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  • Source codes and documents for how to find files in phone memory or mmc card in Symbian OS. Compatib

    Source codes and documents for how to find files in phone memory or mmc card in Symbian OS. Compatible for v1.0 above development platform.

    标签: documents Compatib Symbian Source

    上传时间: 2014-12-07


  • SoundMixer example application is compatible with Series 60 Developer Platform v1.0 and v2.0. It

    SoundMixer example application is compatible with Series 60 Developer Platform v1.0 and v2.0. It has been tested to work with the Nokia N-Gage and Nokia 6600 phone model.

    标签: application SoundMixer compatible Developer

    上传时间: 2015-06-27


  • Atheros无线芯片AR-6000系列wince 6驱动源代码(这东西我也没用过别问我,我是搜别的wince资源搜到的) AR6K SDIO support. Requires firmware

    Atheros无线芯片AR-6000系列wince 6驱动源代码(这东西我也没用过别问我,我是搜别的wince资源搜到的) AR6K SDIO support. Requires firmware 1.1 on SD13 cards. readme: Atheros Communications AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Embedded CE 6.0 driver installation. 1. Unzip the installation file onto your system (called installation directory below) 2. Create an OS design or open an existing OS design in Platform Builder 6.0. a. The OS must support the SD bus driver and have an SD Host Controller driver (add these from Catalog Items). b. Run image size should be set to allow greater than 32MB. 3. a. From the Project menu select Add Existing Subproject... b. select AR6K_DRV.pbxml c. select open This should create a subproject within your OS Design project for the AR6K_DRV driver. 4. Build the solution. 转自Tony嵌入式,原文地址:http://www.cevx.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=4&ID=11762&page=1

    标签: wince Requires firmware Atheros

    上传时间: 2014-11-11


  • Atheros Communications AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on

    Atheros Communications AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Embedded CE 6.0 driver installation. 1. Unzip the installation file onto your system (called installation directory below) 2. Create an OS design or open an existing OS design in Platform Builder 6.0. a. The OS must support the SD bus driver and have an SD Host Controller driver (add these from Catalog Items). b. Run image size should be set to allow greater than 32MB. 3. a. From the Project menu select Add Existing Subproject... b. select AR6K_DRV.pbxml c. select open This should create a subproject within your OS Design project for the AR6K_DRV driver. 4. Build the solution.

    标签: Communications installation Atheros Driver

    上传时间: 2016-10-27


  • AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Em

    AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Embedded CE 6.0 driver installation. 1. Unzip the installation file onto your system (called installation directory below) 2. Create an OS design or open an existing OS design in Platform Builder 6.0. a. The OS must support the SD bus driver and have an SD Host Controller driver (add these from Catalog Items). b. Run image size should be set to allow greater than 32MB. 3. a. From the Project menu select Add Existing Subproject... b. select AR6K_DRV.pbxml c. select open This should create a subproject within your OS Design project for the AR6K_DRV driver. 4. Build the solution.

    标签: installation Windows Driver March

    上传时间: 2014-09-06


  • This document provides guidelines and describes how to easily port S60 2nd Edition C++ application

    This document provides guidelines and describes how to easily port S60 2nd Edition C++ applications to S60 3rd Edition. The document has been written based on experiences of porting regular S60 2nd Edition applications, such as the S60 Platform: POP/IMAP Example [4] that can be downloaded from Forum Nokia. Code snippets from the example are shown in Chapter 8, “Application build changes,” and in Appendix A, “Code example." In addition, Appendix B, "Commonly used functions that require capabilities," and Appendix C, "Commonly used interfaces that have been changed or removed," provide useful information on some frequently used functions and interfaces in third-party applications.

    标签: application guidelines describes document

    上传时间: 2017-01-29


  • IBM的smart client 开发环境讲座

    IBM的smart client 开发环境讲座, Smart Client development with the Eclipse Rich Client Platform

    标签: client smart IBM 开发环境

    上传时间: 2017-04-28


  • StarShip Battle 2004 game The Developing Mobile Phone Applications With J2ME Technology course provi

    StarShip Battle 2004 game The Developing Mobile Phone Applications With J2ME Technology course provides students with hands-on experience with developing mobile applications on the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME platform) using Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and the Mobile Interface Device Profile (MIDP). The course provides information about MIDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0 specifications, concepts, and capabilities.

    标签: Applications Developing Technology StarShip

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • ap6255驱动

    ap6255驱动ap6255是一款支持蓝牙BT4.2+WiFi支持11ac双频的蓝牙11ac双频WiFi二合一模块,采用博通BCM43455方案,支持Win10/Android操作系统;ap6255无线模块符合IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n/ac标准,能在802.11ac单流下实现433.3Mbps的速率连接到无线局域网。综合mODULE提供了用于蓝牙的wifi、UART/PCM接口的SDIO接口。该紧凑模块是WiFi+BT技术的组合的总解决方案。本模块专为智能手机和便携式设备开发。AP6255特性:IEEE802.11a/b/g/n/ac双频虚拟同步双频无线电单流空间复用高达433.3 mbps的数据速率支持20,40,80兆赫频道的可选SGI(256 QAM调制)带集成Class1PA和低能量(BLE)支持的蓝牙v4.0+EDR并发蓝牙和WLAN操作单天线同时接收BT/WLAN支持标准SDIOV3.0,并与SDIOv2.0主机接口向后兼容:SDIOV3.0(4位)-在SDR104模式下最高可达208MHz时钟速率BT主机数字接口:-UART(高达4 Mbps)成的模具解决方案ECI-增强的共存支持、协调WLAN接收的BTSCO传输的能力

    标签: ap6255 驱动 蓝牙

    上传时间: 2022-05-20


  • VIP专区-单片机源代码精选合集系列(11)

    eeworm.com VIP专区 单片机源码系列 11资源包含以下内容:1. 单片机温度测量与报警系统设计报告.doc2. 吐血整理msp430实用程序.doc3. G.729在TMS320VC5410源代码.rar4. 51单片机控制超声波加舵机避障.doc5. uPSD3200系列Flash可编程系统器件.pdf6. TMS320C5402与外设(中文).rar7. 单片机PIC16F87XA.pdf8. RX-8025中文资料.pdf9. TMS320C6000以太网视音频设备网络参数设置.rar10. HC-SR04超声波测距模块.pdf11. ME-3200单片机仿真器手册.pdf12. TMS320VC5402 EVM技术资料.rar13. 4WD小车制作笔记.docx14. 多CPU在自动识别控制系统中的应用.doc15. AT89C2051六位数字钟配套资料.rar16. 经典汇编语言教程.doc17. 威伦通触摸屏同51单片机通讯.rar18. HMC5883L测试程序.doc19. MMA7361加速度倾角模块.rar20. 单片机串口通信—发送数据.doc21. 基于单片机16x16点阵.rar22. 匠人手记:一个单片机工作者的实践与思考.pdf23. 基于单片机超声波的防盗窗设计.rar24. 基于单片机8×8LED点阵模拟电梯.rar25. STM32的几种烧写方法.pdf26. 基于单片机用24C04与1602LCD设计电子密码锁.rar27. PSpice仿真分析类型简介.doc28. 基于单片机160128液晶显示当前压力.rar29. smartcosv3.3用户手册.pdf30. 基于单片机100000秒以内的计时程序.rar31. 基于单片机报警器与旋转灯.rar32. 基于MSP430和MBUS的标准远传抄表系统设计.pdf33. 基于单片机12864LCD设计的可调电子钟.rar34. 基于51单片机简易电子琴.doc35. 学习情景一 单片机知识概述.doc36. 程序烧写教程.pdf37. 新型键盘扫描程序.doc38. 12864的万年历时钟加上红外遥控的校准.zip39. 宏晶STC90C58AD系列单片机手册.pdf40. 基于MSP430单片机的天线方向图自动测试系统.zip41. 单片机输出控制电路的制作.rar42. 基于51单片机的贪吃蛇游戏.pdf43. 基于Python的Android应用GUI的开发.zip44. C51单片机数字温度计设计制作.ppt45. RA8875_TFT控制器规格书(中文版).pdf46. 基于MC9S12单片机的智能车数据远程传输系统.zip47. 基于AT89C51的十字路口智能交通灯.rar48. 单片机整体电路图.doc49. keil C51中嵌入式汇编以及C51与A51间的相互调用.pdf50. 基于AT89C51的密码锁.rar51. WEINVIEW Modbus功能码测试.pdf52. 两个单片机串行通讯与仿真.doc53. LCD5110_Basic.rar54. 宏指令使用手册.pdf55. 基于单片机的电热水器控制系统设计.doc56. C51单片机与智能机器人.pdf57. 基于单片机的超声波汽车报警系统的设计.zip58. [新思科电子]USB-TTL客户资料包-STC单片机烧录系列.rar59. 飞思卡尔单片机C语言编程(中文).pdf60. 基于AT89S52的GSM安防系统.rar61. 凌阳16位单片机应用基础.rar62. ADC0832电压表.doc63. KEIL程序调试窗口.pdf64. STM8S实验 ASM源程序.rar65. 基于STC89C52的电感、电容、频率测量表.pdf66. 基于单片机酒精浓度测试毕业论文.doc67. OV7670模组带转接板资料.rar68. 基于过程的单片机多任务程序结构及实现方法.pdf69. [Visual.C.Turbo.C串口通讯编程实践].龚建伟&熊光明.扫描版.pdf70. 手把手教你使用TI MSP430 LaunchPad.pdf71. 基于51单片机的低频信号发生器(C语言).pdf72. AT89C2051宾馆客房电器综合控制源程序.doc73. STM8S105S4程序.rar74. proteus仿真数码管显示拨码开关编码.rar75. ABOV 半导体有限公司8位单片机 MC81F4204 中文手册.pdf76. Flash单片机原理及应用.rar77. M-LD3320模块说明手册.pdf78. 51单片机内置EEPROM测试程序.zip79. M-LD3320模块原理图.pdf80. MCS-51单片机的(SFR)特殊功能寄存器.doc81. CMOS数字摄像机内部控制系统设计与实现.pdf82. 基于单片机的GPS定位系统设计.doc83. GPS全球定位系统仿真(基于PIC).doc84. MCS-51定时器计数器在出租车计价器中的应用.rar85. 红外光电报警器电路设计制作论文.doc86. 决定系统时钟频率的寄存器.doc87. 《爱上单片机》配书光盘.rar88. 51单片机C语言学习杂记.pdf89. 基于C8O51F04O单片机的温度遥测遥控系统.doc90. 液晶时钟程序及仿真图.zip91. 自制单片机开发板全过程(傻瓜式教程).pdf92. 单片机实现5v电压ad转换.doc93. 无线窗帘开关控制系统设计.doc94. MSP430系列16位超低功耗单片机原理与应用.pdf95. 3D光立方毕业设计.doc96. 交流蜂鸣器音乐播放设计.doc97. SPCE061A英文数据手册v0.8.pdf98. 飞行控制系统.pdf99. 89C52单片机直流电机控制器设计.doc100. 无锡工艺单片机实验指导书.doc

    标签: MATLAB PID 控制 仿真

    上传时间: 2013-05-15
