上传时间: 2013-12-22
上传时间: 2013-11-26
1、工具箱:LS_SVMlab Classification_LS_SVMlab.m - 多类分类 Regression_LS_SVMlab.m - 函数拟合 2、工具箱:OSU_SVM3.00 Classification_OSU_SVM.m - 多类分类 3、工具箱:stprtool\svm Classification_stprtool.m - 多类分类 4、工具箱:SVM_SteveGunn Classification_SVM_SteveGunn.m - 二类分类 Regression_SVM_SteveGunn.m - 函数拟合
标签: Classification_LS_SVMlab Regression_LS_SVMlab LS_SVMlab OSU_SVM
上传时间: 2014-01-20
GA/SVM 程序包含三个文件: 1。MainGA12.m 2。selectGA12.m 3。svmc12.m MainGA12.m是主文件,其余两个是被调用文件。 MainGA12.m里主要设置有关参数。 ===================== MainGA12.m文件有关设置的说明: 12行: host= \gatest\ %在matlab的安装盘,例如c:\下设置的程序运行结果目录。
上传时间: 2015-08-26
TI DaVinci EVM 基于达芬奇技术的TMS320DM6446 Digital Media System-on-Chip的Bootloader源代码!
标签: System-on-Chip Bootloader DaVinci Digital
上传时间: 2015-08-26
The cable compensation system is an experiment system that performs simulations of partial or microgravity environments on earth. It is a highly nonlinear and complex system.In this paper, a network based on the theory of the Fuzzy Cerebellum Model Articulation Controller(FCMAC) is proposed to control this cable compensation system. In FCMAC ,without appropriate learning rate, the control system based on FCMAC will become unstable or its convergence speed will become slow.In order to guarantee the convergence of tracking error, we present a new kind of optimization based on adaptive GA for selecting learning rate.Furthermore, this approach is evaluated and its performance is discussed.The simulation results shows that performance of the FCMAC based the proposed method is stable and more effective.
标签: system compensation simulations experiment
上传时间: 2015-08-26
基于PN序列的同步仿真链路(simulink+m files),收端算法为接受序列与本地序列求滑动相关。
上传时间: 2015-08-26
MIMO多径瑞利信道下的迫零+串行干扰抵消+自适应功率分配预编码算法仿真链路(simulink+m files)
上传时间: 2015-08-26
具体功能: The documentation of Windows system service dependence, it also introduce a service software and brief implementation of service dependency
标签: service documentation dependence introduce
上传时间: 2015-08-27
% binomial.m by David Terr, Raytheon, 5-11-04, from mathworks.com % Given nonnegative integers n and m with m<=n, compute the % binomial coefficient n choose m.
标签: nonnegative mathworks binomial Raytheon
上传时间: 2015-08-27