the free lattice Boltzmann code anb ,一段lattice Boltzmann Method程序源码
资源简介:the free lattice Boltzmann code anb ,一段lattice Boltzmann Method程序源码
上传时间: 2014-12-20
资源简介:lattice Boltzmann code
上传时间: 2014-01-14
资源简介:This a very simple Yee algorithm 3D FDTD code in C implementing the free space form of Maxwell s equations on a Cartesian grid. There are no internal materials or geometry. The code as delivered simulates an idealized rectangular waveguide ...
上传时间: 2015-05-14
资源简介:4. If a modified source code is distributed, the original unmodified -- source code must also be included (or a link to the free IP web -- site). In the modified source code there must be clear -- identification of the modified version.
上传时间: 2013-12-14
资源简介:Refactoring Improving the Design of Existing code
上传时间: 2013-12-25
资源简介:The purpose of this code is to demonstrate how to utilize EZUSB FX GPIF interface.
上传时间: 2015-02-01
资源简介:经典好书Refactoring Improving the Design of Existing code
上传时间: 2013-12-20
资源简介:The MATLAB and Praat code files for performing voice conversion. By: Matthew Hutchinson
上传时间: 2015-06-04
资源简介:learning the kalman filter (Matlab code)
上传时间: 2015-06-07
资源简介:通用存储器VHDL代码库,The free IP Project VHDL free-FIFO, Quartus standard library.
上传时间: 2013-12-12
资源简介:Structure the sources so that the compression and decompression code form a library usable by any program, and write both gzip and zip on top of this library. This would ideally be a reentrant (thread safe) library, but this would deg...
上传时间: 2015-08-06
资源简介:C Programming for Microcontrollers : Featuring ATMEL’s AVR Butterfly and the free WinAVR Compiler : Joe Pardue
上传时间: 2014-01-01
资源简介:This the README for the Eclipse Plug-in distribution of the Jalopy Java Source code Formatter.
上传时间: 2015-09-03
资源简介:the open vpn source code in linux
上传时间: 2014-01-21
资源简介:Calculates photonic band structure for either the bcc lattice of dielectric spheres of dielectric constant epsilon_a in a dielectric background of dielectric constant epsilon_b.
上传时间: 2015-10-08
资源简介:lattice Boltzmann 程序,使用D2Q9模型,模拟流体在多孔介质中的渗流。
上传时间: 2014-02-17
资源简介:The purpose of this code is to assist developers get some good ideas for how to build a PayPal shopping cart. It is your job as a developer to ensure that any code provided meets your needs.
上传时间: 2013-12-21
资源简介:The free Finite Element Package is a library which contains numerical methods required when working with finite elements. The goal of FFEP is to provide basic functions for approximating the solution of elliptic and parabolic PDEs in 2D.
上传时间: 2014-09-05
资源简介:This is the free RTOS on PIC24.
上传时间: 2013-12-14
资源简介:SWDiet3D is a port to SuperWaba of the Diet3D, the free 3D engine for J2ME mobiles, written by Philippe Coval.
上传时间: 2015-12-15
资源简介:Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing code 中文版 《重构》 PDF,繁体中文(大陆术语),侯捷,不全,是前6章
上传时间: 2016-01-12
资源简介:matlab雨流算法。The rain flow algorithm code has been prepared according to the ASTM standard (Standard practices for cycle counting in fatigue analysis) and optimized considering the calculation time.
上传时间: 2016-02-07
资源简介:this a sample about the VGA COLORBAR,the function of this code is show eight different colour in VGA,it s default installation is D:\RedLogic\RCII_samples, and the software environment is quatrusII 5.0,it is usefull for studying hardware.
上传时间: 2016-03-12
资源简介:this a sample about the VGA BLUE,the function of this code is show blue in VGA,it s default installation is D:\RedLogic\RCII_samples, and the software environment is quatrusII 5.0,it is usefull for studying hardware.
上传时间: 2014-01-03
资源简介:最新的AMR源代码. the newest AMR source code
上传时间: 2016-04-12
资源简介:Working with the 6713 DSK Basic code
上传时间: 2014-01-16
资源简介:The PMSM FOC is made of several C modules, compatible with the free-of-charge IAR EWARM KickStart edition toolchain version 4.42. It is used to quickly evaluate both the MCU and the available tools. In addition, when used together with th...
上传时间: 2014-01-09
资源简介:重构-改善既有代码的设计(中文版) 原书名: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing code 原出版社: 作者: (美)福勒 著;侯捷 熊节 译
上传时间: 2013-12-26
资源简介:Sharemem replacement for Delphi. Fast, free and OpenSource, code is very small!!! now, Say goodbye to Sharemem and borlndmm.dll.
上传时间: 2013-12-26
资源简介:The purpose of this code is to demonstrate how to get started using the GPIFTool utility in EZUSB FX2 GPIF applications
上传时间: 2016-10-10