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  • 2012TI杯陕西赛题B题--频率补偿电路


    标签: 2012 TI 频率补偿电路

    上传时间: 2013-10-07


  • VIPER12A电源方案中文设计指导手册V1.0

    VIPER12A中文设计参考指南,2012年最新版本。轻松实现低待机,低功耗,功率提升12%,效率提升2-3%。成本更低,温升更低! 使用范围:LED驱动电源,充电器,适配器电源,小家电控制板电源等。。。。

    标签: VIPER 1.0 12A 12

    上传时间: 2014-12-21


  • 基于ATmega16L的便携设备电源系统设计


    标签: ATmega 16L 16 便携

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • PSHLY-B回路电阻测试仪


    标签: PSHLY-B 回路 电阻测试仪

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 基于单片机的数字化B超键盘设计

    针对目前使用的RS232接口数字化B超键盘存在PC主机启动时不能设置BIOS,提出一种PS2键盘的设计方法。基于W78E052D单片机,采用8通道串行A/D转换器设计了8个TGC电位器信息采集电路,电位器位置信息以键盘扫描码序列形式发送,正交编码器信号通过XC9536XL转换为单片机可接收的中断信号,软件接收到中断信息后等效处理成按键。结果表明,在满足开机可设置BIOS同时,又可实现超声特有功能,不需要专门设计驱动程序,接口简单,成本低。 Abstract:  Aiming at the problem of the digital ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system keyboard with RS232 interface currently used couldn?蒺t set the BIOS when the PC boot, this paper proposed a design method of PS2 keyboards. Based on W78E052D microcontroller,designed eight TGC potentiometers information acquisition circuit with 8-channel serial A/D converter, potentiometer position information sent out with keyboard scan code sequentially.The control circuit based on XC9536 CPLD is used for converting the mechanical actions of the encoders into the signals that can be identified by the MCU, software received interrupt information and equivalently treatmented as key. The results show that the BIOS can be set to meet the boot, ultrasound specific functionality can be achieved at the same time, it does not require specially designed driver,the interface is simple and low cost.    

    标签: 单片机 B超 数字化 键盘设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 基于C8051F020的通用串口适配器的设计

    介绍了基于单片机C8051F020的通用串口适配器的设计与实现方法,即由单片机控制的智能化一对多口收发信号转换器。通过采用C51对单片机进行编程,控制与RS-232(标准RS-232电平)、RS232(TTL电平)、RS-422接口的数据通信;采用C++ Builder作为开发平台,通过RS-232接口实现上位机对适配器各个通信端口的控制。 Abstract:  Design and realization of a universal serial port adapter based on the MCU C8051F020 are introduced.The adapter is an intelligent one-to-more receiving and transmitting signal converter controlled by the MCU. By programming the MCU with the language C51,MCU control data communication between the MCU and RS-232(RS-232 level),RS-232(TTL level),RS-422 port; Using C++ Builder as the development plane, by one RS232 port, the upper PC can control each of the communication port of the adapter.

    标签: C8051F020 串口适配器

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 基于单DSP的VoIP模拟电话适配器研究与实现

    基于单DSP的VoIP模拟电话适配器研究与实现:提出和实现了一种新颖的基于单个通用数字信号处理器(DSP)的VoIP模拟电话适配器方案。DSP的I/O和存储资源非常有限,通常适于运算密集型应用,不适宜控制密集型应用[5]。该系统高效利用单DSP的I/O和片内外存储器资源,采用μC/OS-II嵌入式实时操作系统,支持SIP和TCP-UDP/IP协议,通过LAN或者宽带接入,使普通电话机成为Internet终端,实现IP电话。该系统软硬件结构紧凑高效,运行稳定,成本低,具有广阔的应用前景。关键词:模拟电话适配器;IP电话;数字信号处理器;μC/OS-II 【Abstract】This paper presents a VoIP ATA solution based on a single digital signal processor (DSP). DSPs are suitable for arithmetic-intensiveapplication and unsuitable for control-intensive application because of the limitation of I/O and memory resources. This solution is based on a 16-bitfixed-point DSP and μC/OS-II embedded real-time operating system. It makes good use of the limited resources, supports SIP and TCP-UDP/IPprotocol. It can connect the analog telephone to Internet and realize the VoIP application. This system has a great future for its high efficiency andlow cost.【Key words】Analog telephone adapter (ATA); Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP); Digital signal processor (DSP); μC/OS-II Research and Implementation of VoIPATA Based on Single DSP

    标签: VoIP DSP 模拟电话 适配器

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • TKS仿真器B系列快速入门


    标签: TKS 仿真器 快速入门

    上传时间: 2013-10-31


  • I2C适配器使用指南—AM2311传感器温度测量

    利用GINKGO I2C 适配器的底层接口函数实现对I2C 设备的读写控制,PC 机与I2C 适配器以USB 的方式进行通信。最后将测量出来的环境温度在PC 机上显示出来。

    标签: 2311 I2C AM 适配器

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • 西门子CP341 CP340 ModbusRTU Adapter 通讯模块适配器 V5.0使用手册

    西门子CP341 CP340 ModbusRTU Adapter 通讯模块适配器是本人经过10多年的酝酿而研发的,应用本模块可以不使用西门子官方的硬件狗,,,,,,

    标签: ModbusRTU Adapter CP 341

    上传时间: 2014-03-03
