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  • 高性能DCDC控制器

    We provide complete power solutions with a full lineup of power managementproducts. This brochure provides an overview of our high performance DC/DC switching regulatorcontrollers for applications including datacom, telecom, industrial, automotive, medical, avionicsand control systems. We make power design easier with our industry-leading field applicationengineering support; a broad selection of demonstration boards with schematics, layout filesand parts lists; SwitcherCAD® software for simulation, application notes and comprehensivetechnical documentation.

    标签: DCDC 性能 控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 电信、数据通信和工业电源产品

    In industrial applications, high voltage power supply spikes with durations ranging from a few microseconds to hundreds of millisecondsare commonly encountered. The electronics in these systems must not only survive transient voltage spikes, but in many cases alsooperate reliably throughout the event.

    标签: 电信 数据通信 工业 电源产品

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 智能电网安全保护

    Abstract: Stuxnet, a sophisticated virus that damaged Iran's nuclear capability, should be an eye openerfor the world. We can choose to learn something very narrow (how to combat the Stuxnet virus) or wecan choose to focus on the larger goal of thwarting the next type of creative cyber attack. Unfortunately,critical industrial infrastructure is not currently designed with security as a key goal, leaving open multipleavenues for an educated and funded attacker to create massive problems. This tutorial outlines somebasic concepts that engineers and product definers should consider to make sure their new projects stayahead of future threats.

    标签: 智能电网 安全保护

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 低电压FPGA的高性能开关电源解决方案

      The core voltages for FPGAs are moving lower as a resultof advances in the fabrication process. The newest FPGAfamily from Altera, the Stratix® II, now requires a corevoltage of 1.2V and the Stratix, Stratix GX, HardCopy®Stratix and CycloneTM families require a core voltage of1.5V. This article discusses how to power the core and I/Oof low voltage FPGAs using the latest step-down switchmode controllers from Linear Technology Corporation.

    标签: FPGA 低电压 高性能开关 电源解决方案

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • 符合AMC和MicroTCA标准的热插拔解决方案

      The LTC®4223 is a dual Hot Swap™ controller that meetsthe power requirements of the Micro TelecommunicationComputing Architecture (MicroTCA) specifi cation recentlyratifi ed by the PCI Industrial Computer ManufacturersGroup (PICMG).

    标签: MicroTCA AMC 标准 方案

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 具有宽输入范围的微型单片降压型稳压器

      Automotive batteries, industrial power supplies, distributedsupplies and wall transformers are all sources ofwide-ranging high voltage inputs. The easiest way to stepdown these sources is with a high voltage monolithicstep-down regulator that can directly accept a wide inputrange and produce a well-regulated output. The LT®3493accepts inputs from 3.6V to 36V and LT3481 acceptsinputs from 3.6V to 34V. Both provide excellent lineand load regulation and dynamic response. The LT3481offers a high effi ciency solution over a wide load range andkeeps the output ripple low during Burst Mode® operationwhile the LT3493 provides a tiny solution with minimalexternal components. The LT3493 operates at 750kHzand the LT3481 has adjustable frequency from 300kHzto 2.8MHz. High frequency operation enables the use ofsmall, low cost inductors and ceramic capacitors.

    标签: 输入 降压型稳压器

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • 跟踪和排序功能的紧凑型双通道降压转换器

      Typical industrial and automotive applications requiremultiple high current, low voltage power supply solutionsto drive everything from disc drives to microprocessors.For many of these applications, particularly thosethat have size constraints, the LT3501® dual step-downconverter is an attractive solution because it’s compactand inexpensive compared to a 2-chip solution. The dualconverter accommodates a 3V to 25V input voltage rangeand is capable of supplying up to 3A per channel. Thecircuit in Figure 1 produces 3.3V and 1.8V.

    标签: 排序 双通道 降压转换器

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • DN440多功能TFT LCD偏置电源和白光LED驱动器

      The makers of handheld medical, industrial and consumerdevices use a wide variety of high resolution, small tomedium sized color TFT LCD displays. The power supplydesigners for these displays must contend with shrinkingboard area, tight schedules, and variations in displaytypes and feature requirements. The LTC®3524 simplifi esthe designer’s job by combining a versatile, easily programmed,TFT LCD bias supply and white LED backlightdriver in a low profi le 4mm × 4mm QFN package.

    标签: 440 TFT LCD LED

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • DN465 超低功耗升压转换器

      Industrial remote monitoring systems and keep-alivecircuits spend most of their time in standby mode. Manyof these systems also depend on battery power, so powersupply effi ciency in standby state is very important tomaximize battery life. The LT®8410/-1 high effi ciencyboost converter is ideal for these systems, requiringonly 8.5μA of quiescent current in standby mode. Thedevice integrates high value (12.4M/0.4M) output feedbackresistors, signifi cantly reducing input current whenthe output is in regulation with no load. Other featuresinclude an integrated 40V switch and Schottky diode,output disconnect with current limit, built in soft-start,overvoltage protection and a wide input range, all in atiny 8-pin 2mm × 2mm DFN package.

    标签: 465 DN 超低功耗 升压转换器

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • Wide-input dc/dc modules offer

    When a system designer specifies a nonisolated dc/dc powermodule, considering the needed input voltage range isequally as important as considering the required performanceattributes and features. Generally, nonisolated moduleshave either a narrow or a wide input voltage range. Narrowinputmodules typically have a nominal input voltage of3.3, 5, or 12 V. For systems that operate from a tightlyregulated input bus—such as those that do not use batterybackup—a narrow-input module is often adequate sincethe input remains fairly stable.Offering greater flexibility, wide-input modules operatewithin a range of 7 to 36 V, which includes the popular12- or 24-V industrial bus. This enables a single module tobe used for generating multiple voltages. These modulesare ideal for industrial controls, HVAC systems, vehicles,medical instrumentation, and other applications that usea loosely regulated distribution bus. In addition, systemspowered by a rectifier/battery charger with lead-acidbattery backup almost always require wide-input modules.System designers who choose power supplies may wantto take a close look at the latest generation of wide-inputdc/dc modules.

    标签: Wide-input modules offer dc

    上传时间: 2014-12-24
