The Art of Assembly Language Amazing! You’RE actually REading this. That puts you into one of thREe categories: a student who is being forced to REad this stuff for a class, someone who picked up this book by accident (probably because you have yet to be indoctrinated by the world at large), or one of the few who actually have an inteREst in learning assembly language.
标签: REf="/tags/Assembly">Assembly REf="/tags/Language">Language REf="/tags/actually">actually REf="/tags/Amazing">Amazing
上传时间: 2015-04-30
Six objects heRE: The document you RE REading & its Chinese version Set of "HWDesign" includes all hardwaRE design files "SWDesign" includes all softwaRE design files(firmwaRE/driver and maybe applications as well) Set of "Documents" includes files of main part of thesis and its REfeREnce "Thesis" includes files used to academe.
标签: REf="/tags/HWDesign">HWDesign REf="/tags/document">document REf="/tags/includes">includes REf="/tags/Chinese">Chinese
上传时间: 2015-06-17
eBook "Multimedia Technology Fundation and Application", PDF file,RE-edited on Dec 19, 2006. Contents: MIDI, Encoding,CompREssion, Image Format, MPEG TV, TCP/IP, HTML, JavaScript
标签: REf="/tags/Application">Application REf="/tags/Multimedia">Multimedia REf="/tags/Technology">Technology REf="/tags/Fundation">Fundation
上传时间: 2015-08-14
标签: REf="/tags/asderwa">asderwa REf="/tags/java">java REf="/tags/ewrw">ewrw
上传时间: 2013-12-28
使用RE2c分析html頁面的url scan.h url.RE Makefile
标签: REf="/tags/url">url REf="/tags/Makefile">Makefile REf="/tags/RE2c">RE2c REf="/tags/html">html
上传时间: 2016-01-15
Level Set Evolution Without RE-initialization一文的matlab实现
标签: REf="/tags/RE-initialization">RE-initialization REf="/tags/Evolution">Evolution REf="/tags/Without">Without REf="/tags/matlab">matlab
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Debugging is a fascinating topic no matter what language or platform you RE using. It s the only part of softwaRE development in which engineers kick, scREam at, or even throw their computers. For a normally REticent, introverted group, this degREe of emotion is extraordinary. Debugging is also the part of softwaRE development that s famous for causing you to pull all-nighter
标签: REf="/tags/fascinating">fascinating REf="/tags/Debugging">Debugging REf="/tags/language">language REf="/tags/platform">platform
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Making a cheap 1M SPI Rom Emulator 8 second to copy from parallel to SPI RE-Program STM Serial Flash M25P10 by REading 29010 parallel ROM Running on standard 8051 32 I/O, a TTL 7407 as bus switch. Total programming time is about 8 seconds including Erase, Program
标签: REf="/tags/RE-Program">RE-Program REf="/tags/SPI">SPI REf="/tags/Emulator">Emulator REf="/tags/parallel">parallel
上传时间: 2016-03-22
If you RE like me, you RE excited by what people do with template metaprogramming (TMP) but aRE frustrated at the lack of clear guidance and powerful tools. Well, this is the book we ve been waiting for. With help from the excellent Boost Metaprogramming Library, David and Aleksey take TMP from the laboratory to the workplace with REadable prose and practical examples, showing that "compile-time STL" is as able as its runtime counterpart. Serving as a tutorial as well as a handbook for experts, this is the book on C++ template metaprogramming."Chuck Allison, Editor, The C++ Source
标签: REf="/tags/metaprogramming">metaprogramming REf="/tags/you">you REf="/tags/template">template REf="/tags/excited">excited
上传时间: 2016-07-20
WheRE We ve Been WheRE We RE Going Back in February (that s 1998, but it almost seems longer), Dr. GUI set off to start a set of columns on the Active Template Library (ATL).
标签: REf="/tags/WheRE">WheRE REf="/tags/February">February REf="/tags/almost">almost REf="/tags/longer">longer
上传时间: 2016-08-29