字化工作流程,直接将文字、图象转变为数字,直接生成印版,省去了胶片这一材料、人工拼版的过程、半自动或全自动晒版工序。

    标签: CTP

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • 双x波段电压控制振荡器研究

    In this paper, two types of MMIC voltage controlled oscillators have been successfully demonstrated. The first chip with single tuning diode shows the excellent tuning linearity. The second chip with two tuning diodes can improve the tuning bandwidth.

    标签: 波段 振荡器 电压控制

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • DN440多功能TFT LCD偏置电源和白光LED驱动器

      The makers of handheld medical, industrial and consumerdevices use a wide variety of high resolution, small tomedium sized color TFT LCD displays. The power supplydesigners for these displays must contend with shrinkingboard area, tight schedules, and variations in displaytypes and feature requirements. The LTC®3524 simplifi esthe designer’s job by combining a versatile, easily programmed,TFT LCD bias supply and white LED backlightdriver in a low profi le 4mm × 4mm QFN package.

    标签: 440 TFT LCD LED

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • 电网现场作业管理系统的信息化设计

    为了改变目前电网现场作业管理的变电巡检、变电检修试验、输电线路巡检检修等管理系统各自独立运行,信息不能共享,功能、效率受限,建设和维护成本高的现状,提出了采用B/S+C/S构架模式,将各现场作业管理模块和生产MIS(管理系统)集成为一体的现场作业管理系统的设计方案,做到各子系统和生产MIS软硬资源共享,做到同一数据唯一入口、一处录入多处使用。各子系统设备人员等基础信息来源于生产管理系统,各子系统又是生产管理系统的作业数据、缺陷信息的重要来源。经过研究试用成功和推广应用,目前该系统已在江西电网220 kV及以上变电站全面应用。 Abstract:  In order to improve the status that the substation field inspection system, substation equipments maintenance and testing system, power-line inspection and maintenance system are running independent with each other. They can?蒺t share the resource information which accordingly constrains their functions and efficiency, and their construction and maintenance costs are high. This paper introduces a field standardized work management system based on B/S+C/S mode, integrating all field work management systems based on MIS and share the equipments and employee?蒺s data of MIS,the field work data of the sub systems are the source information of MIS, by which the same single data resouce with one-time input can be utilized in multiple places. After the research and testing, this system is triumphantly using in all 220kV and above substations in Jiangxi grid.

    标签: 电网 信息化 管理系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • 基于微网的光伏变流器系统设计

    光伏发电是未来新能源发电重要方向之一,而光伏变流器是光伏发电系统的核心。介绍一种基于微网理念的光伏变流器设计。以该变流器为核心的光伏发电系统可以看做一个小型的微网系统。该系统能根据外部电网情况,工作于并网模式和离网模式。介绍了该系统的各个组成部件的设计以及变流器主电路部分器件的选型。最后,由实验样机进行测试。试验结果验证了电路拓扑结构及控制方案的可行性,也说明了系统参数设计方法的正确性。 Abstract:  Solar Photovoltaic generation is an important direction of new energy power generation in the future,while photovoltaic converter is the core of photovoltaic generation system. This paper deals with a study on photovoltaic inverter based on the concept of microgrid. This paper describes a system whose core component is the photovoltaic inverter,can work on grid-connected mode or run independently according to the external situation. The paper simply describes the main components of the system. At last,the prototype was produced and tested. Test result has proved feasibility of circuit topology structure and controlling scheme and shown correctness of system parameters.Key words: PV inverter; microgrid; off-grid; storage battery

    标签: 光伏 变流器 系统设计

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • 基于AVR的PCB板雕刻机的设计

      为了提高PCB板制作的效率,改变传统的化学腐蚀制板工艺,使用机械仿形铣制作电路板的方法,设计了以ATMEGA16单片机为核心部件的PCB板雕刻机控制系统。其中包括PCB雕刻机的基本功能、主要硬件电路设计和软件的实现流程,并给出了相关设计电路。重点分析了雕刻机步进电机的驱动电路以及主轴电机的驱动电路,该雕刻机经实际运行,系统工作良好,可有效提高PCB板的制作效率。   Abstract:   In order to improve the efficiency of production of PCB board and change the traditional chemical etching plates, using of mechanical copying milling method makes circuit boards,this paper introduces the PCB engraving machine control system used ATMEGA16 microcomputer as the core components. It includes basic function, the hardware circuit design and software realization process, and gives the corresponding circuit design.It analyses the drive circuit of engrawing machine stepper motor and spindle motor in detail. This engraving machine by practical operation, the system works well, which can effectively improve the production efficiency of PCB board.

    标签: AVR PCB 雕刻机

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • 基于8098单片机的SPWM变频调速系统

      数字控制的交流调速系统所选用的微处理器、功率器件及产生PWM波的方法是影响交流调速系统性能好坏的直接因素。在介绍了正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)技术的基础上,设计了一种以8098单片机作为控制器,以智能功率模块IPM为开关器件的变频调速系统。通过软件编程,产生正弦脉冲宽度调制波形来控制绝缘栅双极晶体管的导通和关断,从而达到控制异步电动机转速的目的。实验结果表明,该系统可调频率调电压,稳定度高,调速范围宽,具有较强的实用价值   Abstract:   AC variable speed with digital control systems used microprocessors, power devices and generate PWM wave is the direct factors of affecting the performance AC speed regulation system. On the basis of introducing the sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technology,this paper designed variable speed system which used 8098 as a controller, intelligent power module IPM as switching device. Through software programming, resulting in sinusoidal pulse width modulation waveform to control the insulated gate bipolar transistor turn on and off, so as to achieve the purpose of speed control of induction motors. Experimental results show that the system can adjust frequency modulation voltage, high stability, wide speed range, has a strong practical value.  

    标签: 8098 SPWM 单片机 变频调速系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 基于单片机系统的(24,16)循环码编码、译码方案

      在理论分析循环码编码和译码基本原理的基础上,提出了基于单片机系统的(24,16)循环码软件实现编码、译码的方案。仿真结果表明(24,16)循环码能有效地克服来自通讯信道的干扰,保证数据通信的可靠及系统的稳定,使误码率大幅度降低。本论文对(24,16)循环码的研究结果表明,可以有效地降低错误概率和提高系统的吞吐量,实现纠错仅需要在接收端增加有限的存储空间和计算复杂度,具有一定的实用价值。   Abstract:   Based on analyzing the theory of encoding and decoding of cyclic code, this paper showed the schemes of encoding and decoding of(24,16)cyclic code by the software and based on microcontroller. Simulation results show that using (24,16) cyclic codes can effectively overcome the interference from communication channel, ensure the reliability and stability of data communication systems, and reduce the bit error rate greatly. The results of this paper show that by using the (24,16) cyclic code, the error rate can be reduced and the system throughput can be improved. Meanwhile, the system only needs to enlarge limited storage space and computation the complexity at the receiving end to realize error correction. Thus the (24,16) cyclic code has a practical value.  

    标签: 24 16 单片机系统 循环码

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 基于PIC18F1320微控制器的信号采集系统

      便携式信号采集在机器健康诊断系统中有较高的应用价值。机器健康诊断的信号特点是包括低频信号。本文研究是为了实现简易而且低成本的低频便携式信号采集。以Microchip公司单片机PIC18F1320为核心设计信号采集电路,实现了信号的采集和保存。系统采用串行电可擦除芯片24LC32A保存数据,经过有线通信,信号数据由串行口通过MAX232芯片输送到微型计算机接收和保存,最后绘制出信号波形。 微型计算机程序采用Visual Basic编程。研究成功采样频率为3 kHz的复杂信号,证明该方案符合设计要求。   Abstract:   Portable signal acquisition is useful in machine health monitoring systems. The signal characteristics of machine health monitoring includes low frequency signals. The goal of this study is to realize simple, inexpensive and portable low frequency signal sampling. This paper provides the project of signal acquisition system design based on PIC18F1320 microcontroller manufactured by the Microchip Technology Incorporation to achieve signal sampling and storage. The system adopted EEPROM 24LC32A to store the signal data. The microcomputer received data via wired link with the MAX232 IC through the serial port. The microcomputer program, programmed in Visual Basic, received the data, stored it and plotted the signal. The study successfully samples 3kHz complicated signals and thus meets the design requirement.

    标签: F1320 1320 PIC 18F

    上传时间: 2013-11-19
