COOOL:CWP面向对象最优化库(CWP Object Oriented Optimization Library) COOOL是C++类的一个集合,使用这些类可实现许多最优化算法,还包含一个测试函数集合,可用于评估新的最优化算法。
标签: COOOL Optimization CWP Oriented
上传时间: 2016-08-27
Object-Oriented Programming With ANSI-C这本书中的源代码!找了很久,好不容易找到的,给大家分享一下,提供了C面向对象的方法,书本可以网上下载!
标签: Object-Oriented Programming ANSI-C With
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Inside the C++ Object Model Inside the C++ Object Model focuses on the underlying mechanisms that support object-oriented programming within C++: constructor semantics, temporary generation, support for encapsulation, inheritance, and "the virtuals"-virtual functions and virtual inheritance. This book shows how your understanding the underlying implementation models can help you code more efficiently and with greater confidence. Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then explains how the various implementation models arose, points out areas in which they are likely to evolve, and why they are what they are. He covers the semantic implications of the C++ object model and how that model affects your programs.
上传时间: 2013-12-24
AMOP 0.3 is an Automatic Mock Object for C++. By using ABI and template techniques, it can simulate a pseudo-"Reflection" which is normally not support in C++ . The main differences between AMOP and other mock object library is that, users DO NOT need to implement the interface of the object which to mock...
标签: techniques Automatic template simulate
上传时间: 2013-12-31
neural network utility is a Neural Networks library for the C++ Programmer. It is entirely object oriented and focuses on reducing tedious and confusing problems of programming neural networks. By this I mean that network layers are easily defined. An entire multi-layer network can be created in a few lines, and trained with two functions. Layers can be connected to one another easily and painlessly.
标签: Programmer Networks entirely network
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI-C
标签: Object-Oriented Programming ANSI-C with
上传时间: 2017-01-04
Object-Oriented Programming Implementation Issues of C++ Manipulating Data Object Persistence and Encryption
标签: Object-Oriented Implementation Manipulating Programming
上传时间: 2017-01-14
.NET平台下专题地图实现的C#代码 private void 点密度图ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //获取当前图层 ,并把它设置成IGeoFeatureLayer的实例 IMap pMap = axMapControl1.Map ILayer pLayer = pMap.get_Layer(0) as IFeatureLayer IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = pLayer as IFeatureLayer IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer = pLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer //获取图层上的feature IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(null, false) IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature()
标签: ToolStripMenuItem_Click EventArgs private object
上传时间: 2013-11-27
Shut the Box is a simple diversion written in C and GTK+. The object is simple: Roll the dice and click the tiles that sum up to that dice roll until there are no more tiles to click.
上传时间: 2014-12-03
C面向对象算法数据结构 Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C
标签: Object-Oriented Algorithms Structures Patterns
上传时间: 2013-12-15