// This program demonstrates how to configure the C8051F060 to write to and read // from the UART interface. The program reads a word using the UART0 interrupts // and outputs that word to the screen, with all characters in uppercase
资源简介:// This program demonstrates how to configure the C8051F060 to write to and read // from the UART interface. the program reads a word using the UART0 interrupts // and outputs that word to the screen, with all characters in uppercase
上传时间: 2013-12-23
资源简介:c8051f340 串口 程序This program demonstrates how to configure the C8051F340 to use routines in STDIO.h to write to and read from the UART interface. the program reads a character using the STDIO routine getkey(), outputs that character ...
上传时间: 2013-12-25
资源简介:This program demonstrates how to do disconnected briefcase applications with ADO. When the Connected checkbox is unchecked the application is switched into offline mode. If the application is exited at that point then the data is persisted ...
上传时间: 2015-03-24
资源简介:RTX51 CAN Program for the Infineon C505C, This program demonstrates how to transmit and receive CAN messages using the Infineon C505C Micrcontroller s integrated CAN Controller.
上传时间: 2014-11-27
资源简介:This program demonstrates how to draw lines in a picture box using the GDI, controlling background color and line color. It also includes a simple animation using a timer.
上传时间: 2014-01-16
资源简介:This program is a simple Traffic Light Controller. Between start time and end time the system controls a traffic light with pedestrian self-service. Outside of this time range the yellow caution lamp is blinking.
上传时间: 2016-01-23
资源简介:This file contains routines to write to and read from the I2C bus using the GPIO pins of the CS5530.
上传时间: 2014-01-21
资源简介:This program shows how to configure and use the Pulse Width Modulator of the following microcontrollers: Philips 80C552 Philips 80C554 Philips 83/87C552 Philips 83/87C554 Philips 83/87C557E4 Philips 83/87C557E8
上传时间: 2015-09-26
资源简介:This program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontrollers: Maxim MAX7651 Maxim MAX7652
上传时间: 2015-09-26
资源简介:This program shows how to configure the watchdog timer for the following chips: Atmel 80C51RA2 Atmel 80C51RD2 Atmel 80C54X2 Atmel 80C58X2 Atmel 83/87C51RB2 Atmel 83/87C51RC2 Atmel 83/87C51RD2 Atmel T87C5111 Atmel T87C5112 Atmel ...
上传时间: 2015-09-26
资源简介:AT89S8252, AT89S53 SPI Program, This program shows how to configure and use the SPI in master mode for the following microcontrollers: ATMEL AT89S53 ATMEL AT89S8252
上传时间: 2015-09-26
资源简介:This example program demonstrates how to use the on-chip Comparators of the Philips LPC767/768/769 Devices.
上传时间: 2016-02-09
资源简介:This example demonstrates how to erase, write, and read the on-chip 640-byte EEPROM Data Memory of the Analog Devices ADuC812, ADuC814, ADuC816, and ADuC824 devivces. This example includes a µ Vision2 Project with a target for each sup...
上传时间: 2015-05-04
资源简介:This prj demonstrates how to use the SROM memory classes for the Dallas DS80C400. This example uses the memcpy function to copy a function in the SROM memory class (which is located in CODE memory) to von Neumann mapped XDATA (starting at 0...
上传时间: 2013-12-22
资源简介:This sample demonstrates how to take pictures and videos using the CameraCaptureDialog managed API. If a default filename is used: - if a still picture is taken, the ".jpg" extension is appended to the default filename. (Otherwi...
上传时间: 2013-12-15
资源简介:ppc 下读取电池状态的代码。 This sample demonstrates how to use the State and Notification Broker APIs.
上传时间: 2015-12-17
资源简介:This program demonstrates operation of ADC0 in polled mode. the ADC0 is // configured to use writes to AD0BUSY as its start of conversion source and // to measure the output of the on-chip temperature sensor. the temperature // sensor ou...
上传时间: 2014-01-23
资源简介:This program demonstrates operation of ADC0 in polled mode. the ADC0 is // configured to use writes to AD0BUSY as its start of conversion source and // to measure the output of the on-chip temperature sensor. the temperature // sensor ou...
上传时间: 2014-08-18
资源简介:MIDlet通过蓝牙与电脑通信的案例,This resource demonstrates how to create Java™ applications that use Bluetooth communication between a PC and a mobile device. the document focuses, from Java programming point of view, on how to configur...
上传时间: 2014-01-18
资源简介:On-Line MCMC Bayesian Model Selection This demo demonstrates how to use the sequential Monte Carlo algorithm with reversible jump MCMC steps to perform model selection in neural networks. We treat both the model dimension (number of neur...
上传时间: 2016-04-07
资源简介:This designs demonstrates how to use the Ethernet port using a Nios II system on the DE2 board. It sends packets, and using a loopback Ethernet cable, it ll receive the same packets which are then displayed. It also works if the board is co...
上传时间: 2013-11-27
资源简介:this program show how to get the value of every pixel,and you can modify it based on this case.
上传时间: 2014-12-20
资源简介:This program demonstrates using watchdog timers to invoke deadline handlers. CoordinatorTask sends data to the organizer. OrganizerTask receives data from the coordinatorTask, and resets the coordinatorTask when no data is sent...
上传时间: 2015-09-21
资源简介:This program illustrates how to erase, write, and read FLASH memory from application code written in C . This routine exercises the upper 128- byte FLASH sector.
上传时间: 2013-12-18
资源简介:This title demonstrates how to develop computer programmes which solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. It enables students, scientists and engineers to assemble their own computer programmes to produce numeric...
上传时间: 2014-01-13
资源简介:This code demonstrates how to use installed audio codecs to compress a WAVE file.
上传时间: 2014-01-21
资源简介:This program demonstrates some function approximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Function Network. the user supplies a set of training points which represent some "sample" points for some arbitrary curve. Next, the user specifies the n...
上传时间: 2014-01-01
资源简介:This designs uses a Nios II system to demonstrate how to read from the SD card. the software reads WAV files from the SD card and plays it through the LINE OUT line. Simply put a SD card into the slot on the board and connect some speakers ...
上传时间: 2015-10-26
资源简介:Get up and running with PHP 5, Apache, and MySQL with ease. This guide demonstrates how to display dynamic content, build your own contact management system, create custom reports, work with XML, and much more
上传时间: 2013-12-30
资源简介:This program demonstrates basic functionality of the USART.
上传时间: 2016-03-26