An Arduino core for the ATmega328, ATmega168, ATmega88, ATmega48 and ATmega8, all running a [custom version of Optiboot for increased functionality](#write-to-own-flash). This core requires at least Arduino IDE v1.6.2, where v1.8.5+ is recommended. <br/>
**This core gives you two extra IO pins if you're using the internal oscillator!** PB6 and PB7 is mapped to [Arduino pin 20 and 21](#pinout).<br/>
If you're into "generic" AVR programming, I'm happy to tell you that all relevant keywords are being highlighted by the IDE through a separate keywords file. Make sure to test the [example files]( (File > Examples > AVR C code examples). Try writing a register name, <i>DDRB</i> for instance, and see for yourself!
资源简介:MiniCore为一个加法器的最小结构,含有移位RAM 和调试的TB 程序等。
上传时间: 2017-01-04
资源简介:这是一个由得到的命令(地址)从RAM 中读取命令并送入一个名为FUNREG的寄存器的代码,和前面的MiniCore 可以衔接,属于mikroprogrammbar steuerwerk(可编程的控制器) 与FSM (有限状态机)构成的控制器相对
上传时间: 2017-02-08
资源简介:cpu设计实例mips。MIPSI指令集32位CPU(1)MiniCore设计实例全32位操作,32个32位通用寄存器,所有指令和地址全为32位 (2)静态流水线(3~5级) (3)Forwarding技术 (4)片内L1 Cache,指令、数据各4KByte,硬件初始化 (5)没有TLB,但系统控制协处...
上传时间: 2013-12-02
资源简介:An Arduino core for the ATmega328, ATmega168, ATmega88, ATmega48 and ATmega8, all running a [custom version of Optiboot for increased functionality](#write-to-own-flash). This core requires at least Arduino IDE v1.6.2, where v1.8.5+ is reco...
上传时间: 2021-02-22