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  • Multisim仿真Multisim数电模电仿真实例源码100例

    Multisim仿真Multisim数电模电仿真实例源码100例,08数控本二 07.ms1010-10-4串联型直流稳压电路(2).ms724小时时钟(full)改.ms104位数字频率计.ms10559.ms10ADC电压显示1.ms12BIN2BCD电路.ms10FM解调.ms14FM解调.ms14 (Security copy)LED调光电路.pdsprjLM324简-易-电-子-琴-.ms10MC1496应用2.ms10Multisim 13.0仿真OP07CP两级放大.rarMUltisim 仿真作品集.zipOCL功率放大器电路.ms12OP07CP两级差动放大.ms13TL494 5V DC-DC.ms14UC3843升压控制电路.ms14UC3843芯片的DC-DC升压电路.ms14XUNKE936防静电焊台电路图.ms12zhongji电路.ms10三极管单按钮开关电路.ms10三极管线性稳压电路.ms10三相电源错相、断相保护电路.ms10乘法器.ms14交流电源防盗报警器.ms14交通信号灯_X.ms12交通灯(74LS163、74LS153、74LS74).ms13倒计时定时器 (1).ms10倒计时定时器.ms10倒计时定时器A【74LS161 74LS192】.ms10六路20秒声光显示计分抢答器.ms14减法.ms12四种波形发生器-741.ms14四路20秒声光显示计分抢答器.ms14四路带计分系统抢答器.rar四路流水灯.ms10四阶带通滤波.ms14四阶带通滤波.ms14 (Security copy)多色流水灯.ms10字发生+共阳数码管显示电路.ms10小信号放大电路.ms10差分比例电路+比例放大.ms14抢答器 (1).ms10抢答器.ms10数字时钟设计2.ms12数字电子钟仿真电路图.ms10数字电子钟仿真电路图2X.ms10数字钟X.ms10数字频率计(带量程).ms14数字频率计.ms10李萨如图.ms10模拟打兵乓球电路.ms10汽车尾灯控制电路2.ms10汽车尾灯显示控制电路.ms10汽车指示灯设计孙昱.docx混沌电路.ms10火灾报警.jpg电容测量电路.ms10电机正反转接触器应用.ms12电路2.ms10电路3.ms10电风扇.ms10简易洗衣机.ms10简易洗衣机2.ms10简易洗衣机2当.ms14篮球30秒计时器_X.ms13设计1.ms14设计2.ms14设计2.ms14 (Security copy)设计201405292100八路抢答器.ms10设计201405301500骰子模拟电路.ms10设计201406252300多色流水灯.ms10设计21.ms14设计3.ms14设计3.ms14 (Security copy)路灯节能控制.ms10输出电压可调的稳压源.ms14输出电压可调的稳压源.ms14 (Security copy)锁相环.ms7音量控制电路.ms10音频IRF610耳放.ms13音频功率放大器.ms14

    标签: multisim

    上传时间: 2021-12-12


  • TI反激变换器变压器设计相关资料

    This Section covers the design of power transformers used in buck-derived topologies: forward converter, bridge, half-bridge, and full-wave centertap. Flyback transformers (actually coupled inductors) are covered in a later Section. For more specialized applications, the principles discussed herein will generally apply.

    标签: 反激变换器 变压器

    上传时间: 2021-12-16


  • FPGA片内FIFO读写测试Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档说明 使用 FPGA

    FPGA片内FIFO读写测试Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档说明,使用 FPGA 内部的 FIFO 以及程序对该 FIFO 的数据读写操作。FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE6F17C8,Quartus版本17.1。timescale 1ns / 1ps//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////module fifo_test( input clk,           //50MHz时钟 input rst_n              //复位信号,低电平有效 );//-----------------------------------------------------------localparam      W_IDLE      = 1;localparam      W_FIFO     = 2; localparam      R_IDLE      = 1;localparam      R_FIFO     = 2; reg[2:0]  write_state;reg[2:0]  next_write_state;reg[2:0]  read_state;reg[2:0]  next_read_state;reg[15:0] w_data;    //FIFO写数据wire      wr_en;    //FIFO写使能wire      rd_en;    //FIFO读使能wire[15:0] r_data; //FIFO读数据wire       full;  //FIFO满信号 wire       empty;  //FIFO空信号 wire[8:0]  rd_data_count;  wire[8:0]  wr_data_count;  ///产生FIFO写入的数据always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) write_state <= W_IDLE; else write_state <= next_write_state;endalways@(*)begin case(write_state) W_IDLE: if(empty == 1'b1)               //FIFO空, 开始写FIFO next_write_state <= W_FIFO; else next_write_state <= W_IDLE; W_FIFO: if(full == 1'b1)                //FIFO满 next_write_state <= W_IDLE; else next_write_state <= W_FIFO; default: next_write_state <= W_IDLE; endcaseendassign wr_en = (next_write_state == W_FIFO) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) w_data <= 16'd0; else    if (wr_en == 1'b1)     w_data <= w_data + 1'b1; else          w_data <= 16'd0; end///产生FIFO读的数据always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) read_state <= R_IDLE; else read_state <= next_read_state;endalways@(*)begin case(read_state) R_IDLE: if(full == 1'b1)               //FIFO满, 开始读FIFO next_read_state <= R_FIFO; else next_read_state <= R_IDLE; R_FIFO: if(empty == 1'b1)   

    标签: fpga fifo verilog quartus

    上传时间: 2021-12-19


  • Keil激活 工具


    标签: Keil

    上传时间: 2022-01-28


  • PW3130_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW3130 series product is a high integration solution for lithium-lion/polymer batteryprotection.PW3130 contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits anddelay circuits. PW3130 is put into an ultra-small SOT23-5 package and only one external componentmakes it an ideal solution in limited space of battery pack. PW3130 has all the protection functionsrequired in the battery application including overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent and loadshort circuiting protection etc. The accurate overcharging detection voltage ensures safe and fullutilization charging.The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage. Thedevice is not only targeted for digital cellular phones, but also for any other Li-Ion and Li-Polybattery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life

    标签: pw3130

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • VCSELs and EELs

    InGaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor lasers come in threetypes: VCSELs and two types of EELs. The VCSEL, asits name implies, emits vertically, normal to the planeof the device, owing to cavity mirrors grown withinthe epitaxial material itself. The VCSEL’s circular beamhas a numerical aperture (NA) of roughly 0.2, or a fullangle of approximately 25 degrees.

    标签: tof

    上传时间: 2022-02-12


  • 8205A8_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW8205A8TS is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFETs with extreme high cell density,which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge for most of the small power switching and loadswitch applications. The meet the RoHS and Product requirement with full function reliabilityapproved .

    标签: 8205a8

    上传时间: 2022-02-14


  • ST7789V IC规格书

     Single chip TFT-LCD Controller/Driver with On-chip Frame Memory (FM) Display Resolution: 240*RGB (H) *320(V) Frame Memory Size: 240 x 320 x 18-bit = 1,382,400 bits LCD Driver Output Circuits- Source Outputs: 240 RGB Channels- Gate Outputs: 320 Channels- Common Electrode Output Display Colors (Color Mode)- Full Color: 262K, RGB=(666) max., Idle Mode Off- Color Reduce: 8-color, RGB=(111), Idle Mode On Programmable Pixel Color Format (Color Depth) for Various Display Data input Format- 12-bit/pixel: RGB=(444)- 16-bit/pixel: RGB=(565)- 18-bit/pixel: RGB=(666) MCU Interface- Parallel 8080-series MCU Interface (8-bit, 9-bit, 16-bit & 18-bit)- 6/16/18 RGB Interface(VSYNC, HSYNC, DOTCLK, ENABLE, DB[17:0])- Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI Interface)- VSYNC Interface

    标签: st7789v LCD

    上传时间: 2022-03-04


  • 半导体制冷温度控制系统的设计研究

    在半导体制冷技术的工作性能及其优缺点研究的基础上,设计了以单片机为核心控制元件,以TEC1-12706为执行元件的半导体制冷温度控制系统。采用高精度分段式PID控制算法配合PWM输出控制的方法实现温度控制;选择数字传感器DS18B20为温度检测元件,还包含1602液晶显示模块、按键调整输入模块和H桥驱动模块等。实际测试表明,该系统结构简单易行,操作方便,工作性能优良,同时针对该系统专门设计的温控算法,使半导体制冷器能更好地适应不同工况而充分发挥其制冷制热工作特性。Based on the study of the performance and advantages and disadvantages of thermoelectric cooler(TEC)technology,a thermoelectric cooling temperature control system with single-chip microcomputer as the core control element and TEC1-12706 as the executive element was designed. High precision piecewise PID control algorithm combined with PWM output control method is adopted to realize temperature control. The digital sensor DS18B20 is selected as the temperature detection element. It also includes 1602 LCD module,key adjustment input module and H bridge drive module. The actual test shows that the system has simple structure,convenient operation and excellent performance. Meanwhile,the temperature control algorithm specially designed for the system can make the semiconductor cooler better adapt to different working conditions and give full play to its refrigeration and heating characteristics.

    标签: 半导体 温度控制系统

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • Qi无线充电原理

    近距电能传输——高效安全近距电能传输一般基于电磁感应原理进行。在此技术基础上,当接收器邻近发射器时才会进行电能传输。电磁感应技术的历史长达百年,多年米一直应用于各类电子产品中—如此普及全因其简单、高效以及安全技术概览以下将为你简要介绍无线电能传输技术。System Overview(Communication)Receiver sends messagesTo provide control information to the transmitterBy load modulation on the power signaTransmitter receives messagesTo receive control information frorn the recelverBy de-modulation of the reflected loadPower Pick Up( Receiver)Secondary coil (L Serial resonance capacitor (C) for efficient power transfer Parallel resonance capacitor(C, )for detection purposes Rectifier: full bridge(diode, or switched)+ capacitor Output switch for(dis)connecting the loadReceiver modulates load by Switching modulation resistor(R,n),or Switching modulation capacitor(Ca)Transmitter de-modulates reflected load by Sensing pnmary coil curent (p)and/o Sensing primary coil voltage (V,

    标签: qi 无线充电

    上传时间: 2022-03-31
