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NVIDIA Jetson系列之“TX2系列上电自启动”


本文主要介绍TX2模组及载板的上电自启动。TX2系列模组不同的版本,对上电自启动的支持也不一样,大家在实际应用中一定要搞清楚所使用的模组及载板的版本,模组包括TX2、TX2 4GB、TX2i等版本,以及早期的TX1;官方载板主流的至少包括B02、B04、C02等版本。


在第一版的《OEM Product Design Guide 20170501》中是这么描述的:

Jetson TX2模组支持自动开机。允许载板在VDD_IN上电时自动上电而不需要等待电源按钮按下。为了使能该功能,CHARGER_PRSNT#引脚需要接GND。

为了保证在没有电源按钮的情况下系统上电时序还能满足,CHARGER_PRSNT#引脚连接到Jetson TX2 PMIC,需要VDD_IN电压达到其最低电压(5.5V)之后至少延时300ms,CHARGER_PRSNT#引脚才能拉低。为了满足此要求文档还提供了如下三种方式:
  • Microcontroller: Recommended if a microcontroller is already being used to control power-on.

  • Supervisor IC: Using a supervisor IC and related discrete devices to meet the sequencing requirements.

  • Discrete Circuit: Circuit using only discrete devices to meet the sequencing requirements.


  • After the microcontroller is out of reset wait 300ms before driving CHARGER_PRSNT# low or pulsing POWER_BTN# low

  • If the POWER_BTN# pin is used, it should be held low for a time period between 50ms & 5sec.

  • If the CHARGER_PRSNT# pin is used, it should be held low for >200us



在最新版的《OEM Product Design Guide 20190606》中是这么描述的:
Jetson模块支持自动开机。允许载板在VDD_IN上电时自动上电而不需要等待电源按钮按下。但由于模块设计的不同,Jetson TX2/TX2 4GB和Jetson TX2i支持的机制也不一样。
  • 对于Jetson TX2/TX2 4GB,为了使能该功能,CHARGER_PRSNT#引脚需要接GND。时序和第一版描述的一致。

  • 对于Jetson TX2i,它使用了不同的PMIC(并且没有TX2 4GB上的电路以使其与TX2兼容),POWER_BTN#引脚需要拉高。TX2i的PMIC内部有一个对电平敏感的输入信号,因此当VDD_IN有效后,需要拉高POWER_BTN#引脚,但由于该引脚在模组上已经上拉了,因此上电自启时只需将该引脚悬空即可。

针对底板,B02、B04、C02也有区别,B02和B04是针对TX2模组的,而C02是为了兼容TX2i和TX2 4GB模组。
The main differences between B02 & B04 are:
  • Red LED (CR5) added to indicate main power source is active/connected.

  • Red LED (CR6) added to indicate 12V supply to PCIe & SATA connectors is active.

  • Various minor circuit changes to improve power-on reliability.

The main changes of C02 compared to B04 are:
  • Added Power-on mechanism selection strapping pin – MOD_PWR_CFG_ID at RSVD module pin B49. Jetson TX2 and Jetson TX2 4GB/TX2i have different Power Management ICs (PMICs) which have different power-on requirements. Jetson TX2 4GB has logic to make it compatible with Jetson TX2. The MOD_PWR_CFG_ID pin is pulled high on the carrier board and strapped either low (TX2i) or left unconnected (TX2/TX2 4GB)

  • Added SYS_WAKE# signal at RSVD module pin 848. This is only supported on Jetson TX2i.

  • 2-pin headers for Reset (J3), Power (J6), Force Recovery (J9) and Force Power Off (J9) are replaced with a single 10-pin header (J20).

  • Power LED header moved near one end of the JTAG header (J7).

  • SATA connector changed to Right Angle type to avoid possible conflict with PCIe card.

  • The Auto-Power-On option designed into the Jetson TX2 module will not work with the C02 carrier board due to the power-on type control circuitry. See Appendix: P2597_C02 Auto-Power-On Rework for instructions for modifying P2597_C02 boards to support Auto-Power-On.

当Jetson TX2i与C02载板一起使用时,只需按下电源按钮即可上电(和Jetson TX2/TX2 4GB配合B02/B04载板上电方式相同)。当Jetson TX2i安装在B02/B04载板上时,由于TX2i模块上的PMIC不同,系统将在VDD_IN接通后立即上电,因为TX2i模组的输入是基于电平的而不是脉冲。如果按下电源按钮,模组和系统将断电。电源按钮不能用于将系统置于睡眠模式。


  1. Install 0 Ohm, 0402 resistor at R313. Asserts ACOK to allow Jetson TX2 or Jetson TX2 4GB to Auto-Power-On.

  2. Move R501, 10k, 0402, resistor to R287. Enables the VDD_IN supply to the module connector as soon as the power is applied (disables hot-plug protection)

  3. Remove R383. Disables the ON control from the pushbutton Micro-Controller

  4. Remove R384. Removes the VDD_IN Bleeder resistor to keep this from consuming power during normal operation.

  5. Add wire across Q47 pin 2 and 3. Force Button Micro-Controller in Mobile PMIC Mode (allows Jetson TX2i to function as if it were in a P2597_B04 carrier board – will boot when power is attached without button press)

