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  • This article discusses some issues that a typical Windows C++ programmer will encounter when approac

    This article discusses some issues that a typical Windows C++ programmer will encounter when Approaching Symbian OS for the first time. Our experience in developing for three successive versions of Symbian OS has given us considerable perspective on what can be difficult when working in this otherwise rich and stable environment. While one reason for Symbian s success may be the desire of many mobile phone manufacturers not to be tied to Microsoft, the other reason is that Symbian has put together a lightweight, elegant system that succeeds in providing a very impressive range of functionality. Here are some pointers to help ease the transition to successful Symbian OS application development.

    标签: programmer discusses encounter article

    上传时间: 2017-07-30


  • Interference Analysis

    We were on the lookout for ice. I was in a 32 foot sailing yacht with writer and explorer Tristan Gooley, undertaking a double-handed sail from Scotland through the Faroes up to 66 33 45.7 N and the midnight sun. Now sailing out of the Arctic Circle we were Approaching Iceland from the north, heading for the Denmark Straits, where ice flowed south. The Admiralty Pilot warned of bergs but the ice charts we had sailed with were over a week old. We needed an update.

    标签: Interference Analysis

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • The+Mobile+Radio+Propagation+Channel

    Some tine ago it become apparent the the first edition of this book was rapidly Approaching its sell-by date,since many aspects needed revise.There were two obvious courses of action : to forget the whole thing and concentrate my energies on other pursuits such as golf or fishing, or to embark on a new edition.For several reasons Iwas persuaded that a new edition was a worthwhile endeavour;many people had made complimentary remakrs or written complinentary letters about the first edition and I understood that it had become a recommended text for several postgraduate coures.

    标签: TMobile Radio Propagation Channel

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • WCDMA for UMTS HSPA Evolution and LTE

    Second-generation telecommunication systems, such as the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), enabled voice traffic to go wireless: the number of mobile phones exceeds the number of landline phones and the mobile phone penetration is Approaching 100% in several markets. The data-handling capabilities of second-generation systems are limited, however, and third-generation systems are needed to provide the high bit-rate services that enable high-quality images and video to be transmitted and received, and to provide access to the Web with higher data rates.

    标签: Evolution WCDMA UMTS HSPA LTE for and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Industrial+Control+Systems

    This book is either ambitious, brave, or reckless Approaching a topic as rapidly evolving as industrial control system (ICS) security. From the advent of ICS-targeted malicious software such as Stuxnet to the advanced persistent threats posed by organized crime and state-sponsored entities, ICS is in the crosshairs and practices and controls considered safe today may be obsolete tomorrow. Possibly more so than in more traditional IT security, because of the differences inherent in ICS.

    标签: Industrial Control Systems

    上传时间: 2020-06-10
