Graphically Assisted Programming Interface
资源简介:Graphically Assisted Programming Interface
上传时间: 2017-06-06
资源简介:The Linux Programming Interface - A Linux and UNIX System
上传时间: 2013-11-10
资源简介:Controller Area Network Programming Interface Environment Ver0.8。 CanPie版本0.8. CAN总线通讯编程接口源代码。
上传时间: 2015-04-07
资源简介:scsi接口编程的汇编代码1-This sample code provides examples of how to use the ASPI Programming Interface.
上传时间: 2015-04-27
资源简介:scsi接口编程的汇编代码2.rar-This sample code provides examples of how to use the ASPI Programming Interface.
上传时间: 2015-04-27
资源简介:It is about C++ Network Programming(Socket Application Programming Interface).If you listen this lesson, you must get this program!
上传时间: 2015-05-20
资源简介:The Audio File Library provides a uniform Programming Interface to standard digital audio file formats. This library allows the processing of audio data to and from audio files of many common formats (currently AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, NeXT...
上传时间: 2014-12-06
资源简介:Application Programming Interface routines - based loosely on the "socket" model in Berkeley UNIX
上传时间: 2015-11-23
资源简介:The Microsoft® Cryptographic Application Programming Interface (CryptoAPI) provides services that enable application developers to add authentication, encoding, and encryption to their Microsoft Win32® -based applications. Application...
上传时间: 2013-12-27
资源简介:Matlab Programming Interface with the dsp and VC + MATLAB7 C Shared Library。
上传时间: 2016-01-27
资源简介:TMS320C6000 DSPBIOS 5.32 Application Programming Interface (API) Ref Guide
上传时间: 2014-06-13
资源简介:TMS320C6000 DSP_BIOS 4.90 Application Programming Interface
上传时间: 2016-09-03
资源简介:tapi实现的自动拨号程序。 TAPI(Telphony Application Programming Interface)可以称作电话编程接口,它是微软提供的计算机和电话网相联系的编程接口,使程序员可以利用这个接口通过电话线使用多种计算机复杂的通讯工作。TAPI能提供的功能主要有:自动拨号...
上传时间: 2014-12-03
资源简介:Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
上传时间: 2016-10-12
资源简介:Java Card™ 2.2 Application Programming Interface
上传时间: 2014-01-01
资源简介:Master the essentials of concurrent Programming,including testing and debugging This textbook examines languages and libraries for multithreaded Programming. Readers learn how to create threads in Java and C++, and develop essential conc...
上传时间: 2013-12-20
资源简介:The C500 microcontroller family usually provides only one on-chip synchronous serialchannel (SSC). If a second SSC is required, an emulation of the missing Interface mayhelp to avoid an external hardware solution with additional electronic ...
上传时间: 2014-01-31
资源简介:很多不同的厂家生产各种型号的计算机,它们运行完全不同的操作系统,但TCP.IP协议族允许它们互相进行通信。这一点很让人感到吃惊,因为它的作用已远远超出了起初的设想。T C P / I P起源于6 0年代末美国政府资助的一个分组交换网络研究项目,到9 0年代已发展...
上传时间: 2013-11-13
资源简介:本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯一方法。然而,无论最...
上传时间: 2014-11-29
资源简介:Have you ever wanted to copy a file from your Desktop Computer to your handheld Pocket PC? This included any Windows CE version too? Well if so, I will present an easy way to do it here: It s called the Remote Application Programming Interf...
上传时间: 2013-12-24
资源简介:本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程式写作的方法。这些程式用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。如在本章稍後所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程式的唯一方法。然而,无论最...
上传时间: 2013-12-09
资源简介:本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯一方法。然而,无论最...
上传时间: 2014-07-16
资源简介:THIS is really two books in one: a tutorial and a reference manual for JDBC, the application Programming Interface that makes it possible for programmers to access databases from Java. The goal is to be useful to a wide range of readers, fr...
上传时间: 2015-08-04
资源简介:JDiff is a Javadoc doclet which generates an HTML report of all the packages, classes, constructors, methods, and fields which have been removed, added or changed in any way, including their documentation, when two APIs are compared. This i...
上传时间: 2015-09-06
资源简介:本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。
上传时间: 2015-10-08
资源简介:SVMmulticlass: Multi-class classification. Learns to predict one of k mutually exclusive classes. This is probably the simplest possible instance of SVMstruct and serves as a tutorial example of how to use the Programming Interface.
上传时间: 2013-12-26
资源简介:A rich edit control is a window in which the user can enter and edit text. The text can be assigned character and paragraph formatting, and can include embedded OLE objects. Rich edit controls provide a Programming Interface for formatting ...
上传时间: 2013-12-06
资源简介:本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯一方法。然而,无论最...
上传时间: 2013-12-06
资源简介:Wiley出版,共20章,大小为12M 1.Introduction to the Series 60 Platform 2.Overview of the Series 60 Platform 3.Design Patterns for Application Development 4.Software Development on the Series 60 Platform 5.Platform Architecture 6.User-...
上传时间: 2013-12-23
资源简介:本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯一方法。然而,无论最...
上传时间: 2014-12-04