This the e-book of "programming Visual C++ .Net sixth version" I check others on your website do not contain source codes.
标签: programming version website e-book
上传时间: 2014-01-15
文件名 :test3.c * 文件描述:预测分析法实现的语法分析器。分析如下文法: * E->E+T | E-T | T * T->T*F | T/F |F * F->(E) | i * 输入:每行含一个表达式的文本文件(#号结束)。 * 输出:分析成功或不成功信息。 * 创建人:余洪周 <> 2006-12-16 * 版本号:1.0 * 说明 :为了表示的方便采用了如下的所示表示方法: * A=E B=T * 非终结符:0=E 1=E 2=T 3=T 4=F * 终结符 :0=i 1=+ 2=- 3=* 4=/ 5=( 6=) 7=#
上传时间: 2013-12-21
a good book for c++ beginner. I finish it in 2 days, and the door to c++ world was opened by it. Enjot programming.
标签: beginner finish opened world
上传时间: 2014-01-12
北京大学ACM比赛题目 Write a program to read four lines of upper case (i.e., all CAPITAL LETTERS) text input (no more than 72 characters per line) from the input file and print a vertical histogram that shows how many times each letter (but not blanks, digits, or punctuation) appears in the all-upper-case input. Format your output exactly as shown.
标签: CAPITAL LETTERS program Write
上传时间: 2014-01-17
GPS Manager is a GUI for downloading, organizing, maintaining, and uploading GPS data (i.e. tracks, waypoints, and routes) from various GPS units.
标签: i.e. downloading maintaining organizing
上传时间: 2016-05-18
⑴ 提供简单命令 A、通过串口加载程序到指定内存 B、将程序烧写到 NANDFLASH 指定位置 C、LCD 操作函数 I、画点 II、画线 III、画圆 IV、显示图像 ⑵ bootloader 具备自我更新能力 ⑶ bootloader 可以启动 LINUX ⑷ 能通过网络传输文件(FTP/UDP)
上传时间: 2016-06-18
Let the following relational tables be given: R = (A, B, C) and S = (D, E, F) where A, B, C, D, E, and F are the attributes (columns). Write the SQL statements that will express each of the queries given below:
标签: relational following tables given
上传时间: 2014-01-14
基于verilog HDL的自动售货机控制电路设计: 可以对5种不同种类的货物进行自动售货,价格分别为A=1.00,B=1.50,C=1.80,D=3.10,E=5.00 。售货机可以接受1元,5角,1角三种硬币(即有三种输入信号IY,IWJ,IYJ),并且在一个3位7段LED(二位代表元,一位代表角)显示以投入的总钱数,最大9.90元,如果大于该数值,新投入的硬币会退出,选择货物的输入信号Ia,Ib,Ic,Id,Ie和一个放弃信号In,输出指示信号为 Sa, Sb ,Sc ,Sd, Se 分别表示售出相应的货物,同时输出的信号yuan, jiao代表找零,相应每个脉冲代表找零相应的硬币,上述输入和输出信号均是一个固定宽度的脉冲信号。
上传时间: 2016-07-12
library系统主要实现以下几个功能: a.图书管理 b.读者管理 c.借阅管理 d.信息查询 e.作者信息 功能描述: 图书管理包括新书入库、旧书注销、信息修改。 读者管理包括增加读者、删除读者、信息修改。 借阅管理包括借书管理、还书管理。 信息查询包括图书信息查询、借还记录查询、未还图书查询。 关于作者中,可以看到作者的基本信息。 退出中,询问管理人员是否要退出系统。
上传时间: 2014-01-16
RS232.C was written to provide all of the basic functionality needed to employ serial I/O in any application written with Borland C language compilers. Some features are: 1. Ease of use. No assembly language or library files are used and a simple "#include" statement is all that is required to access all of the functions provided. 2. Both input and output are buffered and interrupt driven for efficiency. 3. Serial ports 1 - 4 are supported on PC, AT and PS/2 compatibles.Chained interrupts used on port 3 and 4 are allowed for so as not to interfere with devices such as a mouse or printer. Transmission speeds of 110 to 115200 baud are available. 4. Detection and utilization of hardware buffered UARTs (NS16550AF etc.) found in some machines is automatic. 5. Interrupt driven hardware and XON/XOFF flow control is provided for. 6. All source code is included. RS232.C can be used with all memory models.
标签: functionality provide written employ
上传时间: 2016-08-24